using Galactic_Colors_Control_Common; using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Text; namespace Galactic_Colors_Control_Server { class Utilities { /// /// Check if socket is connect /// /// Client socket public static bool IsConnect(Socket soc) { if(soc == null) { return true; } else { if (Program.clients.ContainsKey(soc)) { return Program.clients[soc].status != -1; } else { Logger.Write("IsConnect : Unknown client", Logger.logType.error); return true; } } } /// /// Return username from socket /// /// Cleint socket /// Name public static string GetName(Socket soc) { if (soc != null) { if (Program.clients.ContainsKey(soc)) { string res = Program.clients[soc].pseudo; if (res == "") { res = ((IPEndPoint)soc.LocalEndPoint).Address.ToString(); } return res; } else { return "?"; } } else { return "Server"; } } /// /// Write line in console with correct colors /// /// Text to write /// Foreground color /// Background color public static void ConsoleWrite(string v, ConsoleColor Fore = ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor Back = ConsoleColor.Black) { Console.Write("\b"); Console.ForegroundColor = Fore; Console.BackgroundColor = Back; Console.WriteLine(v); ConsoleResetColor(); Console.Write(">"); } /// /// Reset Console Colors /// For non black background console as Ubuntu /// public static void ConsoleResetColor() { Console.ResetColor(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; } /// /// Send data to specified socket /// /// Target socket /// Data to send /// Type of data public static void Send(Socket soc, object data, Common.dataType dtype) { /* Format: 0-3: dataType 4-x: data */ byte[] type = new byte[4]; type = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)dtype); byte[] bytes = null; switch (dtype) { case Common.dataType.message: bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((string)data); break; case BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { bf.Serialize(ms, data); bytes = ms.ToArray(); } break; default: bytes = new byte[] { 1 }; break; } byte[] final = new byte[type.Length + bytes.Length]; type.CopyTo(final, 0); bytes.CopyTo(final, type.Length); soc.Send(final); } /// /// Send data to all clients /// /// Data to send /// Type of data public static void Broadcast(object data, Common.dataType dtype) { foreach (Socket soc in Program.clients.Keys) { Send(soc, data, dtype); } if (dtype == Common.dataType.message) { ConsoleWrite((string)data); } } /// /// Send data to all client of the party /// /// Data to send /// Type of data /// Id of the party public static void BroadcastParty(object data, Common.dataType dtype, int party) { foreach(Socket soc in Program.clients.Keys) { if (Program.clients[soc].partyID == party) { Send(soc, data, dtype); } } if (dtype == Common.dataType.message) { if (Program.selectedParty == party) { ConsoleWrite((string)data); } } } /// /// Send or display if server /// /// Text to send /// Target socket /// Is server? public static void Return(string message, Socket soc = null, bool server = false) { if (server) { ConsoleWrite(message); } else { Send(soc, message, Common.dataType.message); } } /// /// Try get party of the socket /// /// Result party ID /// Return true only for owner and server /// Target socket /// Is server? /// Can access? public static bool AccessParty(ref int partyId, bool needOwn, Socket soc = null, bool server = false) { if (server) { if(Program.selectedParty != -1) { if (Program.parties.ContainsKey(Program.selectedParty)) { partyId = Program.selectedParty; return true; } else { Logger.Write("Can't find party " + Program.selectedParty, Logger.logType.error); Program.selectedParty = -1; return false; } } else { ConsoleWrite("Join a party before"); return false; } } else { if(Program.clients[soc].partyID != -1) { if (Program.parties.ContainsKey(Program.clients[soc].partyID)) { if (Program.parties[Program.clients[soc].partyID].IsOwner(GetName(soc)) || !needOwn) { partyId = Program.clients[soc].partyID; return true; } else { Send(soc, "You are not owner", Common.dataType.message); return false; } } else { Send(soc, "Can't find party " + Program.clients[soc].partyID, Common.dataType.message); Program.clients[soc].partyID = -1; return false; } } else { Send(soc, "Join a party before", Common.dataType.message); return false; } } } } }