using Galactic_Colors_Control_Common; using Galactic_Colors_Control_Common.Protocol; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; namespace Galactic_Colors_Control_Server { internal class Program { private const int BUFFER_SIZE = 2048; private static readonly Socket serverSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); public static bool _debug = false; public static bool _dev = false; public static bool _run = true; public static bool _open = true; private static readonly byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; public static Dictionary clients { get; private set; } = new Dictionary(); private static int partyID = 0; public static Dictionary parties { get; private set; } = new Dictionary(); public static int selectedParty = -1; //TODO add multilang public static Config config = new Config(); public static Logger logger = new Logger(); public static Thread CheckConnected = new Thread(CheckConnectedLoop); /// /// Server Main thread /// private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Galactic Colors Control Server"; logger.Write("Galactic Colors Control Server " + Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(), Logger.logType.fatal); if (args.Length > 0) { switch (args[0]) { case "--debug": _debug = true; logger.Write("SERVER IS IN DEBUG MODE !", Logger.logType.error,; break; case "--dev": _dev = true; logger.Write("SERVER IS IN DEV MODE !", Logger.logType.error,; break; default: Common.ConsoleWrite("Use --debug or --dev"); break; } } if (Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null) { logger.Write("Using Mono", Logger.logType.warm,; } Console.Write(">"); SetupServer(); ConsoleLoop(); CloseAllSockets(); } /// /// Initialise server and start threads. /// private static void SetupServer() { config = config.Load(); logger.Initialise(config.logPath, config.logBackColor, config.logForeColor, config.logLevel); Commands.Manager.Load(); logger.Write("Setting up server on *:" + config.port, Logger.logType.warm); logger.Write("Size:" + config.size, Logger.logType.debug); serverSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, config.port)); serverSocket.Listen(0); serverSocket.BeginAccept(AcceptCallback, null); CheckConnected.Start(); logger.Write("Server setup complete",; } /// /// Wait console commands and execute them. /// private static void ConsoleLoop() { while (_run) { string ConsoleInput = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write(">"); string[] args = Common.SplitArgs(ConsoleInput); Common.ConsoleWrite(new ResultData(-1, Commands.Manager.Execute(args, null, true)).ToSmallString()); ConsoleInput = null; } } /// /// Close all connected client. /// private static void CloseAllSockets() { logger.Write("Stoping server", Logger.logType.warm,; Utilities.Broadcast(new EventData(EventTypes.ServerKick, Common.Strings("Close"))); config.Save(); foreach (Socket socket in clients.Keys) { socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); logger.Write("Shutdown " + Utilities.GetName(socket), Logger.logType.debug); } serverSocket.Close(); CheckConnected.Join(2000); logger.Write("Server stoped",; logger.Join(); } /// /// Wait a client and check if is correct /// private static void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult AR) { Socket socket; try { socket = serverSocket.EndAccept(AR); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { return; } if (_open) { if (clients.Count < config.size) { AddClient(socket); } else { logger.Write("Client can't join from " + ((IPEndPoint)socket.LocalEndPoint).Address.ToString() + " no more space", Logger.logType.warm); Utilities.Send(socket, new EventData(EventTypes.ServerKick, Common.Strings("Space"))); socket.Close(); } } else { logger.Write("Client can't join from " + ((IPEndPoint)socket.LocalEndPoint).Address.ToString() + " server closed",; Utilities.Send(socket, new EventData(EventTypes.ServerKick, Common.Strings("Close"))); socket.Close(); } serverSocket.BeginAccept(AcceptCallback, null); } /// /// Add client and initialise receive /// private static void AddClient(Socket socket) { Client client = new Client(); clients.Add(socket, client); socket.BeginReceive(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE, SocketFlags.None, ReceiveCallback, socket); logger.Write("Client connection from " + Utilities.GetName(socket),; logger.Write("Size: " + clients.Count + "/" + config.size,; if (clients.Count >= config.size) { logger.Write("Server full", Logger.logType.warm,; } } /// /// Wait a client commands and execute them /// private static void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult AR) { Socket current = (Socket)AR.AsyncState; int received; try { received = current.EndReceive(AR); } catch (SocketException) { logger.Write("Client forcefully disconnected from " + Utilities.GetName(current) + " : SocketException",; string username = Utilities.GetName(current); bool connected = clients[current].status != -1; logger.Write("Size: " + clients.Count + "/" + config.size, Logger.logType.debug); current.Close(); // Don't shutdown because the socket may be disposed and its disconnected anyway. clients.Remove(current); if (connected) { Utilities.Broadcast(new EventData(EventTypes.ServerLeave, Common.Strings(username))); } return; } var data = new byte[received]; Array.Copy(buffer, data, received); Data packet = Data.FromBytes(ref data); if (packet != null) { switch (packet.GetType().Name) { case "RequestData": RequestData req = (RequestData)packet; Utilities.Send(current, new ResultData(, Commands.Manager.Execute(req.args, current))); break; default: logger.Write("Wrong packet from " + Utilities.GetName(current), Logger.logType.error); break; } } else { logger.Write("Wrong packet from " + Utilities.GetName(current), Logger.logType.error); } if (clients.ContainsKey(current)) { current.BeginReceive(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE, SocketFlags.None, ReceiveCallback, current); } } private static void CheckConnectedLoop() { while (_run) { foreach (Socket current in clients.Keys.ToArray()) { if ((current.Poll(10, SelectMode.SelectRead) && current.Available == 0) || !current.Connected) { string username = Utilities.GetName(current); logger.Write("Client forcefully disconnected from " + username + " : NotConnected",; bool connected = clients[current].status != -1; logger.Write("Size: " + clients.Count + "/" + config.size, Logger.logType.debug); current.Close(); // Don't shutdown because the socket may be disposed and its disconnected anyway. clients.Remove(current); if (connected) { Utilities.Broadcast(new EventData(EventTypes.ServerLeave, Common.Strings(username))); } } Thread.Sleep(200); } } } /// /// Add new party with index /// /// Party to add public static void AddParty(Party party) { parties.Add(GetPartyID(), party); } public static int GetPartyID(bool indent = true) { if (indent) { partyID++; } return partyID; } } }