using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using Galactic_Colors_Control_Common; namespace Galactic_Colors_Control_Server.Commands { public class ConnectCommand : ICommand { public string Name { get { return "connect"; } } public string DescText { get { return "Gets an username."; } } public string HelpText { get { return "Use /connect [username] to start identification"; } } public Manager.CommandGroup Group { get { return Manager.CommandGroup.root; } } public bool IsServer { get { return false; } } public bool IsClient { get { return true; } } public bool IsClientSide { get { return false; } } public bool IsNoConnect { get { return true; } } public int minArgs { get { return 1; } } public int maxArgs { get { return 1; } } public void Execute(string[] args, Socket soc, bool server = false) { if (!Utilities.IsConnect(soc)) { Logger.Write("Identifiaction request from " + Utilities.GetName(soc), Logger.logType.debug); bool allreadyconnected = false; foreach(Client client in Program.clients.Values) { if(client.pseudo == args[1]) { allreadyconnected = true; break; } } if (!allreadyconnected) { Program.clients[soc].status = 0; //args[1] = args[1][0].ToString().ToUpper()[0] + args[1].Substring(1); Program.clients[soc].pseudo = args[1]; Utilities.Send(soc, "/connected", Common.dataType.message); Utilities.Broadcast(args[1] + " joined the server", Common.dataType.message); Logger.Write("Identified as " + Utilities.GetName(soc) + " form " + ((IPEndPoint)soc.LocalEndPoint).Address.ToString(),; } else { Utilities.Send(soc, "/allreadytaken", Common.dataType.message); } } else { Utilities.Send(soc, "You are allready " + Utilities.GetName(soc), Common.dataType.message); } } } }