#Sheychen 2017 #CC BY import itertools class CommandTree: def __init__(self): self.commands = {} self.options = {} def addCommand(self, path, text, func, params): if self.commands.get(path) is None: self.commands[path] = { 'text': text, 'func': func, 'params': params } else: print('Command {0}: Allready added'.format(path)) return self @staticmethod def checkOption(data, param, path): if not param is None: name = param.get('name', '') if len(name) > 0: name += ':' if data is None: if not param.get('optional', False): print('Wrong params count in "{0}", {1} isn\'t optional.'. format(path, name)) return False else: pdef = param.get('default') if not pdef is None: data = pdef else: ptype = param.get('type') if type(ptype) is type: try: data = ptype(data) except (TypeError, ValueError): print('Wrong type in "{0}", {1}"{2}" must be an {3}.'. format(path, name, data, ptype.__name__)) return False if ptype == int: pmin = param.get('min') if type(pmin) is int: if data < pmin: print( 'Wrong value in "{0}", {1}"{2}" must be >= {3}.'. format(path, name, data, pmin)) return False pmax = param.get('max') if type(pmax) is int: if data > pmax: print( 'Wrong value in "{0}", {1}"{2}" must be <= {3}.'. format(path, name, data, pmax)) return False plist = param.get('list') if type(plist) is list: if not data in plist: print( 'Wrong value in "{0}", {1}"{2}" must be one of ({3}).'. format(path, name, data, ', '.join( str(x) for x in plist))) return False else: print('"{0}" doesn\'t accepts so many params.'.format(path)) return False return data def runCommand(self, path, args, options): command = self.commands[path] params = [] for data, param in itertools.zip_longest(args[len(path.split()):], command['params']): data = CommandTree.checkOption(data, param, path) if data is False: return params.append(data) command['func'](params, options) def helpCommand(self, command, args, options): print('TODO print params details') print('{0}: {1}'.format(command, self.commands[command]['text'])) def listCommands(self, paths): print( 'See "help " for more details or "help " to filter commands' ) paths.sort() last = [] for path in paths: current = path.split() for i in range(0, min(len(last), len(current))): if current[i] == last[i]: current[i] = ' ' * len(current[i]) last = path.split() print('{0}: {1}'.format( ' '.join(current), self.commands[path]['text'].split('\n')[0])) def parse(self, args): path = args name = path.pop(0) options = {} if len(path) > 0: while path[0].startswith('-'): option = path.pop(0)[1:] for key in self.options: if option in self.options[key]['names']: data = CommandTree.checkOption( path.pop(0), self.options[key]['check'], option) if data is False: return options[key] = data option = None if not option is None: print('Unknown option "{0}"'.format(option)) return for key in self.options: data = CommandTree.checkOption( options.get(key), self.options[key]['check'], key) if data is False: return options[key] = data commands = list(self.commands.keys()) if len(path) > 0: run = self.runCommand if path[0] == 'help': path.pop(0) run = self.helpCommand for i in range(0, len(path)): newcommands = [] for command in commands: splits = command.split() if len(splits) >= i: if splits[i] == path[i]: newcommands.append(command) commands = newcommands if len(commands) <= 1: break if len(commands) == 0: print('Unknown command "{0}"'.format(' '.join(path))) print('See "{0} help"'.format(name)) elif len(commands) == 1: run(commands[0], args, options) else: self.listCommands(commands) else: self.listCommands(commands) def addOption(self, key, names, check): if self.options.get(key) is None: self.options[key] = {'names': names, 'check': check} else: print('Option {0}: Allready added'.format(key)) return self