# Univerxel Work in progress galaxy down to atom (mostly centimeter) voxel game ## Table of Contents - [About The Project](#about-the-project) - [Built With](#built-with) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Optionally](#optionally) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [RoadMap](#roadmap) - [License](#license) - [Contact](#contact) ## About The Project Experimental project using OpenGL. ### Built With * C++ * OpenGL * ImGui * FasNoiseSIMD * Toml++ * Remotery * Love and insomnia ## Getting Started To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple steps. ### Prerequisites * C++17 * CMake * OpenGL * GLFw * Glew #### Optionally * Python: utility scripts ### Installation 1. Clone the project repo ```sh git clone https://git.wadza.fr/me/univerxel.git ``` 2. Create build folder and move ```sh mkdir build && cd build ``` 3. Build CMake ```sh cmake .. ``` 4. Build Make ```sh make ``` ## Usage ```sh ./univerxel ``` Profit ! ## RoadMap See [Features](TODO.md) ## License Distributed under the MIT License. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information. ## Contact Maelys Bois - [/me](https://git.wadza.fr/me) - me@wadza.fr Project Link: [https://git.wadza.fr/me/univerxel](https://git.wadza.fr/me/univerxel)