SampleWindow = (function() { function SampleWindow(wm, name, offset) { // Sample digest for checking if grid needs to be repopulated this.NbSamples = 0; this.SampleDigest = null; // Source sample reference to reduce repopulation this.Samples = null; this.XPos = 10 + offset * 410; this.Window = wm.AddWindow(name, 100, 100, 100, 100); this.Window.ShowNoAnim(); this.Visible = true; // Create a grid that's indexed by the unique sample ID this.Grid = this.Window.AddControlNew(new WM.Grid()); var cell_data = { Name: "Samples", Length: "Time (ms)", Self: "Self (ms)", Calls: "Calls", Recurse: "Recurse", }; var cell_classes = { Name: "SampleTitleNameCell", Length: "SampleTitleTimeCell", Self: "SampleTitleTimeCell", Calls: "SampleTitleCountCell", Recurse: "SampleTitleCountCell", }; this.RootRow = this.Grid.Rows.Add(cell_data, "GridGroup", cell_classes); this.RootRow.Rows.AddIndex("_ID"); } SampleWindow.prototype.SetXPos = function(xpos, top_window, bottom_window) { Anim.Animate( Bind(AnimatedMove, this, top_window, bottom_window), this.XPos, 10 + xpos * 410, 0.25); } function AnimatedMove(self, top_window, bottom_window, val) { self.XPos = val; self.WindowResized(top_window, bottom_window); } SampleWindow.prototype.SetVisible = function(visible) { if (visible != this.Visible) { if (visible == true) this.Window.Show(); else this.Window.Hide(); this.Visible = visible; } } SampleWindow.prototype.WindowResized = function(top_window, bottom_window) { var top = top_window.Position[1] + top_window.Size[1] + 10; this.Window.SetPosition(this.XPos, top_window.Position[1] + top_window.Size[1] + 10); this.Window.SetSize(400, bottom_window.Position[1] - 10 - top); } SampleWindow.prototype.OnSamples = function(nb_samples, sample_digest, samples) { if (!this.Visible) return; // If the source hasn't changed, don't repopulate if (this.Samples == samples) return; this.Samples = samples; // Recreate all the HTML if the number of samples gets bigger if (nb_samples > this.NbSamples) { GrowGrid(this.RootRow, nb_samples); this.NbSamples = nb_samples; } // If the content of the samples changes from previous update, update them all if (this.SampleDigest != sample_digest) { this.RootRow.Rows.ClearIndex("_ID"); var index = UpdateAllSampleFields(this.RootRow, samples, 0, ""); this.SampleDigest = sample_digest; // Clear out any left-over rows for (var i = index; i < this.RootRow.Rows.Rows.length; i++) { var row = this.RootRow.Rows.Rows[i]; DOM.Node.Hide(row.Node); } } else if (this.Visible) { // Otherwise just update the existing sample fields UpdateChangedSampleFields(this.RootRow, samples, ""); } } function GrowGrid(parent_row, nb_samples) { parent_row.Rows.Clear(); for (var i = 0; i < nb_samples; i++) { var cell_data = { _ID: i, Name: "", Length: "", Self: "", Calls: "", Recurse: "", }; var cell_classes = { Name: "SampleNameCell", Length: "SampleTimeCell", Self: "SampleTimeCell", Calls: "SampleCountCell", Recurse: "SampleCountCell", }; parent_row.Rows.Add(cell_data, null, cell_classes); } } function UpdateAllSampleFields(parent_row, samples, index, indent) { for (var i in samples) { var sample = samples[i]; // Match row allocation in GrowGrid var row = parent_row.Rows.Rows[index++]; // Sample row may have been hidden previously DOM.Node.Show(row.Node); // Assign unique ID so that the common fast path of updating sample times only // can lookup target samples in the grid row.CellData._ID =; parent_row.Rows.AddRowToIndex("_ID",, row); // Record sample name for later comparison row.CellData.Name =; // Set sample name and colour var name_node = row.CellNodes["Name"]; name_node.innerHTML = indent +; DOM.Node.SetColour(name_node, sample.colour); row.CellNodes["Length"].innerHTML = sample.ms_length; row.CellNodes["Self"].innerHTML = sample.ms_self; row.CellNodes["Calls"].innerHTML = sample.call_count; row.CellNodes["Recurse"].innerHTML = sample.recurse_depth; index = UpdateAllSampleFields(parent_row, sample.children, index, indent + "     "); } return index; } function UpdateChangedSampleFields(parent_row, samples, indent) { for (var i in samples) { var sample = samples[i]; var row = parent_row.Rows.GetBy("_ID",; if (row) { row.CellNodes["Length"].innerHTML = sample.ms_length; row.CellNodes["Self"].innerHTML = sample.ms_self; row.CellNodes["Calls"].innerHTML = sample.call_count; row.CellNodes["Recurse"].innerHTML = sample.recurse_depth; // Sample name will change when it switches from hash ID to network-retrieved // name. Quickly check that before re-applying the HTML for the name. if (row.CellData.Name != { var name_node = row.CellNodes["Name"]; row.CellData.Name =; name_node.innerHTML = indent +; } } UpdateChangedSampleFields(parent_row, sample.children, indent + "     "); } } return SampleWindow; })();