import { LOW_HEALTH, MAX_HEALTH, REGENERATE_FOOD, SPRINT_FOOD } from '../utils/constants' import { round } from '../utils/func' import Module from '../utils/Module' interface IConf { /** Respawn on world join */ spawn: boolean, /** Warn if health is lower */ lowHealth: number, /** Life to regenerate */ targetHealth: number, /** Log health info */ showHealth: boolean, /** Use food if needed */ eat: boolean, /** Prefer saturation over food power */ preferSaturation: boolean, /** Warn and eat if food level is lower */ lowFood: number, /** Food level needed to regenerate */ regenerateFood: number, /** Log food level info */ showFood: boolean, } /** Monitor health, food and xp */ export default class Life extends Module { public get health() { return this._health } public get food() { return this._food } public get saturation() { return this._saturation } public get alive() { return > 0 } public get mustEat() { return <= this.conf.lowFood || ( <= this.conf.targetHealth && <= this.conf.regenerateFood) } public get experienceBar() { return this._experienceBar } public get level() { return this._level } public get totalExperience() { return this._totalExperience } private _health!: number private _food!: number private _saturation!: number private _experienceBar!: number private _level!: number private _totalExperience!: number public respawn() {'respawn') this.client.write('client_command', { action: 1 }) } protected mount() { //TODO: const inventory = ? this.load('inventory') : undefined this.client.on('update_health', data => { if (this.conf.spawn && this._health == null) { setTimeout(this.respawn.bind(this), 500) } this._health = round( this._food = this._saturation = data.foodSaturation if ( <= this.conf.lowHealth) { this.logger.warn({ type: 'health', status: this.alive ? 'low' : 'ko', health: }) } else if (this.conf.showHealth) {{ type: 'health', status: 'ok', health: }) } if ( <= this.conf.lowFood) { this.logger.warn({ type: 'food', status: 'low', food:, saturation: this.saturation }) } else if (this.conf.showHealth) {{ type: 'food', status: 'ok', food:, saturation: this.saturation }) } if ( && this.mustEat) { this.logger.warn('TODO: must Eat') // TODO: inventory.items.filter(food).orderBy(this.conf.preferSaturation) } }) this.client.on('experience', data => { this._experienceBar = data.experienceBar this._level = data.level this._totalExperience = data.totalExperience }) } //TODO: send client settings protected getConf(): IConf { return { spawn: true, lowHealth: LOW_HEALTH, targetHealth: MAX_HEALTH, showHealth: false, eat: true, preferSaturation: true, lowFood: SPRINT_FOOD, regenerateFood: REGENERATE_FOOD, showFood: false, } } }