# Docker Status Simple status page using Docker sdk and healthcheck. ## Options Environment variable | Description | Default --- | --- | --- DOCKER_* | Docker client options | [Doc](https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/client.html#docker.client.from_env) DST_PATH | Files output | `/data` DST_INTERVAL | Update interval is seconds | `30` DST_FILTER_LABEL | Filter visible containers with label | `False` DST_NAME_LABEL | Override container name with label | `False` DST_GROUP_LABEL | Group containers by label | `False` DST_URL_LABEL | Provide url with label | `False` DST_TITLE | Page title | `Docker Status` DST_CAPTION | Page caption ## TODO - [x] Json periodic static - [x] Static Front - [x] Groups - [ ] Events - [ ] Gotify ## Licence Distributed under the GPL3 license.