set wShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") set oArgs = WScript.Arguments ' strPw = Password( "Please enter your password:" ) ' WScript.Echo "Your password is: " & strPw script = """" & oArgs.item(0) & """" scriptArgs = "" For i = 1 to oArgs.Count - 1 scriptArgs = scriptArgs & " """ & oArgs.item(i) & """" Next wShell.Run script & " " & scriptArgs, 0, False Function Password( myPrompt ) ' This function hides a password while it is being typed. ' myPrompt is the text prompting the user to type a password. ' The function clears the prompt and returns the typed password. ' This code is based on Microsoft TechNet ScriptCenter "Mask Command Line Passwords" ' ' Standard housekeeping Dim objPassword ' Use ScriptPW.dll by creating an object ' THIS IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN WinXP !!! Set objPassword = CreateObject( "ScriptPW.Password" ) ' Display the prompt text WScript.StdOut.Write myPrompt ' Return the typed password Password = objPassword.GetPassword() ' Clear prompt WScript.StdOut.Write String( Len( myPrompt ), Chr( 8 ) ) _ & Space( Len( myPrompt ) ) _ & String( Len( myPrompt ), Chr( 8 ) ) End Function