# Encrypted ownCloud Portable Client This is a portable ownCloud Client that runs on Windows. At first run it will setup a portable ownCloud Client and starts it. When you close the client by right-clicking the tray icon and selecting exit it will put your documents and the client with all config into an encrypted archiv using 7-Zip. ## Used software ### PortableApps ownCloud package I used the PortableApps Stub from http://portableapps.com/node/37132. Thanks to the author. ### ownCloud Currently packaged is the ownCloud client version 1.8.0 (build 4893) from https://owncloud.org/install/#install-clients. ### 7-Zip For encrypted packaging a 7za.exe is included. This is the official portable one in version 9.38 beta from http://www.7-zip.org/download.html.