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2020-07-18 12:54:07 +00:00
namespace WM
class Span
// Only for DebugLog
Title: string;
// Source panel for copying simulation back
Panel: Panel;
Min: number;
Max: number;
RestSizeStrength: number;
SizeStrength: number;
// Number of panels between this one and the side of the container
SideDistance: number;
class SizeConstraint
Span: Span;
Size: number;
class ContainerConstraint
Span: Span;
Side: Side;
Position: number;
class BufferConstraint
Span0: Span;
Span1: Span;
Side: Side;
class SnapConstraint
MinSpan: Span;
MaxSpan: Span;
// TODO: Need to unify snapped panels into one constraint instead of multiple
export class PanelSizer
// Allow the sizer to work independently on horizontal/vertical axes
MinSide: Side;
MaxSide: Side;
ContainerRestSize: number;
ContainerSize: number;
Spans: Span[] = [];
ContainerConstraints: ContainerConstraint[] = [];
BufferConstraints: BufferConstraint[] = [];
SizeConstraints: SizeConstraint[] = [];
SnapConstraints: SnapConstraint[] = [];
this.Spans = [];
this.ContainerConstraints = [];
this.BufferConstraints = [];
this.SizeConstraints = [];
this.SnapConstraints = [];
Build(base_side: Side, container: PanelContainer, panel_graph: PanelGraph)
this.MinSide = base_side;
this.MaxSide = base_side + 1;
if (base_side == Side.Left)
this.ContainerRestSize = container.Owner.PanelContainerNode.Size.x;
this.ContainerRestSize = container.Owner.PanelContainerNode.Size.y;
// Clear previous constraints
// Build the span list
// Build constraints
let min_panels: number[] = [];
let max_panels: number[] = [];
this.BuildContainerConstraints(container, panel_graph, min_panels, max_panels);
this.BuildSnapConstraints(container.Owner, panel_graph);
this.SetInitialSizeStrengths(container.Owner, panel_graph, min_panels, max_panels);
ChangeSize(new_size: number, panel_graph: PanelGraph)
// Update container constraints with new size
this.ContainerSize = new_size;
let half_delta_size = (this.ContainerRestSize - new_size) / 2;
let min_offset = half_delta_size + Panel.SnapBorderSize;
let max_offset = this.ContainerRestSize - min_offset;
for (let constraint of this.ContainerConstraints)
if (constraint.Side == this.MinSide)
constraint.Position = min_offset;
constraint.Position = max_offset;
// Relax
for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++)
// Do this here before non-spring constraints
// TODO: Finish with a snap! Can that be made into a constraint?
// Problem is that multiple controls may be out of line
// Copy simulation back to the controls
for (let span of this.Spans)
if (this.MinSide == Side.Left)
span.Panel.Position = new int2(span.Min - half_delta_size, span.Panel.Position.y);
span.Panel.Size = new int2(span.Max - span.Min, span.Panel.Size.y);
span.Panel.Position = new int2(span.Panel.Position.x, span.Min - half_delta_size);
span.Panel.Size = new int2(span.Panel.Size.x, span.Max - span.Min);
private BuildSpans(container: PanelContainer)
for (let child_panel of container.Panels)
// Anything that's exempt from sizing (e.g. a Ruler) still needs an entry in the array, even if it's empty
if (child_panel instanceof Ruler)
// Set initial parameters
let span = new Span();
span.Panel = child_panel;
if (this.MinSide == Side.Left)
span.Min = child_panel.TopLeft.x;
span.Max = child_panel.BottomRight.x;
span.Min = child_panel.TopLeft.y;
span.Max = child_panel.BottomRight.y;
span.SizeStrength = 1;
span.RestSizeStrength = 1;
span.SideDistance = 10000; // Set to a high number so a single < can be used to both compare and test for validity
//if (control instanceof Window)
// span.Title = (<Window>control).Title;
// Add a size constraint for each span
let size_constraint = new SizeConstraint();
size_constraint.Span = span;
size_constraint.Size = span.Max - span.Min;
private ApplySizeConstraints()
for (let constraint of this.SizeConstraints)
let span = constraint.Span;
let size = span.Max - span.Min;
let center = (span.Min + span.Max) * 0.5;
let half_delta_size = (constraint.Size - size) * 0.5;
let half_border_size = size * 0.5 + half_delta_size * span.SizeStrength;
span.Min = center - half_border_size;
span.Max = center + half_border_size;
private ApplyMinimumSizeConstraints()
for (let constraint of this.SizeConstraints)
let span = constraint.Span;
if (span.Max - span.Min < 20)
let center = (span.Min + span.Max) * 0.5;
span.Min = center - 10;
span.Max = center + 10;
private BuildContainerConstraints(container: PanelContainer, panel_graph: PanelGraph, min_panels: number[], max_panels: number[])
for (let i = 0; i < container.Panels.length; i++)
let min_ref_info = panel_graph.RefInfos[i * 4 + this.MinSide];
let max_ref_info = panel_graph.RefInfos[i * 4 + this.MaxSide];
// Looking for panels that reference the external container on min/max sides
if (min_ref_info.References(container.Owner))
let constraint = new ContainerConstraint();
constraint.Span = this.Spans[i];
constraint.Side = this.MinSide;
constraint.Position = 0;
// Track min panels for strength setting
if (max_ref_info.References(container.Owner))
let constraint = new ContainerConstraint();
constraint.Span = this.Spans[i];
constraint.Side = this.MaxSide;
constraint.Position = this.ContainerRestSize;
// Track max panels for strength setting
private ApplyContainerConstraints()
for (let constraint of this.ContainerConstraints)
if (constraint.Side == this.MinSide)
constraint.Span.Min = constraint.Position;
constraint.Span.Max = constraint.Position;
private BuildBufferConstraints(panel_graph: PanelGraph)
for (let ref of panel_graph.Refs)
// Only want sides on the configured axis
if (ref.Side != this.MinSide && ref.Side != this.MaxSide)
// There are two refs for each connection; ensure only one of them is used
if (ref.FromIndex < ref.ToIndex)
let constraint = new BufferConstraint();
constraint.Span0 = this.Spans[ref.FromIndex];
constraint.Side = ref.Side;
constraint.Span1 = this.Spans[ref.ToIndex];
private ApplyBufferConstraints()
for (let constraint of this.BufferConstraints)
if (constraint.Side == this.MinSide)
let span0 = constraint.Span0;
let span1 = constraint.Span1;
let min = span1.Max;
let max = span0.Min;
let center = (min + max) * 0.5;
let size = max - min;
let half_delta_size = (Container.SnapBorderSize - size) * 0.5;
let half_new_size = size * 0.5 + half_delta_size * 0.5;
span0.Min = center + half_new_size;
span1.Max = center - half_new_size;
let span0 = constraint.Span0;
let span1 = constraint.Span1;
let min = span0.Max;
let max = span1.Min;
let center = (min + max) * 0.5;
let size = max - min;
let half_delta_size = (Container.SnapBorderSize - size) * 0.5;
let half_new_size = size * 0.5 + half_delta_size * 0.5;
span1.Min = center + half_new_size;
span0.Max = center - half_new_size;
private BuildSnapConstraints(panel: Panel, panel_graph: PanelGraph)
for (let ref of panel_graph.Refs)
if (ref.Side == this.MaxSide && ref.To != panel)
let constraint = new SnapConstraint();
constraint.MinSpan = this.Spans[ref.FromIndex];
constraint.MaxSpan = this.Spans[ref.ToIndex];
private IntegerRoundSpans()
for (let span of this.Spans)
span.Min = Math.round(span.Min);
span.Max = Math.round(span.Max);
private ApplySnapConstraints()
for (let constraint of this.SnapConstraints)
constraint.MaxSpan.Min = constraint.MinSpan.Max + Container.SnapBorderSize - 1;
// TODO: Snap to container
private SetInitialSizeStrengths(panel: Panel, panel_graph: PanelGraph, min_panels: number[], max_panels: number[])
let weak_strength = 0.01;
let strong_strength = 0.5;
let side_distance = 0;
while (min_panels.length && max_panels.length)
// Mark side distances and set strong strengths before walking further
for (let index of min_panels)
let span = this.Spans[index];
span.SideDistance = side_distance;
span.SizeStrength = strong_strength;
for (let index of max_panels)
let span = this.Spans[index];
span.SideDistance = side_distance;
span.SizeStrength = strong_strength;
let next_min_panels: number[] = [];
let next_max_panels: number[] = [];
// Make one graph step towards max for the min panels, setting strengths
for (let index of min_panels)
let span = this.Spans[index];
let ref_info = panel_graph.RefInfos[index * 4 + this.MaxSide];
for (let i = 0; i < ref_info.NbRefs; i++)
let ref = ref_info.GetPanelRef(i);
let span_to = this.Spans[ref.ToIndex];
// If we've hit the container this is a panel that is anchored on both sides
if (ref.To == panel)
// Set it to weak so that it's always collapsable
span.SizeStrength = weak_strength;
// If we bump up against a span of equal distance, their anchor point is the graph's middle
if (span.SideDistance == span_to.SideDistance)
// Mark both sides as weak to make them equally collapsable
span.SizeStrength = weak_strength;
span_to.SizeStrength = weak_strength;
// If the other side has a smaller distance then this is a center control
if (span.SideDistance > span_to.SideDistance)
// Only the control should be marked for collapse
span.SizeStrength = weak_strength;
// Walk toward the max
if (next_min_panels.indexOf(ref.ToIndex) == -1)
// Make one graph step towards min for the max panels, not setting strengths
for (let index of max_panels)
let ref_info = panel_graph.RefInfos[index * 4 + this.MinSide];
for (let i = 0; i < ref_info.NbRefs; i++)
let ref = ref_info.GetPanelRef(i);
let span_to = this.Spans[ref.ToIndex];
// Strengths are already set from the min panels so abort walk when coming up
// against a min panel
if (ref.To == panel || span_to.SideDistance != 10000)
// Walk toward the min
if (next_max_panels.indexOf(ref.ToIndex) == -1)
min_panels = next_min_panels;
max_panels = next_max_panels;
// Record initial size strength for restoration
for (let span of this.Spans)
span.RestSizeStrength = span.SizeStrength;
ReevaluateSizeStrengths(panel_graph: PanelGraph)
for (let index = 0; index < this.Spans.length; index++)
let span = this.Spans[index];
span.SizeStrength = span.RestSizeStrength;
let min_ref_info = panel_graph.RefInfos[index * 4 + this.MinSide];
for (let i = 0; i < min_ref_info.NbRefs; i++)
let ref = min_ref_info.GetPanelRef(i);
if (ref.ToIndex != -1)
let span_to = this.Spans[ref.ToIndex];
let size = span_to.Max - span_to.Min;
if (size <= 20)
span.SizeStrength = 0.01;
let max_ref_info = panel_graph.RefInfos[index * 4 + this.MaxSide];
for (let i = 0; i < max_ref_info.NbRefs; i++)
let ref = max_ref_info.GetPanelRef(i);
if (ref.ToIndex != -1)
let span_to = this.Spans[ref.ToIndex];
let size = span_to.Max - span_to.Min;
if (size <= 20)
span.SizeStrength = 0.01;
for (let span of this.Spans)
if (span)
console.log("Span: ", span.Title, span.Min, "->", span.Max, "...", span.SideDistance, "/", span.SizeStrength);
console.log("Null Span");
for (let constraint of this.SizeConstraints)
console.log("Size Constraint: ", constraint.Span.Title, "@", constraint.Size);
for (let constraint of this.ContainerConstraints)
console.log("Container Constraint: ", constraint.Span.Title, Side[constraint.Side], "@", constraint.Position);
for (let constraint of this.BufferConstraints)
console.log("Buffer Constraint: ", constraint.Span0.Title, "->", constraint.Span1.Title, "on", Side[constraint.Side]);