Fork 0

240 lines
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#include "FastSIMD/FastSIMD.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#ifdef __GNUG__
#include <x86intrin.h>
#include <intrin.h>
#include "FastSIMD/TypeList.h"
static FastSIMD::eLevel simdLevel = FastSIMD::Level_Null;
static_assert(FastSIMD::SIMDTypeList::MinimumCompiled & FastSIMD::COMPILED_SIMD_LEVELS, "FASTSIMD_FALLBACK_SIMD_LEVEL is not a compiled SIMD level, check FastSIMD_Config.h");
#if FASTSIMD_x86
// Define interface to cpuid instruction.
// input: eax = functionnumber, ecx = 0
// output: eax = output[0], ebx = output[1], ecx = output[2], edx = output[3]
static void cpuid( int output[4], int functionnumber )
#if defined( __GNUC__ ) || defined( __clang__ ) // use inline assembly, Gnu/AT&T syntax
int a, b, c, d;
__asm("cpuid" : "=a"(a), "=b"(b), "=c"(c), "=d"(d) : "a"(functionnumber), "c"(0) : );
output[0] = a;
output[1] = b;
output[2] = c;
output[3] = d;
#elif defined( _MSC_VER ) || defined ( __INTEL_COMPILER ) // Microsoft or Intel compiler, intrin.h included
__cpuidex( output, functionnumber, 0 ); // intrinsic function for CPUID
#else // unknown platform. try inline assembly with masm/intel syntax
mov eax, functionnumber
xor ecx, ecx
mov esi, output
mov[esi], eax
mov[esi + 4], ebx
mov[esi + 8], ecx
mov[esi + 12], edx
// Define interface to xgetbv instruction
static int64_t xgetbv( int ctr )
#if (defined( _MSC_FULL_VER ) && _MSC_FULL_VER >= 160040000) || (defined( __INTEL_COMPILER ) && __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1200) // Microsoft or Intel compiler supporting _xgetbv intrinsic
return _xgetbv( ctr ); // intrinsic function for XGETBV
#elif defined( __GNUC__ ) // use inline assembly, Gnu/AT&T syntax
uint32_t a, d;
__asm("xgetbv" : "=a"(a), "=d"(d) : "c"(ctr) : );
return a | (uint64_t( d ) << 32);
#else // #elif defined (_WIN32) // other compiler. try inline assembly with masm/intel/MS syntax
uint32_t a, d;
__asm {
mov ecx, ctr
_emit 0x0f
_emit 0x01
_emit 0xd0; // xgetbv
mov a, eax
mov d, edx
return a | (uint64_t( d ) << 32);
FastSIMD::eLevel FastSIMD::CPUMaxSIMDLevel()
if ( simdLevel > Level_Null )
return simdLevel;
#if FASTSIMD_x86
int abcd[4] = { 0,0,0,0 }; // cpuid results
simdLevel = Level_Scalar; // default value
cpuid( abcd, 0 ); // call cpuid function 0
if ( abcd[0] == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no further cpuid function supported
cpuid( abcd, 1 ); // call cpuid function 1 for feature flags
if ( (abcd[3] & (1 << 0)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no floating point
if ( (abcd[3] & (1 << 23)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no MMX
if ( (abcd[3] & (1 << 15)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no conditional move
if ( (abcd[3] & (1 << 24)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no FXSAVE
if ( (abcd[3] & (1 << 25)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no SSE
simdLevel = Level_SSE;
// 1: SSE supported
if ( (abcd[3] & (1 << 26)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no SSE2
cpuid( abcd, 1 ); // call cpuid function 1 for feature flags
simdLevel = Level_SSE2; // default value for 64bit
// 2: SSE2 supported
if ( (abcd[2] & (1 << 0)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no SSE3
simdLevel = Level_SSE3;
// 3: SSE3 supported
if ( (abcd[2] & (1 << 9)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no SSSE3
simdLevel = Level_SSSE3;
// 4: SSSE3 supported
if ( (abcd[2] & (1 << 19)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no SSE4.1
simdLevel = Level_SSE41;
// 5: SSE4.1 supported
if ( (abcd[2] & (1 << 23)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no POPCNT
if ( (abcd[2] & (1 << 20)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no SSE4.2
simdLevel = Level_SSE42;
// 6: SSE4.2 supported
if ( (abcd[2] & (1 << 26)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no XSAVE
if ( (abcd[2] & (1 << 27)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no OSXSAVE
if ( (abcd[2] & (1 << 28)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no AVX
uint64_t osbv = xgetbv( 0 );
if ( (osbv & 6) != 6 )
return simdLevel; // AVX not enabled in O.S.
simdLevel = Level_AVX;
// 7: AVX supported
cpuid( abcd, 7 ); // call cpuid leaf 7 for feature flags
if ( (abcd[1] & (1 << 5)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no AVX2
simdLevel = Level_AVX2;
// 8: AVX2 supported
if( (osbv & (0xE0)) != 0xE0 )
return simdLevel; // AVX512 not enabled in O.S.
if ( (abcd[1] & (1 << 16)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no AVX512
cpuid( abcd, 0xD ); // call cpuid leaf 0xD for feature flags
if ( (abcd[0] & 0x60) != 0x60 )
return simdLevel; // no AVX512
// 9: AVX512 supported
cpuid( abcd, 7 ); // call cpuid leaf 7 for feature flags
if ( (abcd[1] & (1 << 31)) == 0 )
return simdLevel; // no AVX512VL
// 10: AVX512VL supported
if ( (abcd[1] & 0x40020000) != 0x40020000 )
return simdLevel; // no AVX512BW, AVX512DQ
simdLevel = Level_AVX512;
// 11: AVX512BW & AVX512DQ supported
simdLevel = Level_NEON;
return simdLevel;
template<typename CLASS_T, FastSIMD::eLevel SIMD_LEVEL>
CLASS_T* SIMDLevelSelector( FastSIMD::eLevel maxSIMDLevel )
if constexpr( ( CLASS_T::Supported_SIMD_Levels & SIMD_LEVEL ) != 0 )
CLASS_T* newClass = SIMDLevelSelector<CLASS_T, FastSIMD::SIMDTypeList::GetNextCompiledAfter<SIMD_LEVEL>>( maxSIMDLevel );
if( !newClass && SIMD_LEVEL <= maxSIMDLevel )
return FastSIMD::ClassFactory<CLASS_T, SIMD_LEVEL>();
return newClass;
if constexpr( SIMD_LEVEL == FastSIMD::Level_Null )
return nullptr;
return SIMDLevelSelector<CLASS_T, FastSIMD::SIMDTypeList::GetNextCompiledAfter<SIMD_LEVEL>>( maxSIMDLevel );
template<typename CLASS_T>
CLASS_T* FastSIMD::New( eLevel maxSIMDLevel )
if( maxSIMDLevel == Level_Null )
maxSIMDLevel = CPUMaxSIMDLevel();
maxSIMDLevel = std::min( maxSIMDLevel, CPUMaxSIMDLevel() );
static_assert(( CLASS_T::Supported_SIMD_Levels & FastSIMD::SIMDTypeList::MinimumCompiled ), "MinimumCompiled SIMD Level must be supported by this class" );
return SIMDLevelSelector<CLASS_T, SIMDTypeList::MinimumCompiled>( maxSIMDLevel );
template CLASS* FastSIMD::New( FastSIMD::eLevel );
#include "FastSIMD_BuildList.inl"