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// Copyright (C) 2017, Dominik Wodniok
// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
// of the BSD 3-Clause license.
// See the LICENSE.txt file for details.
/// \file dualmc.h
/// \author Dominik Wodniok
/// \date 2009
// c includes
#include <cstdint>
// stl includes
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace dualmc {
typedef float VertexComponentsType;
typedef uint PropertyType;
typedef uint32_t QuadIndexType;
typedef uint32_t TriIndexType;
/// vertex structure for dual points
struct Vertex {
/// non-initializing constructor
/// initializing constructor
Vertex(VertexComponentsType x, VertexComponentsType y, VertexComponentsType z, PropertyType w);
/// initializing constructor
Vertex(Vertex const & v);
// components
VertexComponentsType x,y,z;
// material
PropertyType w;
/// tri indices structure
struct Tri {
/// non-initializing constructor
/// initializing constructor
Tri(TriIndexType i0, TriIndexType i1, TriIndexType i2);
// tri indices
TriIndexType i0, i1, i2;
/// \class DualMC
/// \author Dominik Wodniok
/// \date 2009
/// Class which implements the dual marching cubes algorithm from Gregory M. Nielson.
/// Faces and vertices of the standard marching cubes algorithm correspond to
/// vertices and faces in the dual algorithm. As a vertex in standard marching cubes
/// usually is shared by 4 faces, the dual mesh is entirely made from quadrangles.
/// Unfortunately, under rare circumstances the original algorithm can create
/// non-manifold meshes. See the remarks of the original paper on this.
/// The class optionally can guarantee manifold meshes by taking the Manifold
/// Dual Marching Cubes approach from Rephael Wenger as described in
/// chapter 3.3.5 of his book "Isosurfaces: Geometry, Topology, and Algorithms".
template<class T> class DualMC {
// typedefs
typedef T VolumeDataType;
/// point structure for input points
struct Point {
/// non-initializing constructor
/// initializing constructor
Point(VolumeDataType x, PropertyType w);
/// initializing constructor
Point(Point const &v);
// components
VolumeDataType x;
// material
PropertyType w;
inline bool operator<(const VolumeDataType& b) const { return x < b; }
inline bool operator>=(const VolumeDataType& b) const { return x >= b; }
inline std::pair<PropertyType, VolumeDataType> pair() const { return std::make_pair(w, x); }
/// Extracts the iso surface for a given volume and iso value.
/// Output is a list of vertices and a list of indices, which connect
/// vertices to tris.
void buildTris(
Point const *data,
int32_t const dimX, int32_t const dimY, int32_t const dimZ,
VolumeDataType const iso,
float const *roughness,
bool const generateManifold,
std::vector<Vertex> &vertices,
std::vector<Tri> &tris);
/// Extract tris mesh with shared vertex indices.
void buildSharedVerticesTris(
VolumeDataType const iso,
std::vector<Vertex> & vertices,
std::vector<Tri> & tris
/// enum with edge codes for a 12-bit voxel edge mask to indicate
/// grid edges which intersect the ISO surface of classic marching cubes
enum DMCEdgeCode {
EDGE0 = 1,
EDGE1 = 1 << 1,
EDGE2 = 1 << 2,
EDGE3 = 1 << 3,
EDGE4 = 1 << 4,
EDGE5 = 1 << 5,
EDGE6 = 1 << 6,
EDGE7 = 1 << 7,
EDGE8 = 1 << 8,
EDGE9 = 1 << 9,
EDGE10 = 1 << 10,
EDGE11 = 1 << 11,
FORCE_32BIT = 0xffffffff
/// get the 8-bit in-out mask for the voxel corners of the cell cube at (cx,cy,cz)
/// and the given iso value
int getCellCode(int32_t const cx, int32_t const cy, int32_t const cz, VolumeDataType const iso) const;
/// Get the 12-bit dual point code mask, which encodes the traditional
/// marching cube vertices of the traditional marching cubes face which
/// corresponds to the dual point.
/// This is also where the manifold dual marching cubes algorithm is
/// implemented.
int getDualPointCode(int32_t const cx, int32_t const cy, int32_t const cz,
VolumeDataType const iso, DMCEdgeCode const edge) const;
/// Given a dual point code and iso value, compute the dual point.
void calculateDualPoint(int32_t const cx, int32_t const cy, int32_t const cz,
VolumeDataType const iso, int const pointCode, Vertex &v) const;
/// Get the shared index of a dual point which is uniquly identified by its
/// cell cube index and a cube edge. The dual point is computed,
/// if it has not been computed before.
QuadIndexType getSharedDualPointIndex(int32_t const cx, int32_t const cy, int32_t const cz,
VolumeDataType const iso, DMCEdgeCode const edge,
std::vector<Vertex> & vertices);
/// Compute a linearized cell cube index.
int32_t gA(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int32_t const z) const;
/// Update material if max.
void maxProp(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int32_t const z, Vertex &vertex, VolumeDataType& max) const;
// static lookup tables needed for (manifold) dual marching cubes
/// Dual Marching Cubes table
/// Encodes the edge vertices for the 256 marching cubes cases.
/// A marching cube case produces up to four faces and ,thus, up to four
/// dual points.
static int32_t const dualPointsList[256][4];
/// Table which encodes the ambiguous face of cube configurations, which
/// can cause non-manifold meshes.
/// Needed for manifold dual marching cubes.
static uint8_t const problematicConfigs[256];
/// convenience volume extent array for x-,y-, and z-dimension
int32_t dims[3];
/// convenience volume data point
Point const *data;
/// property roughness table
float const *roughness;
/// store whether the manifold dual marching cubes algorithm should be
/// applied.
bool generateManifold;
/// Dual point key structure for hashing of shared vertices
struct DualPointKey {
// a dual point can be uniquely identified by ite linearized volume cell
// id and point code
int32_t linearizedCellID;
int pointCode;
/// Equal operator for unordered map
bool operator==(DualPointKey const & other) const;
/// Functor for dual point key hash generation
struct DualPointKeyHash {
size_t operator()(DualPointKey const & k) const {
return size_t(k.linearizedCellID) | (size_t(k.pointCode) << 32u);
/// Hash map for shared vertex index computations
std::unordered_map<DualPointKey,QuadIndexType,DualPointKeyHash> pointToIndex;
// inline function definitions
VertexComponentsType x,
VertexComponentsType y,
VertexComponentsType z,
PropertyType w
) : x(x), y(y), z(z), w(w) {}
Vertex::Vertex(Vertex const & v) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(v.z), w(v.w) {}
Tri::Tri() {}
TriIndexType i0,
TriIndexType i1,
TriIndexType i2
) : i0(i0), i1(i1), i2(i2) {}
template<class T> inline
DualMC<T>::Point::Point() {}
template<class T> inline
DualMC<T>::Point::Point(VolumeDataType x, PropertyType w): x(x), w(w) { }
template<class T> inline
DualMC<T>::Point::Point(Point const &v): x(v.x), w(v.w) {}
template<class T> inline
int32_t DualMC<T>::gA(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int32_t const z) const {
return x + dims[0] * (y + dims[1] * z);
template<class T> inline
void DualMC<T>::maxProp(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int32_t const z, Vertex &vertex, VolumeDataType &max) const {
if(data[gA(x, y, z)].x > max) {
max = data[gA(x, y, z)].x;
vertex.w = data[gA(x, y, z)].w;
template<class T> inline
bool DualMC<T>::DualPointKey::operator==(typename DualMC<T>::DualPointKey const & other) const {
return linearizedCellID == other.linearizedCellID && pointCode == other.pointCode;
// Copyright (C) 2017, Dominik Wodniok
// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
// of the BSD 3-Clause license. See the LICENSE.txt file for details.
/// \file dualmc.tpp
/// \author Dominik Wodniok
/// \date 2009
template<class T> inline
int DualMC<T>::getCellCode(int32_t const cx, int32_t const cy, int32_t const cz, VolumeDataType const iso) const {
// determine for each cube corner if it is outside or inside
int code = 0;
if (data[gA(cx, cy, cz)] >= iso)
code |= 1;
if (data[gA(cx + 1, cy, cz)] >= iso)
code |= 2;
if (data[gA(cx, cy + 1, cz)] >= iso)
code |= 4;
if (data[gA(cx + 1, cy + 1, cz)] >= iso)
code |= 8;
if (data[gA(cx, cy, cz + 1)] >= iso)
code |= 16;
if (data[gA(cx + 1, cy, cz + 1)] >= iso)
code |= 32;
if (data[gA(cx, cy + 1, cz + 1)] >= iso)
code |= 64;
if (data[gA(cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1)] >= iso)
code |= 128;
return code;
template<class T> inline
int DualMC<T>::getDualPointCode(int32_t const cx, int32_t const cy, int32_t const cz, VolumeDataType const iso, DMCEdgeCode const edge) const {
int cubeCode = getCellCode(cx, cy, cz, iso);
// is manifold dual marching cubes desired?
if (generateManifold) {
// The Manifold Dual Marching Cubes approach from Rephael Wenger as described in
// chapter 3.3.5 of his book "Isosurfaces: Geometry, Topology, and Algorithms"
// is implemente here.
// If a problematic C16 or C19 configuration shares the ambiguous face
// with another C16 or C19 configuration we simply invert the cube code
// before looking up dual points. Doing this for these pairs ensures
// manifold meshes.
// But this removes the dualism to marching cubes.
// check if we have a potentially problematic configuration
uint8_t const direction = problematicConfigs[uint8_t(cubeCode)];
// If the direction code is in {0,...,5} we have a C16 or C19 configuration.
if (direction != 255) {
// We have to check the neighboring cube, which shares the ambiguous
// face. For this we decode the direction. This could also be done
// with another lookup table.
// copy current cube coordinates into an array.
int32_t neighborCoords[] = { cx,cy,cz };
// get the dimension of the non-zero coordinate axis
unsigned int const component = direction >> 1;
// get the sign of the direction
int32_t delta = (direction & 1) == 1 ? 1 : -1;
// modify the correspong cube coordinate
neighborCoords[component] += delta;
// have we left the volume in this direction?
if (neighborCoords[component] >= 0 && neighborCoords[component] < (dims[component] - 1)) {
// get the cube configuration of the relevant neighbor
int neighborCubeCode = getCellCode(neighborCoords[0], neighborCoords[1], neighborCoords[2], iso);
// Look up the neighbor configuration ambiguous face direction.
// If the direction is valid we have a C16 or C19 neighbor.
// As C16 and C19 have exactly one ambiguous face this face is
// guaranteed to be shared for the pair.
if (problematicConfigs[uint8_t(neighborCubeCode)] != 255) {
// replace the cube configuration with its inverse.
cubeCode ^= 0xff;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
if (dualPointsList[cubeCode][i] & edge) {
return dualPointsList[cubeCode][i];
return 0;
template<class T> inline
void DualMC<T>::calculateDualPoint(int32_t const cx, int32_t const cy, int32_t const cz, VolumeDataType const iso, int const pointCode, Vertex & v) const {
// initialize the point with lower voxel coordinates
v.x = static_cast<VertexComponentsType>(cx);
v.y = static_cast<VertexComponentsType>(cy);
v.z = static_cast<VertexComponentsType>(cz);
// compute the dual point as the mean of the face vertices belonging to the
// original marching cubes face
Vertex p;
p.x = 0;
p.y = 0;
p.z = 0;
int points = 0;
float max = 0;
// sum edge intersection vertices using the point code
if (pointCode & EDGE0) {
p.x += ((float)iso - data[gA(cx, cy, cz)].x) / (data[gA(cx + 1, cy, cz)].x - data[gA(cx, cy, cz)].x);
maxProp(cx, cy, cz, v, max);
maxProp(cx + 1, cy, cz, v, max);
if (pointCode & EDGE1) {
p.x += 1.0f;
p.z += ((float)iso - data[gA(cx + 1, cy, cz)].x) / (data[gA(cx + 1, cy, cz + 1)].x - data[gA(cx + 1, cy, cz)].x);
maxProp(cx + 1, cy, cz, v, max);
maxProp(cx + 1, cy, cz + 1, v, max);
if (pointCode & EDGE2) {
p.x += ((float)iso - data[gA(cx, cy, cz + 1)].x) / (data[gA(cx + 1, cy, cz + 1)].x - data[gA(cx, cy, cz + 1)].x);
p.z += 1.0f;
maxProp(cx, cy, cz + 1, v, max);
maxProp(cx + 1, cy, cz + 1, v, max);
if (pointCode & EDGE3) {
p.z += ((float)iso - data[gA(cx, cy, cz)].x) / (data[gA(cx, cy, cz + 1)].x - data[gA(cx, cy, cz)].x);
maxProp(cx, cy, cz, v, max);
maxProp(cx, cy, cz + 1, v, max);
if (pointCode & EDGE4) {
p.x += ((float)iso - data[gA(cx, cy + 1, cz)].x) / (data[gA(cx + 1, cy + 1, cz)].x - data[gA(cx, cy + 1, cz)].x);
p.y += 1.0f;
maxProp(cx, cy+1, cz, v, max);
maxProp(cx + 1, cy+1, cz, v, max);
if (pointCode & EDGE5) {
p.x += 1.0f;
p.z += ((float)iso - data[gA(cx + 1, cy + 1, cz)].x) / (data[gA(cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1)].x - data[gA(cx + 1, cy + 1, cz)].x);
p.y += 1.0f;
maxProp(cx+1, cy+1, cz, v, max);
maxProp(cx + 1, cy+1, cz+1, v, max);
if (pointCode & EDGE6) {
p.x += ((float)iso - data[gA(cx, cy + 1, cz + 1)].x) / (data[gA(cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1)].x - data[gA(cx, cy + 1, cz + 1)].x);
p.z += 1.0f;
p.y += 1.0f;
maxProp(cx, cy+1, cz+1, v, max);
maxProp(cx + 1, cy+1, cz+1, v, max);
if (pointCode & EDGE7) {
p.z += ((float)iso - data[gA(cx, cy + 1, cz)].x) / (data[gA(cx, cy + 1, cz + 1)].x - data[gA(cx, cy + 1, cz)].x);
p.y += 1.0f;
maxProp(cx, cy+1, cz, v, max);
maxProp(cx, cy+1, cz+1, v, max);
if (pointCode & EDGE8) {
p.y += ((float)iso - data[gA(cx, cy, cz)].x) / (data[gA(cx, cy + 1, cz)].x - data[gA(cx, cy, cz)].x);
maxProp(cx, cy, cz, v, max);
maxProp(cx, cy+1, cz, v, max);
if (pointCode & EDGE9) {
p.x += 1.0f;
p.y += ((float)iso - data[gA(cx + 1, cy, cz)].x) / (data[gA(cx + 1, cy + 1, cz)].x - data[gA(cx + 1, cy, cz)].x);
maxProp(cx+1, cy, cz, v, max);
maxProp(cx + 1, cy+1, cz, v, max);
if (pointCode & EDGE10) {
p.x += 1.0f;
p.y += ((float)iso - data[gA(cx + 1, cy, cz + 1)].x) / (data[gA(cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1)].x - data[gA(cx + 1, cy, cz + 1)].x);
p.z += 1.0f;
maxProp(cx+1, cy, cz+1, v, max);
maxProp(cx + 1, cy+1, cz+1, v, max);
if (pointCode & EDGE11) {
p.z += 1.0f;
p.y += ((float)iso - data[gA(cx, cy, cz + 1)].x) / (data[gA(cx, cy + 1, cz + 1)].x - data[gA(cx, cy, cz + 1)].x);
maxProp(cx, cy, cz+1, v, max);
maxProp(cx, cy+1, cz+1, v, max);
// divide by number of accumulated points
float invPoints = (1.f - roughness[v.w]) / (float)points;
p.x *= invPoints;
p.y *= invPoints;
p.z *= invPoints;
// offset point by voxel coordinates
v.x += p.x;
v.y += p.y;
v.z += p.z;
template<class T> inline
QuadIndexType DualMC<T>::getSharedDualPointIndex(
int32_t const cx, int32_t const cy, int32_t const cz,
VolumeDataType const iso, DMCEdgeCode const edge,
std::vector<Vertex> & vertices
) {
// create a key for the dual point from its linearized cell ID and point code
DualPointKey key;
key.linearizedCellID = gA(cx, cy, cz);
key.pointCode = getDualPointCode(cx, cy, cz, iso, edge);
// have we already computed the dual point?
auto iterator = pointToIndex.find(key);
if (iterator != pointToIndex.end()) {
// just return the dual point index
return iterator->second;
else {
// create new vertex and vertex id
QuadIndexType newVertexId = static_cast<QuadIndexType>(vertices.size());
calculateDualPoint(cx, cy, cz, iso, key.pointCode, vertices.back());
// insert vertex ID into map and also return it
pointToIndex[key] = newVertexId;
return newVertexId;
template<class T> inline
void DualMC<T>::buildTris(
Point const * data,
int32_t const dimX, int32_t const dimY, int32_t const dimZ,
VolumeDataType const iso,
float const * roughness,
bool const generateManifold,
std::vector<Vertex> & vertices,
std::vector<Tri> & tris
) {
// set members
this->dims[0] = dimX;
this->dims[1] = dimY;
this->dims[2] = dimZ;
this->data = data;
this->roughness = roughness;
this->generateManifold = generateManifold;
// clear vertices and quad indices
buildSharedVerticesTris(iso, vertices, tris);
template<class T> inline
void DualMC<T>::buildSharedVerticesTris(
VolumeDataType const iso,
std::vector<Vertex> & vertices,
std::vector<Tri> & tris
) {
int32_t const reducedX = dims[0] - 2;
int32_t const reducedY = dims[1] - 2;
int32_t const reducedZ = dims[2] - 2;
TriIndexType i0, i1, i2, i3;
// iterate voxels
for (int32_t z = 0; z < reducedZ; ++z)
for (int32_t y = 0; y < reducedY; ++y)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < reducedX; ++x) {
// construct quads for x edge
if (z > 0 && y > 0) {
bool const entering = data[gA(x, y, z)] < iso && data[gA(x + 1, y, z)] >= iso;
bool const exiting = data[gA(x, y, z)] >= iso && data[gA(x + 1, y, z)] < iso;
if (entering || exiting) {
// get quad
i0 = getSharedDualPointIndex(x, y, z, iso, EDGE0, vertices);
i1 = getSharedDualPointIndex(x, y, z - 1, iso, EDGE2, vertices);
i2 = getSharedDualPointIndex(x, y - 1, z - 1, iso, EDGE6, vertices);
i3 = getSharedDualPointIndex(x, y - 1, z, iso, EDGE4, vertices);
if (entering) {
tris.emplace_back(i0, i1, i2);
tris.emplace_back(i2, i3, i0);
else {
tris.emplace_back(i2, i1, i0);
tris.emplace_back(i0, i3, i2);
// construct quads for y edge
if (z > 0 && x > 0) {
bool const entering = data[gA(x, y, z)] < iso && data[gA(x, y + 1, z)] >= iso;
bool const exiting = data[gA(x, y, z)] >= iso && data[gA(x, y + 1, z)] < iso;
if (entering || exiting) {
// generate quad
i0 = getSharedDualPointIndex(x, y, z, iso, EDGE8, vertices);
i1 = getSharedDualPointIndex(x, y, z - 1, iso, EDGE11, vertices);
i2 = getSharedDualPointIndex(x - 1, y, z - 1, iso, EDGE10, vertices);
i3 = getSharedDualPointIndex(x - 1, y, z, iso, EDGE9, vertices);
if (exiting) {
tris.emplace_back(i0, i1, i2);
tris.emplace_back(i2, i3, i0);
else {
tris.emplace_back(i2, i1, i0);
tris.emplace_back(i0, i3, i2);
// construct quads for z edge
if (x > 0 && y > 0) {
bool const entering = data[gA(x, y, z)] < iso && data[gA(x, y, z + 1)] >= iso;
bool const exiting = data[gA(x, y, z)] >= iso && data[gA(x, y, z + 1)] < iso;
if (entering || exiting) {
// generate quad
i0 = getSharedDualPointIndex(x, y, z, iso, EDGE3, vertices);
i1 = getSharedDualPointIndex(x - 1, y, z, iso, EDGE1, vertices);
i2 = getSharedDualPointIndex(x - 1, y - 1, z, iso, EDGE5, vertices);
i3 = getSharedDualPointIndex(x, y - 1, z, iso, EDGE7, vertices);
if (exiting) {
tris.emplace_back(i0, i1, i2);
tris.emplace_back(i2, i3, i0);
else {
tris.emplace_back(i2, i1, i0);
tris.emplace_back(i0, i3, i2);
// Copyright (C) 2018, Dominik Wodniok
// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
// of the BSD 3-Clause license.
// See the LICENSE.txt file for details.
/// \file dualmc_table.tpp
/// \author Dominik Wodniok
/// \date 2009
// TODO: invert y and z
// Coordinate system
// y
// |
// |
// |
// 0-----x
// /
// /
// z
// Cell Corners
// (Corners are voxels. Number correspond to Morton codes of corner coordinates)
// 2-------------------3
// /| /|
// / | / |
// / | / |
// 6-------------------7 |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | 0---------------|---1
// | / | /
// | / | /
// |/ |/
// 4-------------------5
// Cell Edges
// o--------4----------o
// /| /|
// 7 | 5 |
// / | / |
// o--------6----------o |
// | 8 | 9
// | | | |
// | | | |
// 11 | 10 |
// | o--------0------|---o
// | / | /
// | 3 | 1
// |/ |/
// o--------2----------o
// Encodes the edge vertices for the 256 marching cubes cases.
// A marching cube case produces up to four faces and ,thus, up to four
// dual points.
template<class T>
int32_t const DualMC<T>::dualPointsList[256][4] = {
{0, 0, 0, 0}, // 0
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 1
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 2
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 3
{EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 4
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE7, 0, 0, 0}, // 5
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, 0, 0}, // 6
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 7
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 8
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, 0, 0}, // 9
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE4 | EDGE5, 0, 0, 0}, // 10
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 11
{EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 12
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 13
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 14
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE7, 0, 0, 0}, // 15
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 16
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 17
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 18
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 19
{EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 20
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 21
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0}, // 22
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 23
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 24
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, 0, 0}, // 25
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE4 | EDGE5, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 26
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 27
{EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 28
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 29
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 30
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 31
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 32
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 33
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 34
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 35
{EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 36
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE7, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 37
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, 0, 0}, // 38
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 39
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 40
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0}, // 41
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 42
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 43
{EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 44
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE9, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 45
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 46
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 47
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 48
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE8 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 49
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE9 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 50
{EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 51
{EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 52
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 53
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE9 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, 0, 0}, // 54
{EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 55
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 56
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE8 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, 0, 0}, // 57
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 58
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 59
{EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 60
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 61
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 62
{EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 63
{EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 64
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 65
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 66
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 67
{EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 68
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 69
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 70
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 71
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 72
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0}, // 73
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE4 | EDGE5, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 74
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 75
{EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 76
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 77
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 78
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 79
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE6 | EDGE7, 0, 0, 0}, // 80
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 81
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE6 | EDGE7, 0, 0}, // 82
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 83
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 84
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE6, 0, 0, 0}, // 85
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE8, 0, 0}, // 86
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 87
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE6 | EDGE7, 0, 0}, // 88
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, 0, 0}, // 89
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE4 | EDGE5, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE6 | EDGE7, 0, 0}, // 90
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 91
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 92
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 93
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 94
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE6, 0, 0, 0}, // 95
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 96
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0}, // 97
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 98
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 99
{EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 100
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE11, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 101
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 102
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE9 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 103
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0}, // 104
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11}, // 105
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE10, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 106
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 107
{EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 108
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 109
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 110
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 111
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 112
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 113
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 114
{EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 115
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 116
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 117
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 118
{EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 119
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 120
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, 0, 0}, // 121
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 122
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 123
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 124
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 125
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 126
{EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 127
{EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 128
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 129
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 130
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 131
{EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 132
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE7, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 133
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0}, // 134
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE9, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 135
{EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 136
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 137
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 138
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 139
{EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 140
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 141
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 142
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 143
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 144
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 145
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0}, // 146
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 147
{EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0}, // 148
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 149
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10}, // 150
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 151
{EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 152
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 153
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE10, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 154
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 155
{EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 156
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 157
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 158
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 159
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE6, 0, 0, 0}, // 160
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE6, 0, 0}, // 161
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 162
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 163
{EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE6, 0, 0}, // 164
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE7, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE6, 0, 0}, // 165
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE9, EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, 0, 0}, // 166
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 167
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 168
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE9, 0, 0}, // 169
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE6, 0, 0, 0}, // 170
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 171
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 172
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 173
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 174
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE6 | EDGE7, 0, 0, 0}, // 175
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 176
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 177
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 178
{EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 179
{EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 180
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 181
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, 0, 0}, // 182
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 183
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 184
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 185
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 186
{EDGE4 | EDGE6 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 187
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 188
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 189
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 190
{EDGE6 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 191
{EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 192
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 193
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 194
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 195
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 196
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 197
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 198
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 199
{EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 200
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 201
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 202
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 203
{EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 204
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE9 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 205
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE8 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 206
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE10 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 207
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 208
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 209
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 210
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 211
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 212
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 213
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 214
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 215
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 216
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 217
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 218
{EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0, 0}, // 219
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 220
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE9 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 221
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE8 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 222
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE10, 0, 0, 0}, // 223
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 224
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 225
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 226
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 227
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 228
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 229
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 230
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 231
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 232
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0}, // 233
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 234
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 235
{EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE8 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 236
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE9 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 237
{EDGE0 | EDGE2 | EDGE8 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 238
{EDGE2 | EDGE3 | EDGE11, 0, 0, 0}, // 239
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE7, 0, 0, 0}, // 240
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 241
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 242
{EDGE5 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 243
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 244
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE4 | EDGE5, 0, 0, 0}, // 245
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 246
{EDGE4 | EDGE5 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 247
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 248
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 249
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE4 | EDGE7, 0, 0, 0}, // 250
{EDGE4 | EDGE7 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 251
{EDGE1 | EDGE3 | EDGE8 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 252
{EDGE0 | EDGE1 | EDGE9, 0, 0, 0}, // 253
{EDGE0 | EDGE3 | EDGE8, 0, 0, 0}, // 254
{0, 0, 0, 0} // 255
/// Encodes the ambiguous face of cube configurations, which
/// can cause non-manifold meshes.
/// Non-problematic configurations have a value of 255.
/// The first bit of each value actually encodes a positive or negative
/// direction while the second and third bit enumerate the axis.
template<class T>
uint8_t const DualMC<T>::problematicConfigs[256] = {
} // END: namespace dualmc