Fork 0

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// =====================================================================================================================
// ----- DOCUMENT NODE/ELEMENT EXTENSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// =====================================================================================================================
DOM.Node.Get = function(id)
return document.getElementById(id);
// Set node position
DOM.Node.SetPosition = function(node, position)
node.style.left = position[0];
node.style.top = position[1];
DOM.Node.SetX = function(node, x)
node.style.left = x;
DOM.Node.SetY = function(node, y)
node.style.top = y;
// Get the absolute position of a HTML element on the page
DOM.Node.GetPosition = function(element, account_for_scroll)
// Recurse up through parents, summing offsets from their parent
var x = 0, y = 0;
for (var node = element; node != null; node = node.offsetParent)
x += node.offsetLeft;
y += node.offsetTop;
if (account_for_scroll)
// Walk up the hierarchy subtracting away any scrolling
for (var node = element; node != document.body; node = node.parentNode)
x -= node.scrollLeft;
y -= node.scrollTop;
return [x, y];
// Set node size
DOM.Node.SetSize = function(node, size)
node.style.width = size[0];
node.style.height = size[1];
DOM.Node.SetWidth = function(node, width)
node.style.width = width;
DOM.Node.SetHeight = function(node, height)
node.style.height = height;
// Get node OFFSET size:
// clientX includes padding
// offsetX includes padding and borders
// scrollX includes padding, borders and size of contained node
DOM.Node.GetSize = function(node)
return [ node.offsetWidth, node.offsetHeight ];
DOM.Node.GetWidth = function(node)
return node.offsetWidth;
DOM.Node.GetHeight = function(node)
return node.offsetHeight;
// Set node opacity
DOM.Node.SetOpacity = function(node, value)
node.style.opacity = value;
DOM.Node.SetColour = function(node, colour)
node.style.color = colour;
// Hide a node by completely disabling its rendering (it no longer contributes to document layout)
DOM.Node.Hide = function(node)
node.style.display = "none";
// Show a node by restoring its influcen in document layout
DOM.Node.Show = function(node)
node.style.display = "block";
// Add a CSS class to a HTML element, specified last
DOM.Node.AddClass = function(node, class_name)
// Ensure the class hasn't already been added
DOM.Node.RemoveClass(node, class_name);
node.className += " " + class_name;
// Remove a CSS class from a HTML element
DOM.Node.RemoveClass = function(node, class_name)
// Remove all variations of where the class name can be in the string list
var regexp = new RegExp("\\b" + class_name + "\\b");
node.className = node.className.replace(regexp, "");
// Check to see if a HTML element contains a class
DOM.Node.HasClass = function(node, class_name)
var regexp = new RegExp("\\b" + class_name + "\\b");
return regexp.test(node.className);
// Recursively search for a node with the given class name
DOM.Node.FindWithClass = function(parent_node, class_name, index)
// Search the children looking for a node with the given class name
for (var i in parent_node.childNodes)
var node = parent_node.childNodes[i];
if (DOM.Node.HasClass(node, class_name))
if (index === undefined || index-- == 0)
return node;
// Recurse into children
node = DOM.Node.FindWithClass(node, class_name);
if (node != null)
return node;
return null;
// Check to see if one node logically contains another
DOM.Node.Contains = function(node, container_node)
while (node != null && node != container_node)
node = node.parentNode;
return node != null;
// Create the HTML nodes specified in the text passed in
// Assumes there is only one root node in the text
DOM.Node.CreateHTML = function(html)
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = html;
// First child may be a text node, followed by the created HTML
var child = div.firstChild;
if (child != null && child.nodeType == 3)
child = child.nextSibling;
return child;
// Make a copy of a HTML element, making it visible and clearing its ID to ensure it's not a duplicate
DOM.Node.Clone = function(name)
// Get the template element and clone it, making sure it's renderable
var node = DOM.Node.Get(name);
node = node.cloneNode(true);
node.id = null;
node.style.display = "block";
return node;
// Append an arbitrary block of HTML to an existing node
DOM.Node.AppendHTML = function(node, html)
var child = DOM.Node.CreateHTML(html);
return child;
// Append a div that clears the float style
DOM.Node.AppendClearFloat = function(node)
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.style.clear = "both";
// Check to see that the object passed in is an instance of a DOM node
DOM.Node.IsNode = function(object)
return object instanceof Element;
// Create an "iframe shim" so that elements within it render over a Java Applet
// http://web.archive.org/web/20110707212850/http://www.oratransplant.nl/2007/10/26/using-iframe-shim-to-partly-cover-a-java-applet/
DOM.Node.CreateShim = function(parent)
var shimmer = document.createElement("iframe");
// Position the shimmer so that it's the same location/size as its parent
shimmer.style.position = "fixed";
shimmer.style.left = parent.style.left;
shimmer.style.top = parent.style.top;
shimmer.style.width = parent.offsetWidth;
shimmer.style.height = parent.offsetHeight;
// We want the shimmer to be one level below its contents
shimmer.style.zIndex = parent.style.zIndex - 1;
// Ensure its empty
shimmer.setAttribute("frameborder", "0");
shimmer.setAttribute("src", "");
// Add to the document and the parent
parent.Shimmer = shimmer;
return shimmer;
// =====================================================================================================================
// ----- EVENT HANDLING EXTENSIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// =====================================================================================================================
// Retrieves the event from the first parameter passed into an HTML event
DOM.Event.Get = function(evt)
// Internet explorer doesn't pass the event
return window.event || evt;
// Retrieves the element that triggered an event from the event object
DOM.Event.GetNode = function(evt)
evt = DOM.Event.Get(evt);
// Get the target element
var element;
if (evt.target)
element = evt.target;
else if (e.srcElement)
element = evt.srcElement;
// Default Safari bug
if (element.nodeType == 3)
element = element.parentNode;
return element;
// Stop default action for an event
DOM.Event.StopDefaultAction = function(evt)
if (evt && evt.preventDefault)
else if (window.event && window.event.returnValue)
window.event.returnValue = false;
// Stops events bubbling up to parent event handlers
DOM.Event.StopPropagation = function(evt)
evt = DOM.Event.Get(evt);
if (evt)
evt.cancelBubble = true;
if (evt.stopPropagation)
// Stop both event default action and propagation
DOM.Event.StopAll = function(evt)
// Adds an event handler to an event
DOM.Event.AddHandler = function(obj, evt, func)
if (obj)
if (obj.addEventListener)
obj.addEventListener(evt, func, false);
else if (obj.attachEvent)
obj.attachEvent("on" + evt, func);
// Removes an event handler from an event
DOM.Event.RemoveHandler = function(obj, evt, func)
if (obj)
if (obj.removeEventListener)
obj.removeEventListener(evt, func, false);
else if (obj.detachEvent)
obj.detachEvent("on" + evt, func);
// Get the position of the mouse cursor, page relative
DOM.Event.GetMousePosition = function(evt)
evt = DOM.Event.Get(evt);
var px = 0;
var py = 0;
if (evt.pageX || evt.pageY)
px = evt.pageX;
py = evt.pageY;
else if (evt.clientX || evt.clientY)
px = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
py = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
return [px, py];
// =====================================================================================================================
// ----- JAVA APPLET EXTENSIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// =====================================================================================================================
// Create an applet element for loading a Java applet, attaching it to the specified node
DOM.Applet.Load = function(dest_id, id, code, archive)
// Lookup the applet destination
var dest = DOM.Node.Get(dest_id);
if (!dest)
// Construct the applet element and add it to the destination
Debug.Log("Injecting applet DOM code");
var applet = "<applet id='" + id + "' code='" + code + "' archive='" + archive + "'";
applet += " width='" + dest.offsetWidth + "' height='" + dest.offsetHeight + "'>";
applet += "</applet>";
dest.innerHTML = applet;
// Moves and resizes a named applet so that it fits in the destination div element.
// The applet must be contained by a div element itself. This container div is moved along
// with the applet.
DOM.Applet.Move = function(dest_div, applet, z_index, hide)
if (!applet || !dest_div)
// Before modifying any location information, hide the applet so that it doesn't render over
// any newly visible elements that appear while the location information is being modified.
if (hide)
applet.style.visibility = "hidden";
// Get its view rect
var pos = DOM.Node.GetPosition(dest_div);
var w = dest_div.offsetWidth;
var h = dest_div.offsetHeight;
// It needs to be embedded in a <div> for correct scale/position adjustment
var container = applet.parentNode;
if (!container || container.localName != "div")
Debug.Log("ERROR: Couldn't find source applet's div container");
// Reposition and resize the containing div element
container.style.left = pos[0];
container.style.top = pos[1];
container.style.width = w;
container.style.height = h;
container.style.zIndex = z_index;
// Resize the applet itself
applet.style.width = w;
applet.style.height = h;
// Everything modified, safe to show
applet.style.visibility = "visible";