Fork 0

281 lines
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namespace WM
export class PanelRef
// Primary sort key, to be combined with Side
FromIndex: number;
// Cached panel reference to save needing to lookup in the parent
From: Panel;
// Which side of the panel the reference is on
Side: Side;
// Panel this references
ToIndex: number;
To: Panel;
constructor(from_index: number, from: Panel, side: Side, to_index: number, to: Panel)
this.FromIndex = from_index;
this.From = from;
this.Side = side;
this.ToIndex = to_index;
this.To = to;
get SortIndex() : number
return this.FromIndex * 4 + this.Side;
export class PanelRefInfo
// Storing this allows the class to query graph properties without the extra parameter
ParentGraph: PanelGraph;
// Cached panel reference to save needing to lookup in the parent
Panel: Panel;
// Side specified for debug
Side: Side;
// Links in the panel ref array
StartRef: number;
NbRefs: number;
constructor(parent_graph: PanelGraph, panel: Panel, side: Side)
this.ParentGraph = parent_graph;
this.Panel = panel;
this.Side = side;
this.StartRef = -1;
this.NbRefs = 0;
References(panel: Panel) : boolean
for (let i = 0; i < this.NbRefs; i++)
if (this.ParentGraph.Refs[this.StartRef + i].To == panel)
return true;
return false;
GetPanelRef(index: number) : PanelRef
if (index < this.NbRefs)
return this.ParentGraph.Refs[this.StartRef + index];
return null;
GetSide(side: Side) : PanelRefInfo
if (this.NbRefs == 0)
return null;
let ref = this.ParentGraph.Refs[this.StartRef];
return this.ParentGraph.RefInfos[ref.FromIndex * 4 + side];
export class PanelGraph
Refs: PanelRef[] = [];
RefInfos: PanelRefInfo[] = [];
Build(container: PanelContainer)
// Clear existing references
this.Refs = [ ];
this.RefInfos = [ ];
// Mark all panels as unvisited
let panel_visited: boolean[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < container.Panels.length; i++)
// Build references for each panel
for (let i = 0; i < container.Panels.length; i++)
if (panel_visited[i])
let child_panel = container.Panels[i];
if (!child_panel.Visible)
// Exempt rulers from the graph
// TODO: Add some type traits or perhaps a property that can control this instead of just limiting to rulers
if (child_panel instanceof Ruler)
this.BuildRefs(child_panel, container, panel_visited);
// Sort panel references, packing panels/sides next to each other
this.Refs.sort((a: PanelRef, b: PanelRef) : number =>
return a.SortIndex - b.SortIndex;
// Initialise the panel ref info array
for (let i = 0; i < container.Panels.length * 4; i++)
let child_panel = container.Panels[i >> 2];
this.RefInfos.push(new PanelRefInfo(this, child_panel, i & 3));
// Tell each panel where its reference list starts and ends
let last_sort_index = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < this.Refs.length; i++)
let ref = this.Refs[i];
let sort_index = ref.SortIndex;
let ref_info = this.RefInfos[sort_index];
if (last_sort_index != sort_index)
ref_info.StartRef = i;
last_sort_index = sort_index;
private BuildRefs(root_panel: Panel, container: PanelContainer, panel_visited: boolean[])
// First panel to visit is the root panel
let to_visit_panels: Panel[] = [ root_panel ];
// Loop through any panels left to visit
for (let panel_0 of to_visit_panels)
// It's possible for the same panel to be pushed onto the to-visit list more than once
let panel_0_index = container.Panels.indexOf(panel_0);
if (panel_visited[panel_0_index])
panel_visited[panel_0_index] = true;
let tl_0 = panel_0.TopLeft;
let br_0 = panel_0.BottomRight;
// Add references to the parent panel
let parent_panel = container.Owner;
let b = Panel.SnapBorderSize;
let s = parent_panel.PanelContainerNode.Size;
if (tl_0.x <= b)
this.Refs.push(new PanelRef(panel_0_index, panel_0, Side.Left, -1, parent_panel));
if (tl_0.y <= b)
this.Refs.push(new PanelRef(panel_0_index, panel_0, Side.Top, -1, parent_panel));
if (br_0.x >= s.x - b)
this.Refs.push(new PanelRef(panel_0_index, panel_0, Side.Right, -1, parent_panel));
if (br_0.y >= s.y - b)
this.Refs.push(new PanelRef(panel_0_index, panel_0, Side.Bottom, -1, parent_panel));
// Check candidate panels for auto-anchor intersection
for (let panel_1 of container.Panels)
// If a panel has been previous visited, no need to add forward links as back
// links would have been added when it was visited
let panel_1_index = container.Panels.indexOf(panel_1);
if (panel_visited[panel_1_index])
if (!panel_1.Visible)
// Exempt rulers from the graph
// TODO: Add some type traits or perhaps a property that can control this instead of just limiting to rulers
if (panel_1 instanceof Ruler)
let tl_1 = panel_1.TopLeft;
let br_1 = panel_1.BottomRight;
let side_0 = Side.None;
let side_1 = Side.None;
// Check for vertical separating axis
if (tl_1.y - br_0.y < 0 && tl_0.y - br_1.y < 0)
// Check left/right edge intersection
if (Math.abs(tl_0.x - br_1.x) < b)
side_0 = Side.Left;
side_1 = Side.Right;
if (Math.abs(br_0.x - tl_1.x) < b)
side_0 = Side.Right;
side_1 = Side.Left;
// Check for horizontal separating axis
if (tl_1.x - br_0.x < 0 && tl_0.x - br_1.x < 0)
// Check top/bottom edge intersection
if (Math.abs(tl_0.y - br_1.y) < b)
side_0 = Side.Top;
side_1 = Side.Bottom;
if (Math.abs(br_0.y - tl_1.y) < b)
side_0 = Side.Bottom;
side_1 = Side.Top;
// Generate references for any intersection
if (side_0 != Side.None)
this.Refs.push(new PanelRef(panel_0_index, panel_0, side_0, panel_1_index, panel_1));
this.Refs.push(new PanelRef(panel_1_index, panel_1, side_1, panel_0_index, panel_0));
console.log("\n--- DebugLog --------------------------------");
let x = Side[Side.Top];
for (let ref_info of this.RefInfos)
if (!(ref_info.Panel instanceof Panel))
if (ref_info.NbRefs == 0)
let names = "";
for (let i = 0; i < ref_info.NbRefs; i++)
//let window = this.Refs[ref_info.StartRef + i].To as Window;
//names += window.Title + ", ";
//console.log((<Window>ref_info.Control).Title, Side[ref_info.Side] + ": ", names);
/*for (let ref of this.Refs)
console.log((<Window>ref.From).Title, ref.Side, (<Window>ref.To).Title);