Fork 0

703 lines
27 KiB

// TODO: If window is made embedded, remove window sizing nodes
namespace WM
export enum Side
export class Window extends Container
static TemplateHTML = `
<div class='Window'>
<div class='WindowTitleBar'>
<div class='WindowTitleBarText notextsel' style='float:left'>Window Title Bar</div>
<div class='WindowTitleBarClose notextsel' style='float:right'>O</div>
<div class='WindowBody'>
<div class='WindowBodyDebug'></div>
<div class='WindowSizeLeft'></div>
<div class='WindowSizeRight'></div>
<div class='WindowSizeTop'></div>
<div class='WindowSizeBottom'></div>
// Internal nodes
private TitleBarNode: DOM.Node;
private TitleBarTextNode: DOM.Node;
private TitleBarCloseNode: DOM.Node;
private BodyNode: DOM.Node;
private DebugNode: DOM.Node;
private SizeLeftNode: DOM.Node;
private SizeRightNode: DOM.Node;
private SizeTopNode: DOM.Node;
private SizeBottomNode: DOM.Node;
// Size as specified in CSS
private SideBarSize: number;
// Transient parameters for mouse move events
private DragMouseStartPosition: int2;
private DragWindowStartPosition: int2;
private DragWindowStartSize: int2;
private MouseOffset: int2;
private ActiveTouchID: number;
// List of controls that are auto-anchored to a container edge during sizing
private AnchorControls: [Control, int2][];
// Transient snap rulers for each side
private SnapRulers: Ruler[] = [ null, null, null, null ];
// Used to track whether a sizer is being held as opposed to moved
private SizerMoved: boolean = false;
// Transient delegates for mouse size events
private OnSizeDelegate: EventListener;
private OnEndSizeDelegate: EventListener;
constructor(title: string, position: int2, size: int2)
// Create root node
super(position, size, new DOM.Node(Window.TemplateHTML));
// Locate internal nodes
this.TitleBarNode = this.Node.Find(".WindowTitleBar");
this.TitleBarTextNode = this.Node.Find(".WindowTitleBarText");
this.TitleBarCloseNode = this.Node.Find(".WindowTitleBarClose");
this.BodyNode = this.Node.Find(".WindowBody");
this.DebugNode = this.Node.Find(".WindowBodyDebug");
this.SizeLeftNode = this.Node.Find(".WindowSizeLeft");
this.SizeRightNode = this.Node.Find(".WindowSizeRight");
this.SizeTopNode = this.Node.Find(".WindowSizeTop");
this.SizeBottomNode = this.Node.Find(".WindowSizeBottom");
// Query CSS properties
let body_styles = window.getComputedStyle(document.body);
let side_bar_size = body_styles.getPropertyValue('--SideBarSize');
this.SideBarSize = parseInt(side_bar_size);
// Apply the title bar text
this.Title = title;
// Window move handler
// Cursor change handlers as the mouse moves over sizers
// Window sizing handlers
this.SizeLeftNode.MouseDownEvent.Subscribe((event: MouseEvent) => { this.OnBeginSize(event, null, true); });
this.SizeRightNode.MouseDownEvent.Subscribe((event: MouseEvent) => { this.OnBeginSize(event, null, true); });
this.SizeTopNode.MouseDownEvent.Subscribe((event: MouseEvent) => { this.OnBeginSize(event, null, true); });
this.SizeBottomNode.MouseDownEvent.Subscribe((event: MouseEvent) => { this.OnBeginSize(event, null, true); });
// ----- WM.Control Overrides --------------------------------------------------------
/*Show() : void
// Build control graph for all controls in this container
// Auto-anchor to nearby controls on each show
// This catches initial adding of controls to a new window and
// any size changes while the window is invisible
let parent_container = this.ParentContainer;
if (parent_container)
console.log("SHOW ", this.Title);
let snap_tl = parent_container.GetSnapControls(this.TopLeft, new int2(-1, -1), [ this ], null, 0);
if (snap_tl[0] != SnapCode.None)
this.Position = snap_tl[1];
let snap_br = parent_container.GetSnapControls(this.BottomRight, new int2(1, 1), [ this ], null, 0);
if (snap_br[0] != SnapCode.None)
this.Position = int2.Sub(snap_br[1], this.Size);
// Uncached window title text so that any old HTML can be used
get Title() : string
return this.TitleBarTextNode.Element.innerHTML;
set Title(title: string)
this.TitleBarTextNode.Element.innerHTML = title;
// Add all controls to the body of the window
get ControlParentNode() : DOM.Node
return this.BodyNode;
set ZIndex(z_index: number)
this.Node.ZIndex = z_index;
this.SizeLeftNode.ZIndex = z_index + 1;
this.SizeRightNode.ZIndex = z_index + 1;
this.SizeTopNode.ZIndex = z_index + 1;
this.SizeBottomNode.ZIndex = z_index + 1;
get ZIndex() : number
return this.Node.ZIndex;
private SetSnapRuler(side: Side, position: number)
if (this.SnapRulers[side] == null)
// Create on-demand
let orient = (side == Side.Left || side == Side.Right) ? RulerOrient.Vertical : RulerOrient.Horizontal;
this.SnapRulers[side] = new Ruler(orient, position);
this.SnapRulers[side].Node.Colour = "#FFF";
// Add to the same parent container as the window for clipping
if (this.ParentContainer)
// Display under all siblings
private RemoveSnapRuler(side: Side)
if (this.SnapRulers[side] != null)
// Remove from the container and clear the remaining reference
if (this.ParentContainer)
this.SnapRulers[side] = null;
private RemoveSnapRulers()
private UpdateSnapRuler(side: Side, show: boolean, position: number)
if (show)
this.SetSnapRuler(side, position);
private UpdateTLSnapRulers(snap_code: SnapCode)
this.UpdateSnapRuler(Side.Top, (snap_code & SnapCode.Y) != 0, this.TopLeft.y - 3);
this.UpdateSnapRuler(Side.Left, (snap_code & SnapCode.X) != 0, this.TopLeft.x - 3);
private UpdateBRSnapRulers(snap_code: SnapCode)
this.UpdateSnapRuler(Side.Bottom, (snap_code & SnapCode.Y) != 0, this.BottomRight.y + 1);
this.UpdateSnapRuler(Side.Right, (snap_code & SnapCode.X) != 0, this.BottomRight.x + 1);
// --- Window movement --------------------------------------------------------------------
private OnBeginMove(event: Event, mouse_pos: int2)
// Prepare for drag
this.DragMouseStartPosition = mouse_pos;
this.DragWindowStartPosition = this.Position.Copy();
let parent_container = this.ParentContainer;
if (parent_container)
// Display last snap configuration on initial click
let snap_tl = FindSnapControls(parent_container, this.TopLeft, new int2(-1, -1), [ this ]);
let snap_br = FindSnapControls(parent_container, this.BottomRight, new int2(1, 1), [ this ]);
private OnMouseStart = (event: MouseEvent) =>
let mouse_pos = DOM.Event.GetMousePosition(event);
this.OnBeginMove(event, mouse_pos);
// Dynamically add handlers for movement and release
private OnTouchStart = (event: TouchEvent) =>
// Use position of the first touch in the list
let touch = event.changedTouches[0];
this.ActiveTouchID = touch.identifier;
let touch_pos = new int2(touch.pageX, touch.pageY);
this.OnBeginMove(event, touch_pos);
// Dynamically add handlers for movement and release
private OnMove(event: Event, mouse_pos: int2)
// Use the offset at the beginning of movement to drag the window around
let offset = int2.Sub(mouse_pos, this.DragMouseStartPosition);
this.Position = int2.Add(this.DragWindowStartPosition, offset);
// Snap position of the window to the edges of neighbouring windows
let parent_container = this.ParentContainer;
if (parent_container != null)
let snap_tl = FindSnapControls(parent_container, this.TopLeft, new int2(-1, -1), [ this ]);
if (snap_tl[0] != SnapCode.None)
this.Position = snap_tl[1];
let snap_br = FindSnapControls(parent_container, this.BottomRight, new int2(1, 1), [ this ]);
if (snap_br[0] != SnapCode.None)
this.Position = int2.Sub(snap_br[1], this.Size);
// TODO: OnMove handler
private OnMouseMove = (event: MouseEvent) =>
let mouse_pos = DOM.Event.GetMousePosition(event);
this.OnMove(event, mouse_pos);
private OnTouchMove = (event: TouchEvent) =>
// Find the currently active touch to update movement
for (let i = 0; i < event.changedTouches.length; i++)
let touch = event.changedTouches[i];
if (touch.identifier == this.ActiveTouchID)
let touch_pos = new int2(touch.pageX, touch.pageY);
this.OnMove(event, touch_pos);
private OnEndMove(event: Event)
private OnMouseEnd = (event: Event) =>
// Remove handlers added during mouse down
private OnTouchEnd = (event: Event) =>
// Remove handlers added during touch down
// --- Window sizing ---------------------------------------------------------------------
private GetSizeMask(mouse_pos: int2) : int2
// Subtract absolute parent node position from the mouse position
if (this.ParentNode)
mouse_pos = int2.Sub(mouse_pos, this.ParentNode.AbsolutePosition);
// Use the DOM Node dimensions as they include visible borders/margins
let offset_top_left = int2.Sub(mouse_pos, this.TopLeft);
let offset_bottom_right = int2.Sub(this.BottomRight, mouse_pos);
// -1/1 for left/right top/bottom
let mask = new int2(0);
if (offset_bottom_right.x < this.SideBarSize && offset_bottom_right.x >= 0)
mask.x = 1;
if (offset_top_left.x < this.SideBarSize && offset_top_left.x >= 0)
mask.x = -1;
if (offset_bottom_right.y < this.SideBarSize && offset_bottom_right.y >= 0)
mask.y = 1;
if (offset_top_left.y < this.SideBarSize && offset_top_left.y >= 0)
mask.y = -1;
return mask;
private SetResizeCursor(node: DOM.Node, size_mask: int2)
// Combine resize directions
let cursor = "";
if (size_mask.y > 0)
cursor += "s";
if (size_mask.y < 0)
cursor += "n";
if (size_mask.x > 0)
cursor += "e";
if (size_mask.x < 0)
cursor += "w";
// Concat resize ident
if (cursor.length > 0)
cursor += "-resize";
node.Cursor = cursor;
private RestoreCursor(node: DOM.Node)
node.Cursor = "auto";
private OnMoveOverSize = (event: MouseEvent) =>
// Dynamically decide on the mouse cursor
let mouse_pos = DOM.Event.GetMousePosition(event);
let mask = this.GetSizeMask(mouse_pos);
this.SetResizeCursor($(event.target), mask);
private MakeControlAABB(control: Control)
// Expand control AABB by snap region to check for snap intersections
let aabb = new AABB(control.TopLeft, control.BottomRight);
return aabb;
private TakeConnectedAnchorControls(aabb_0: AABB, anchor_controls: [Control, int2][])
// Search what's left of the anchor controls list for intersecting controls
for (let i = 0; i < this.AnchorControls.length; )
let anchor_control = this.AnchorControls[i];
let aabb_1 = this.MakeControlAABB(anchor_control[0]);
if (AABB.Intersect(aabb_0, aabb_1))
// Add to the list of connected controls
// Swap the control with the back of the array and reduce array count
// Faster than a splice for removal (unless the VM detects this)
this.AnchorControls[i] = this.AnchorControls[this.AnchorControls.length - 1];
// Only advance when there's no swap as we want to evaluate each
// new control swapped in
private MakeAnchorControlIsland()
// TODO: Intersection test doesn't work for overlap test!
let anchor_controls: [Control, int2][] = [ ];
// First find all controls connected to this one
let aabb_0 = this.MakeControlAABB(this);
this.TakeConnectedAnchorControls(aabb_0, anchor_controls);
// Then find all controls connected to each of them
for (let anchor_control of anchor_controls)
let aabb_0 = this.MakeControlAABB(anchor_control[0]);
this.TakeConnectedAnchorControls(aabb_0, anchor_controls);
// Replace the anchor control list with only connected controls
this.AnchorControls = anchor_controls;
private GatherAnchorControls(mask: int2, gather_sibling_controls: boolean)
// Reset list just in case end event isn't received
this.AnchorControls = [];
let parent_container = this.ParentContainer;
if (parent_container)
// Rebuild the connectivity graph for the parent
let control_graph = parent_container.ControlGraph;
// Iterate all references on all sides
let control_index = parent_container.Controls.indexOf(this);
for (let side = 0; side < 4; side++)
let ref_info = control_graph.RefInfos[control_index * 4 + side];
for (let ref_index = 0; ref_index < ref_info.NbRefs; ref_index++)
let ref = ref_info.GetControlRef(ref_index);
if (parent_container && gather_sibling_controls)
// Gather auto-anchor controls from siblings on side resizers only
if ((mask.x != 0) != (mask.y != 0))
if (mask.x > 0 || mask.y > 0)
WM.FindSnapControls(parent_container, this.BottomRight, mask, [ this ], this.AnchorControls);
if (mask.x < 0 || mask.y < 0)
WM.FindSnapControls(parent_container, this.TopLeft, mask, [ this ], this.AnchorControls);
// We don't want windows at disjoint locations getting dragged into
// the auto anchor so only allow those connected by existing snap
// boundaries
private OnBeginSize = (event: MouseEvent, in_mask: int2, master_control: boolean) =>
let mouse_pos = DOM.Event.GetMousePosition(event);
// Prepare for drag
this.DragMouseStartPosition = mouse_pos;
this.DragWindowStartPosition = this.Position.Copy();
this.DragWindowStartSize = this.Size.Copy();
let mask = in_mask || this.GetSizeMask(mouse_pos);
// Start resizing gathered auto-anchors
this.GatherAnchorControls(mask, master_control);
for (let control of this.AnchorControls)
let window = control[0] as Window;
if (window != null)
window.OnBeginSize(event, control[1], false);
// Build a control graph for the children
// TODO: Do this always; it has to be recursive
// TODO: Only Build
// TODO: Move all this into Container
this.ControlSizerX.Build(Side.Left, this, this.ControlGraph);
this.ControlSizerY.Build(Side.Top, this, this.ControlGraph);
this.SizerMoved = false;
if (master_control)
// Display initial snap rulers
if (mask.x > 0 || mask.y > 0)
let snap = FindSnapControls(this.ParentContainer, this.BottomRight, mask, [ this ]);
if (mask.x < 0 || mask.y < 0)
let snap = FindSnapControls(this.ParentContainer, this.TopLeft, mask, [ this ]);
// If the sizer is held and not moved for a period, release all anchored controls
// so that it can be independently moved
setTimeout( () =>
if (this.SizerMoved == false)
this.AnchorControls = [ ];
}, 1000);
// Dynamically add handlers for movement and release
this.OnSizeDelegate = (event: MouseEvent) => { this.OnSize(event, mask, null); };
this.OnEndSizeDelegate = (event: MouseEvent) => { this.OnEndSize(event, mask); };
private OnSize = (event: MouseEvent, mask: int2, master_offset: int2) =>
// Use the offset from the mouse start position to drag the edge around
let mouse_pos = DOM.Event.GetMousePosition(event);
let offset = master_offset || int2.Sub(mouse_pos, this.DragMouseStartPosition);
// Chrome issues multiple redundant OnSize events even if the mouse is held still
// Ignore those by checking for no initial mouse movement
if (this.SizerMoved == false && offset.x == 0 && offset.y == 0)
this.SizerMoved = true;
// Size goes left/right with mask
this.Size = int2.Add(this.DragWindowStartSize, int2.Mul(offset, mask));
// Position stays put or drifts right with mask
let position_mask = int2.Min0(mask);
this.Position = int2.Sub(this.DragWindowStartPosition, int2.Mul(offset, position_mask));
// Build up a list of controls to exclude from snapping
// Don't snap anchor controls as they'll already be dragged around with this size event
let exclude_controls: [Control] = [ this ];
for (let anchor of this.AnchorControls)
// Snap edges to neighbouring edges in the parent container
let parent_container = this.ParentContainer;
if (parent_container != null)
if (mask.x > 0 || mask.y > 0)
let snap = FindSnapControls(parent_container, this.BottomRight, mask, exclude_controls);
if (snap[0] != SnapCode.None)
// Adjust offset to allow anchored controls to match the snap motions
offset = int2.Add(offset, int2.Sub(snap[1], this.BottomRight));
this.BottomRight = snap[1];
// Only display ruler for master control
if (master_offset == null)
if (mask.x < 0 || mask.y < 0)
let snap = FindSnapControls(parent_container, this.TopLeft, mask, exclude_controls);
if (snap[0] != SnapCode.None)
// Adjust offset to allow anchored controls to match the snap motions
offset = int2.Add(offset, int2.Sub(snap[1], this.TopLeft));
this.TopLeft = snap[1];
// Only display ruler for master control
if (master_offset == null)
if (this.ControlGraph)
this.ControlSizerX.ChangeSize(this.ControlParentNode.Size.x, this.ControlGraph);
this.ControlSizerY.ChangeSize(this.ControlParentNode.Size.y, this.ControlGraph);
// Clamp window size to a minimum
let min_window_size = new int2(50);
this.Size = int2.Max(this.Size, min_window_size);
this.Position = int2.Min(this.Position, int2.Sub(int2.Add(this.DragWindowStartPosition, this.DragWindowStartSize), min_window_size));
// Resize all anchored controls
for (let control of this.AnchorControls)
let window = control[0] as Window;
if (window != null)
window.OnSize(event, control[1], offset);
// The cursor will exceed the bounds of the resize element under sizing so
// force it to whatever it needs to be here
this.SetResizeCursor($(document.body), mask);
private OnEndSize = (event: MouseEvent, mask: int2) =>
// End all anchored controls
for (let control of this.AnchorControls)
let window = control[0] as Window;
if (window != null)
window.OnEndSize(event, mask);
// Clear anchor references so they don't hang around if a window is deleted
this.AnchorControls = [];
// Set cursor back to auto
// Remove handlers added during mouse down
this.OnSizeDelegate = null;
this.OnEndSizeDelegate = null;
private UpdateDebugText()
let text = "";
text += this.BottomRight.x;