Fork 0

71 lines
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#pragma once
#include "../core/flags.hpp"
#include <tuple>
typedef struct GLFWwindow GLFWwindow;
typedef void (*GLFWframebuffersizefun)(GLFWwindow*, int, int);
/// GLFW context and window
class Window {
static constexpr auto MIN_FPS = 24;
static constexpr auto MAX_FPS = 240;
static constexpr auto RATIO_WIDTH = 16;
static constexpr auto RATIO_HEIGHT = 9;
/// Fixed window ratio
static constexpr auto RATIO = RATIO_WIDTH / (RATIO_HEIGHT * 1.0f);
struct CreateInfo {
GLFWframebuffersizefun pfnResize;
struct Client {
enum class Type { GL, VK } type;
int major;
int minor;
} client;
int samples;
int fps;
bool fullscreen;
bool create(const CreateInfo &opt);
void destroy();
bool isReady() const;
void setTargetFPS(int val);
void setFullscreen(bool val);
_FORCE_INLINE_ GLFWwindow *getPtr() { return ptr; }
void startFrame();
void waitTargetFPS();
bool shouldClose();
double getTime() const;
static void wait(int microseconds = 100);
GLFWwindow *ptr;
int targetFPS;
bool fullscreen;
double frameStart;
struct windowOptions {
#ifdef _WINDOWS
//NOTE: prefer vsync due to clock inaccuracy
int targetFPS = Window::MIN_FPS - 1;
int targetFPS = 60;
int sampling = -1;
bool fullscreen = false;
constexpr int getSamples() const { return sampling > 0 ? (1 << (sampling - 1)) : sampling; }