Fork 0

196 lines
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namespace WM
function GenerateID(position: int2, size: int2) : number
// Use initial placement of the container as a unique ID generator
let a = Hash.Combine_U32(Hash.Wang_U32(position.x), Hash.Wang_U32(position.y));
let b = Hash.Combine_U32(Hash.Wang_U32(size.x), Hash.Wang_U32(size.y));
return Hash.Combine_U32(a, b);
export class Control
// Unique ID within a container's control list
ID: number;
// Main generated HTML node for the control
Node: DOM.Node;
// Parent container for the control; can be null in the case of the browser body
private _ParentContainer: Container;
// Rectangle coverage
// Always ensure position/size are defined as they are required to calculate bottom-right
private _Position = new int2(0);
private _Size = new int2(0);
private _BottomRight = new int2(0);
// Records current visibility state - not for external writes
private _Visible: boolean = false;
// ----- Constructor ---------------------------------------------------------------
constructor(node: DOM.Node, position: int2, size: int2)
this.ID = GenerateID(position, size);
this.Node = node;
this.Position = position;
this.Size = size;
// ----- Public API Properties -----------------------------------------------------
// Cached node position
set Position(position: int2)
this._Position = position;
this.Node.Position = position;
this._BottomRight = int2.Add(this._Position, this._Size);
get Position() : int2
return this._Position;
// Cached node size
// Size set in alternate implementation because you can't access
// properties from 'super'
protected SetSize(size: int2) : void
this._Size = size;
this.Node.Size = size;
this._BottomRight = int2.Add(this._Position, this._Size);
set Size(size: int2)
get Size() : int2
return this._Size;
// Alternative rectangle coverage access
set TopLeft(tl: int2)
let old_br = this._BottomRight.Copy();
this.Position = tl;
this.Size = int2.Sub(old_br, this.Position);
get TopLeft() : int2
return this._Position;
set BottomRight(br: int2)
this.SetSize(int2.Sub(br, this._Position));
get BottomRight() : int2
return this._BottomRight;
// Tells whether the control thinks it's visible or not
get Visible() : boolean
return this._Visible;
// ----- Internal API Properties ---------------------------------------------------
// Set/Get control z-index
set ZIndex(z_index: number)
this.Node.ZIndex = z_index;
get ZIndex() : number
return this.Node.ZIndex;
// Set/Get the parent container for this control
set ParentContainer(parent_container: Container)
if (this._ParentContainer == null)
this._ParentContainer = parent_container;
if (this._ParentContainer == null)
get ParentContainer() : Container
return this._ParentContainer;
// Returns a node within the parent container that's designated for adding controls
// Or document.body if there is no parent
protected get ParentNode() : DOM.Node
let parent_container = this.ParentContainer;
if (parent_container == null)
return $(document.body);
return parent_container.ControlParentNode;
// ----- Public API Methods --------------------------------------------------------
Show() : void
// Add to parent node if not already there
if (this.Node.Parent == null)
this._Visible = true;
Hide() : void
if (this.Node.Parent != null)
this._Visible = false;
SendToTop() : void
if (this._ParentContainer)
SendToBottom() : void
if (this._ParentContainer)
// ----- Internal API Methods ------------------------------------------------------
OnParentResize = () =>
// TODO: Snap on show?
private OnMouseDown = (event: MouseEvent) =>
// Allow bubble-up for this event so that it filters through nested windows