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# Univerxel <!-- omit in toc -->
Work in progress galaxy down to atom (mostly centimeter) online voxel game
## Table of Contents <!-- omit in toc -->
- [About The Project](#about-the-project)
- [Built With](#built-with)
- [Run it](#run-it)
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Build](#build)
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites-1)
- [Optionally](#optionally)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Additionally](#additionally)
- [RoadMap](#roadmap)
- [License](#license)
- [Contact](#contact)
## About The Project
Experimental project using OpenGL and Vulkan.
### Built With
* C++
* OpenGL
* Vulkan
* ImGui
* ENet
* FasNoiseSIMD
* Love and insomnia
## Run it
Get a release compatible with your system window library and processor capabilities, or [build](#build) it
### Prerequisites
* OpenGL or Vulkan driver
### Usage
Edit `config.toml`
<!-- MAYBE: config description -->
Profit !
## Build
To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple steps.
### Prerequisites
* C++17
* CMake 3.11
* System window headers *(xorg-dev)*
#### Optionally
* Python: utility scripts
* [Tracy](https://github.com/wolfpld/tracy) v0.7: profiling
* [glslc](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glslang): build vk shaders
* Imagemagick: build textures (convert jpg to png)
* [Compressonator](https://github.com/GPUOpen-Tools/compressonator): build textures (compress dds)
### Installation
1. Clone the project repo
git lfs clone --recursive https://git.wadza.fr/me/univerxel.git
2. Create build folder and move
mkdir build && cd build
3. Build CMake
cmake <options> ..
CMake options: `-DKEY=VAL`
Key | Usage | Default
--- | --- | ---
SIMD_LEVEL | SIMD processor acceleration (sse2, sse4.1, avx2, avx512f) | `avx2`
USE_FMA | Fast math | `1`
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE | Level of optimization | `Release`
PROFILING | Tracy profiling | `0`
LOG_DEBUG | Debug logs | `0`
LOG_TRACE | Trace logs | `0`
1. Build Make
make -j<process count> <target>
Target | Description
--- | ---
univerxel | All in one
univerxel-server | Standalone server
univerxel-client | Light client
docs | Doxygen documentation
#### Additionally
5. Recompile Vulkan shaders
cd resource/shaders-src
./compile.sh # Use glslc
GLSL="glslValidator -V" ./compile.sh # Other glslang compiler
6. Rebuild textures
cd resource/textures-src
./compile.sh # Build all texture dds
./merge.py <args> # Combine grey images to RGB
<!-- ROADMAP -->
## RoadMap
See [Features](TODO.md)
<!-- LICENSE -->
## License
Distributed under the MIT License. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.
<!-- CONTACT -->
## Contact
Maelys Bois - [/me](https://git.wadza.fr/me) - me@wadza.fr
Project Link: [https://git.wadza.fr/me/univerxel](https://git.wadza.fr/me/univerxel)