Initial commit (extract fro private repo)

This commit is contained in:
May B. 2020-03-25 12:01:36 +01:00
commit 61a0ab4308
27 changed files with 5561 additions and 0 deletions

.Xmodmap Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
pointer = 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

.antigen.zsh Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

.bashrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# ~/.bashrc
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
prompt_git() {
local s='';
local branchName='';
# Check if the current directory is in a Git repository.
if [ $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree &>/dev/null; echo "${?}") == '0' ]; then
# check if the current directory is in .git before running git checks
if [ "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir 2> /dev/null)" == 'false' ]; then
# Ensure the index is up to date.
git update-index --really-refresh -q &>/dev/null;
# Check for uncommitted changes in the index.
if ! $(git diff --quiet --ignore-submodules --cached); then
# Check for unstaged changes.
if ! $(git diff-files --quiet --ignore-submodules --); then
# Check for untracked files.
if [ -n "$(git ls-files --others --exclude-standard)" ]; then
# Check for stashed files.
if $(git rev-parse --verify refs/stash &>/dev/null); then
# Get the short symbolic ref.
# If HEAD isnt a symbolic ref, get the short SHA for the latest commit
# Otherwise, just give up.
branchName="$(git symbolic-ref --quiet --short HEAD 2> /dev/null || \
git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null || \
echo '(unknown)')";
[ -n "${s}" ] && s=" [${s}]";
echo -e " ${1}${branchName}${2}${s}";
hostname_color() {
case $(hostname) in
echo "34"
echo "32"
echo "35"
echo "31"
echo "37"
status_color() {
if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
echo "31"
if [[ $(whoami) == "sheychen" ]] ; then
if [[ $(sudo -n uptime 2>&1|grep "load"|wc -l) -gt 0 ]] ; then
echo "33"
echo "32"
echo "35"
parse_user() {
if [[ ${EUID} != 0 ]] ; then
if [[ $(whoami) != "sheychen" ]] ; then
echo "$(whoami)@"
function spwd {
echo $PWD | sed "s:${HOME}:~:" | sed "s:/\(.\)[^/]*:/\1:g" | sed "s:/[^/]*$:/$(basename "$PWD"):"
PS1='\[\033[01;$(status_color)m\][\[\033[01;37m\]$(parse_user)\[\033[01;$(hostname_color)m\]\H\[\033[01;37m\] $(spwd)$(prompt_git)\[\033[01;$(status_color)m\]]\[\033[00m\] '
type shopt &> /dev/null && shopt -s histappend;
shopt -s cmdhist
shopt -s checkwinsize
shopt -s autocd
bind Space:magic-space
bind '"\eh": "\C-a\eb\ed\C-y\e#man \C-y\C-m\C-p\C-p\C-a\C-d\C-e"'
cl() {
local dir="$1"
local dir="${dir:=$HOME}"
if [[ -d "$dir" ]]; then
cd "$dir" >/dev/null; ls
echo "bash: cl: $dir: Directory not found"
[[ -f ~/.shrc ]] && . ~/.shrc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
// Placez vos combinaisons de touches dans ce fichier pour remplacer les valeurs par défaut

View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
"editor.scrollBeyondLastLine": false,
"editor.minimap.enabled": true,
"editor.formatOnType": true,
"editor.formatOnPaste": true,
"editor.emptySelectionClipboard": false,
"workbench.iconTheme": "vs-nomo-dark",
"telemetry.enableTelemetry": false,
"telemetry.enableCrashReporter": false,
"editor.dragAndDrop": true,
"explorer.enableDragAndDrop": true,
"window.zoomLevel": 0,
"": "rgba(60, 60, 60, 0.75)",
"composer.executablePath": "/usr/bin/composer",
"editor.wordWrap": "off",
"git.autorefresh": false,
"git.autofetch": false,
"editor.renderIndentGuides": false,
"code-runner.runInTerminal": true,
"workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile",
"python.formatting.provider": "yapf",
"explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false,
"workbench.statusBar.visible": true,
"code-runner.executorMap": {
"javascript": "node",
"php": "php",
"python": "python",
"csharp": "dotnet run",
"typescript": "ts-node",
"git.confirmSync": false,
"omnisharp.loggingLevel": "warning",
"terminal.integrated.cursorStyle": "line",
"editor.fontFamily": "'DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font Mono', monospace",
"csharp.referencesCodeLens.enabled": false,
"editor.renderWhitespace": "all",
"todohighlight.include": [
"todohighlight.exclude": [
"todohighlight.keywords": [
"text": "FIXME:",
"color": "white",
"backgroundColor": "orangeRed"
"text": "TODO:",
"color": "white",
"backgroundColor": "darkorange"
"text": "MAYBE:",
"color": "white",
"backgroundColor": "lightgreen"
"text": "DANGER:",
"color": "orangeRed",
"backgroundColor": "none"
"text": "NOTE:",
"color": "darkorange",
"backgroundColor": "none"
"text": "REMARK:",
"color": "lightgreen",
"backgroundColor": "none"
"todohighlight.toggleURI": true,
"fileutils.delete.useTrash": false,
"workbench.activityBar.visible": false,
"code-runner.enableAppInsights": false,
"breadcrumbs.enabled": true,
"diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": true,
"editor.renderControlCharacters": false,
"spellright.addToSystemDictionary": true,
"spellright.configurationScope": "user",
"eslint.validate": [
"window.menuBarVisibility": "default",
"search.location": "sidebar",
"window.titleBarStyle": "native",
"liveServer.settings.donotVerifyTags": true,
"liveServer.settings.donotShowInfoMsg": true,
"editor.suggestSelection": "first",
"vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection": "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue",
"python.jediEnabled": false,
"workbench.sideBar.location": "left",
"activitusbar.views": [
"name": "explorer",
"octicon": "file-text"
"name": "search",
"octicon": "search"
"name": "scm",
"octicon": "repo-forked"
"name": "debug",
"octicon": "bug"
"name": "extensions",
"octicon": "package"
"activitusbar.activeColour": "white",
"activitusbar.inactiveColour": "lightgrey",
"[vue]": {
"editor.tabSize": 2
"cSpell.language": "en,fr",
"cSpell.userWords": [
"cSpell.enabledLanguageIds": [
"workbench.enableExperiments": false,
"workbench.settings.enableNaturalLanguageSearch": false,
"update.mode": "none",
"update.showReleaseNotes": false,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
"for": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": [
"for (${size_t} ${i} = ${1:0}; ${i} < ${2:length}; ${i}++)",
" $3",
"description": "Code snippet for 'for' loop"
"forr": {
"prefix": "forr",
"body": [
"for (int ${i} = ${1:length} - 1; ${i} >= ${2:0}; ${i}--)",
" $3",
"description": "Code snippet for reverse 'for' loop"
"do": {
"prefix": "do",
"body": [
" $1",
"} while($2);"
"description": "Code snippet for do...while loop"
"while": {
"prefix": "while",
"body": [
"while ($1)",
" $2",
"description": ""
"foreach": {
"prefix": "foreach",
"body": [
"for(auto ${var} : ${collection_to_loop})",
" $1",
"description": "Code snippet for range-based for loop (c++11) statement"
"if": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": [
"if ($1)",
" $2",
"description": "Code snippet for if statement"
"else": {
"prefix": "else",
"body": [
" $1",
"description": "Code snippet for else statement"
"else if": {
"prefix": "else if",
"body": [
"else if ($1)",
" $2",
"description": "Code snippet for else-if statement"
"enum": {
"prefix": "enum",
"body": [
"enum ${MyEnum}",
" $1",
"description": "Code snippet for enum"
"enum class": {
"prefix": "enum class",
"body": [
"enum class ${MyClass} { };"
"description": "Code snippet for enum class (c++11)"
"class": {
"prefix": "class",
"body": [
"class ${MyClass}",
" ${MyClass}();",
" ${MyClass}(${MyClass} &&) = default;",
" ${MyClass}(const ${MyClass} &) = default;",
" ${MyClass} &operator=(${MyClass} &&) = default;",
" ${MyClass} &operator=(const ${MyClass} &) = default;",
" ~${MyClass}();",
" $1",
"description": "Code snippet for class"
"classi": {
"prefix": "classi",
"body": [
"class ${MyClass}",
" ${MyClass}() = default;",
" ${MyClass}(${MyClass} &&) = default;",
" ${MyClass}(const ${MyClass} &) = default;",
" ${MyClass} &operator=(${MyClass} &&) = default;",
" ${MyClass} &operator=(const ${MyClass} &) = default;",
" ~${MyClass}() = default;",
" $1",
"description": "Code snippet for class with inline constructor/destructor"
"interface": {
"prefix": "interface",
"body": [
"__interface I${Interface}",
" $1",
"description": "Code snippet for interface (Visual C++)"
"namespace": {
"prefix": "namespace",
"body": [
"namespace ${MyNamespace}",
" $1",
"#ifdef": {
"prefix": "#ifdef",
"body": [
"#ifdef ${DEBUG}",
"#endif // ${DEBUG}"
"description": "Code snippet for #ifdef"
"#ifndef": {
"prefix": "#ifndef",
"body": [
"#ifndef ${1:1}",
"#endif // !$1"
"description": "Code snippet for #ifndef"
"#if": {
"prefix": "#if",
"body": [
"#ifdef ${1:0}",
"#endif // $1"
"description": "Code snippet for #if"
"struct": {
"prefix": "struct",
"body": [
"struct ${MyStruct}",
" $1",
"description": "Code snippet for struct"
"switch": {
"prefix": "switch",
"body": [
"switch (${switch_on})",
" break;$1",
"description": "Code snippet for switch statement"
"try": {
"prefix": "try",
"body": [
" ",
"catch (const std::exception&)",
" $1",
"description": "Code snippet for try catch"
"union": {
"prefix": "union",
"body": [
"union ${MyUnion}",
" $1",
"description": "Code snippet for union"
"cout": {
"prefix": "cout",
"body": [
"std::cout << \"${1:/* message */}\" << std::endl;"
"description": "Code snippet for printing to std::cout, provided the header is set"
"#inc": {
"prefix": "#inc",
"body": [
"#include \"$1\""
"description": "Code snippet for #include \" \""
"#inc<": {
"prefix": "#inc<",
"body": [
"#include <$1>"
"description": "Code snippet for #include \" \""
"#def": {
"prefix": "#def",
"body": [
"#define \"$1\" \"$2\" "
"description": "Code snippet for #define \" \""
"main": {
"prefix": "main",
"body": [
"int main(int argc, const char** argv) {",
" return 0;",
"description": "Code snippet for 'for' loop"
"hpp": {
"prefix": "hpp",
"body": [
"#ifndef ${1:${TM_FILENAME/(.*)/${1:/upcase}/}}",
"#define $1",
"description": "Headr file ifndef"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"Namespace": {
"prefix": "namespace",
"body": [
"namespace ${1:Name} {",
"description": "Create namespace"
"Class": {
"prefix": "class",
"body": [
"class ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE:Name}} {",
"description": "Create class"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
# Configuration for Alacritty, the GPU enhanced terminal emulator
# Any items in the `env` entry below will be added as
# environment variables. Some entries may override variables
# set by alacritty it self.
# TERM env customization.
# If this property is not set, alacritty will set it to xterm-256color.
# Note that some xterm terminfo databases don't declare support for italics.
# You can verify this by checking for the presence of `smso` and `sitm` in
# `infocmp xterm-256color`.
TERM: xterm-256color
# Window dimensions in character columns and lines
# (changes require restart)
columns: 80
lines: 24
# Adds this many blank pixels of padding around the window
# Units are physical pixels; this is not DPI aware.
# (change requires restart)
x: 2
y: 2
# Window decorations
# Setting this to false will result in window without borders and title bar.
# Display tabs using this many cells (changes require restart)
tabspaces: 4
# Cursor blinking
cursor_blink_interval: 300
cursor_blink: true
# When true, bold text is drawn using the bright variant of colors.
draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: true
# Font configuration (changes require restart)
# The normal (roman) font face to use.
family: "DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font Mono" # should be "Menlo" or something on macOS.
# Style can be specified to pick a specific face.
style: Roman
# The bold font face
family: "DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font Mono" # should be "Menlo" or something on macOS.
# Style can be specified to pick a specific face.
style: Bold
# The italic font face
family: "DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font Mono" # should be "Menlo" or something on macOS.
# Style can be specified to pick a specific face.
style: Italic
# Point size of the font
size: 8.0
# Offset is the extra space around each character. offset.y can be thought of
# as modifying the linespacing, and offset.x as modifying the letter spacing.
x: 0
y: 0
# Glyph offset determines the locations of the glyphs within their cells with
# the default being at the bottom. Increase the x offset to move the glyph to
# the right, increase the y offset to move the glyph upward.
x: 0
y: 0
# OS X only: use thin stroke font rendering. Thin strokes are suitable
# for retina displays, but for non-retina you probably want this set to
# false.
use_thin_strokes: true
# Should display the render timer
render_timer: false
# Use custom cursor colors. If true, display the cursor in the cursor.foreground
# and cursor.background colors, otherwise invert the colors of the cursor.
# Colors (Tomorrow Night Bright)
# Default colors
background: '0x333333'
foreground: '0xdddddd'
# Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true
text: '0x000000'
cursor: '0xdddddd'
# Normal colors
black: '0x000000'
red: '0xd54e53'
green: '0xb9ca4a'
yellow: '0xe6c547'
blue: '0x7aa6da'
magenta: '0xc397d8'
cyan: '0x70c0ba'
white: '0xffffff'
# Bright colors
black: '0x666666'
red: '0xff3334'
green: '0x9ec400'
yellow: '0xe7c547'
blue: '0x7aa6da'
magenta: '0xb77ee0'
cyan: '0x54ced6'
white: '0xffffff'
# Dim colors (Optional)
black: '0x333333'
red: '0xf2777a'
green: '0x99cc99'
yellow: '0xffcc66'
blue: '0x6699cc'
magenta: '0xcc99cc'
cyan: '0x66cccc'
white: '0xdddddd'
# Visual Bell
# Any time the BEL code is received, Alacritty "rings" the visual bell. Once
# rung, the terminal background will be set to white and transition back to the
# default background color. You can control the rate of this transition by
# setting the `duration` property (represented in milliseconds). You can also
# configure the transition function by setting the `animation` property.
# Possible values for `animation`
# `Ease`
# `EaseOut`
# `EaseOutSine`
# `EaseOutQuad`
# `EaseOutCubic`
# `EaseOutQuart`
# `EaseOutQuint`
# `EaseOutExpo`
# `EaseOutCirc`
# `Linear`
# To completely disable the visual bell, set its duration to 0.
animation: EaseOutExpo
duration: 0
# Background opacity
background_opacity: 0.9
# Key bindings
# Each binding is defined as an object with some properties. Most of the
# properties are optional. All of the alphabetical keys should have a letter for
# the `key` value such as `V`. Function keys are probably what you would expect
# as well (F1, F2, ..). The number keys above the main keyboard are encoded as
# `Key1`, `Key2`, etc. Keys on the number pad are encoded `Number1`, `Number2`,
# etc. These all match the glutin::VirtualKeyCode variants.
# Possible values for `mods`
# `Command`, `Super` refer to the super/command/windows key
# `Control` for the control key
# `Shift` for the Shift key
# `Alt` and `Option` refer to alt/option
# mods may be combined with a `|`. For example, requiring control and shift
# looks like:
# mods: Control|Shift
# The parser is currently quite sensitive to whitespace and capitalization -
# capitalization must match exactly, and piped items must not have whitespace
# around them.
# Either an `action`, `chars`, or `command` field must be present.
# `action` must be one of `Paste`, `PasteSelection`, `Copy`, or `Quit`.
# `chars` writes the specified string every time that binding is activated.
# These should generally be escape sequences, but they can be configured to
# send arbitrary strings of bytes.
# `command` must be a map containing a `program` string, and `args` array of
# strings. For example:
# - { ... , command: { program: "alacritty", args: ["-e", "vttest"] } }
# Want to add a binding (e.g. "PageUp") but are unsure what the X sequence
# (e.g. "\x1b[5~") is? Open another terminal (like xterm) without tmux,
# then run `showkey -a` to get the sequence associated to a key combination.
- { key: V, mods: Control|Shift, action: Paste }
- { key: C, mods: Control|Shift, action: Copy }
- { key: Q, mods: Command, action: Quit }
- { key: W, mods: Command, action: Quit }
- { key: Insert, mods: Shift, action: PasteSelection }
- { key: Numpad0, mods: Control, action: ResetFontSize }
- { key: Equals, mods: Control, action: IncreaseFontSize }
- { key: Subtract, mods: Control, action: DecreaseFontSize }
- { key: Home, chars: "\x1bOH", mode: AppCursor }
- { key: Home, chars: "\x1b[H", mode: ~AppCursor }
- { key: End, chars: "\x1bOF", mode: AppCursor }
- { key: End, chars: "\x1b[F", mode: ~AppCursor }
- { key: PageUp, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[5;2~" }
- { key: PageUp, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[5;5~" }
- { key: PageUp, chars: "\x1b[5~" }
- { key: PageDown, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[6;2~" }
- { key: PageDown, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[6;5~" }
- { key: PageDown, chars: "\x1b[6~" }
- { key: Tab, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[Z" }
- { key: Back, chars: "\x7f" }
- { key: Back, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b\x7f" }
- { key: Insert, chars: "\x1b[2~" }
- { key: Delete, chars: "\x1b[3~" }
- { key: Left, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2D" }
- { key: Left, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5D" }
- { key: Left, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;3D" }
- { key: Left, chars: "\x1b[D", mode: ~AppCursor }
- { key: Left, chars: "\x1bOD", mode: AppCursor }
- { key: Right, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2C" }
- { key: Right, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5C" }
- { key: Right, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;3C" }
- { key: Right, chars: "\x1b[C", mode: ~AppCursor }
- { key: Right, chars: "\x1bOC", mode: AppCursor }
- { key: Up, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2A" }
- { key: Up, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5A" }
- { key: Up, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;3A" }
- { key: Up, chars: "\x1b[A", mode: ~AppCursor }
- { key: Up, chars: "\x1bOA", mode: AppCursor }
- { key: Down, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2B" }
- { key: Down, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5B" }
- { key: Down, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;3B" }
- { key: Down, chars: "\x1b[B", mode: ~AppCursor }
- { key: Down, chars: "\x1bOB", mode: AppCursor }
- { key: Tab, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[Z" }
- { key: F1, chars: "\x1bOP" }
- { key: F2, chars: "\x1bOQ" }
- { key: F3, chars: "\x1bOR" }
- { key: F4, chars: "\x1bOS" }
- { key: F5, chars: "\x1b[15~" }
- { key: F6, chars: "\x1b[17~" }
- { key: F7, chars: "\x1b[18~" }
- { key: F8, chars: "\x1b[19~" }
- { key: F9, chars: "\x1b[20~" }
- { key: F10, chars: "\x1b[21~" }
- { key: F11, chars: "\x1b[23~" }
- { key: F12, chars: "\x1b[24~" }
# - { key: Back, chars: "\x7f" }
- { key: Back, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b\x7f" }
- { key: Insert, chars: "\x1b[2~" }
- { key: F1, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2P" }
- { key: F2, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2Q" }
- { key: F3, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2R" }
- { key: F4, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2S" }
- { key: F5, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[15;2~" }
- { key: F6, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[17;2~" }
- { key: F7, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[18;2~" }
- { key: F8, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[19;2~" }
- { key: F9, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[20;2~" }
- { key: F10, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[21;2~" }
- { key: F11, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[23;2~" }
- { key: F12, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[24;2~" }
- { key: F1, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5P" }
- { key: F2, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5Q" }
- { key: F3, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5R" }
- { key: F4, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5S" }
- { key: F5, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[15;5~" }
- { key: F6, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[17;5~" }
- { key: F7, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[18;5~" }
- { key: F8, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[19;5~" }
- { key: F9, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[20;5~" }
- { key: F10, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[21;5~" }
- { key: F11, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[23;5~" }
- { key: F12, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[24;5~" }
- { key: F1, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;6P" }
- { key: F2, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;6Q" }
- { key: F3, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;6R" }
- { key: F4, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;6S" }
- { key: F5, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[15;6~" }
- { key: F6, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[17;6~" }
- { key: F7, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[18;6~" }
- { key: F8, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[19;6~" }
- { key: F9, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[20;6~" }
- { key: F10, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[21;6~" }
- { key: F11, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[23;6~" }
- { key: F12, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[24;6~" }
- { key: F1, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[1;3P" }
- { key: F2, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[1;3Q" }
- { key: F3, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[1;3R" }
- { key: F4, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[1;3S" }
- { key: F5, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[15;3~" }
- { key: F6, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[17;3~" }
- { key: F7, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[18;3~" }
- { key: F8, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[19;3~" }
- { key: F9, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[20;3~" }
- { key: F10, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[21;3~" }
- { key: F11, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[23;3~" }
- { key: F12, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[24;3~" }
# Mouse bindings
# Currently doesn't support modifiers. Both the `mouse` and `action` fields must
# be specified.
# Values for `mouse`:
# - Middle
# - Left
# - Right
# - Numeric identifier such as `5`
# Values for `action`:
# - Paste
# - PasteSelection
# - Copy (TODO)
- { mouse: Middle, action: PasteSelection }
double_click: { threshold: 300 }
triple_click: { threshold: 300 }
semantic_escape_chars: ",│`|:\"' ()[]{}<>"
# hide_cursor_when_typing: false
style: Beam
# Shell
# You can set shell.program to the path of your favorite shell, e.g. /bin/fish.
# Entries in shell.args are passed unmodified as arguments to the shell.
# program: /bin/bash
# args:
# - --login
# - -e "echo -e -n '\e[6 q'"

.config/cava/config Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
## Configuration file for CAVA. Default values are commented out. Use either ';' or '#' for commenting.
# Smoothing mode. Can be 'normal', 'scientific' or 'waves'.
; mode = normal
# Accepts only non-negative values.
framerate = 60
# 'autosens' will attempt to decrease sensitivity if the bars peak. 1 = on, 0 = off
# 'overshoot' allows bars to overshoot (in % of terminal height) without initiating autosens.
; autosens = 1
; overshoot = 20
# Manual sensitivity in %. Autosens must be turned off for this to take effect.
# 200 means double height. Accepts only non-negative values.
; sensitivity = 100
# The number of bars (0-200). 0 sets it to auto (fill up console).
# Bars' width and space between bars in number of characters.
bars = 0
bar_width = 1
bar_spacing = 0
# Lower and higher cutoff frequencies for lowest and highest bars
# the bandwidth of the visualizer.
# Note: there is a minimum total bandwidth of 43Mhz x number of bars.
# Cava will automatically increase the higher cutoff if a too low band is specified.
; lower_cutoff_freq = 50
; higher_cutoff_freq = 10000
# Audio capturing method. Possible methods are: 'pulse', 'alsa' or 'fifo'.
# Defaults to 'pulse', 'alsa' or 'fifo', in that order, dependent on what support cava was built with.
# All input methods uses the same config variable 'source'
# to define where it should get the audio.
# For pulseaudio 'source' will be the source. Default: 'auto', which uses the monitor source of the default sink
# (all pulseaudio sinks(outputs) have 'monitor' sources(inputs) associated with them).
# For alsa 'source' will be the capture device.
# For fifo 'source' will be the path to fifo-file.
; method = pulse
; source = auto
; method = alsa
; source = hw:Loopback,1
; method = fifo
; source = /tmp/mpd.fifo
# Ouput method. Can be 'ncurses', 'noncurses' or 'raw'.
# 'noncurses' is for systems that does not suport ncurses.
# 'raw' is a 16 bit data stream of the bar heights that can be used to send to other applications.
# 'raw' defaults to 200 bars, which can be adjusted in the 'bars' option above.
; method = raw
# Visual styles. Can be 'stereo' or 'mono'.
# 'stereo' mirrors both channels with low frequencies in center.
# 'mono' averages both channels and outputs left to right lowest to highest frequencies.
style = mono
# Raw output target. A fifo will be created if target does not exist.
; raw_target = /dev/stdout
# Raw data format. Can be 'binary' or 'ascii'.
; data_format = binary
# Binary bit format, can be '8bit' (0-255) or '16bit' (0-65530).
; bit_format = 16bit
# Ascii max value. In 'ascii' mode range will run from 0 to value specified here
; ascii_max_range = 1000
# Ascii delimiters. In ascii format each bar and frame is separated by a delimiters.
# Use decimal value in ascii table (i.e. 59 = ';' and 10 = '\n' (line feed)).
; bar_delimiter = 59
; frame_delimiter = 10
# Colors can be one of seven predefined: black, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, white, yellow.
# Or defined by hex code '#xxxxxx' (hex code must be within ''). User defined colors requires a
# terminal that can change color definitions such as Gnome-terminal or rxvt.
; background = black
foreground = white
# Gradient mode, only hex defined colors are supported, background must also be defined in hex
# or remain commented out. 1 = on, 0 = off. Warning: for certain terminal emulators cava will
# not able to restore color definitions on exit, simply restart your terminal to restore colors.
gradient = 1
gradient_color_1 = '#ea4230'
gradient_color_2 = '#820bc6'
# Multiplier for the integral smoothing calculations. Takes values from 0-0.99.
# Higher values means smoother, but less precise. Set to 0 to disable.
; integral = 0.7
# Disables or enables the so-called "Monstercat smoothing". Set to 0 to disable.
; monstercat = 0
# Set gravity multiplier for "drop off". Higher values means bars will drop faster.
# Accepts only non-negative values. 0.5 means half gravity, 2 means double. Set to 0 to disable "drop off".
; gravity = 1
# In bar height, bars that would have been lower that this will not be drawn.
; ignore = 0
# This one is tricky. You can have as much keys as you want.
# Remember to uncomment more then one key! More keys = more precision.
# Look at on github for further explanations and examples.
; 1 = 1 # bass
; 2 = 1
; 3 = 1 # midtone
; 4 = 1
; 5 = 1 # treble

.config/htop/htoprc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Beware! This file is rewritten by htop when settings are changed in the interface.
# The parser is also very primitive, and not human-friendly.
fields=0 48 2 46 47 38 49 111 1
left_meters=Hostname LoadAverage Tasks Uptime Clock
left_meter_modes=2 2 2 2 2
right_meters=AllCPUs2 Memory Swap Battery
right_meter_modes=1 1 1 1

.config/mpv/input.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
MOUSE_BTN3 add volume 5
MOUSE_BTN4 add volume -5
+ add speed 0.05
- add speed -0.05
h add volume -5
l add volume 5
j seek 15
k seek -15
m cycle pause

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

.config/mpv/mpv.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
-- Display some stats.
-- Please consult the readme for information about usage and configuration:
-- Please note: not every property is always available and therefore not always
-- visible.
local mp = require 'mp'
local options = require 'mp.options'
-- Options
local o = {
-- Default key bindings
key_oneshot = "i",
key_toggle = "I",
key_page_1 = "1",
key_page_2 = "2",
key_page_3 = "3",
duration = 4,
redraw_delay = 1, -- acts as duration in the toggling case
ass_formatting = true,
print_perfdata_passes = false, -- when true, print the full information about all passes
filter_params_max_length = 100, -- a filter list longer than this many characters will be shown one filter per line instead
debug = false,
-- Graph options and style
plot_perfdata = true,
plot_vsync_ratio = true,
plot_vsync_jitter = true,
skip_frames = 5,
global_max = true,
flush_graph_data = true, -- clear data buffers when toggling
plot_bg_border_color = "0000FF",
plot_bg_color = "262626",
plot_color = "FFFFFF",
-- Text style
font = "Source Sans Pro",
font_mono = "Source Sans Pro", -- monospaced digits are sufficient
font_size = 8,
font_color = "FFFFFF",
border_size = 0.8,
border_color = "262626",
shadow_x_offset = 0.0,
shadow_y_offset = 0.0,
shadow_color = "000000",
alpha = "11",
-- Custom header for ASS tags to style the text output.
-- Specifying this will ignore the text style values above and just
-- use this string instead.
custom_header = "",
-- Text formatting
-- With ASS
ass_nl = "\\N",
ass_indent = "\\h\\h\\h\\h\\h",
ass_prefix_sep = "\\h\\h",
ass_b1 = "{\\b1}",
ass_b0 = "{\\b0}",
ass_it1 = "{\\i1}",
ass_it0 = "{\\i0}",
-- Without ASS
no_ass_nl = "\n",
no_ass_indent = "\t",
no_ass_prefix_sep = " ",
no_ass_b1 = "\027[1m",
no_ass_b0 = "\027[0m",
no_ass_it1 = "\027[3m",
no_ass_it0 = "\027[0m",
local format = string.format
local max = math.max
local min = math.min
-- Function used to record performance data
local recorder = nil
-- Timer used for toggling
local toggle_timer = nil
-- Timer used to remove forced keybindings
local binding_timer = nil
-- Current page and <page key>:<page function> mappings
local curr_page = o.key_page_1
local pages = {}
-- Save these sequences locally as we'll need them a lot
local ass_start = mp.get_property_osd("osd-ass-cc/0")
local ass_stop = mp.get_property_osd("osd-ass-cc/1")
-- Ring buffers for the values used to construct a graph.
-- .pos denotes the current position, .len the buffer length
-- .max is the max value in the corresponding buffer
local vsratio_buf, vsjitter_buf
local function init_buffers()
vsratio_buf = {0, pos = 1, len = 50, max = 0}
vsjitter_buf = {0, pos = 1, len = 50, max = 0}
-- Save all properties known to this version of mpv
local property_list = {}
for p in string.gmatch(mp.get_property("property-list"), "([^,]+)") do property_list[p] = true end
-- Mapping of properties to their deprecated names
local property_aliases = {
["decoder-frame-drop-count"] = "drop-frame-count",
["frame-drop-count"] = "vo-drop-frame-count",
["container-fps"] = "fps",
-- Return deprecated name for the given property
local function compat(p)
while not property_list[p] and property_aliases[p] do
p = property_aliases[p]
return p
local function set_ASS(b)
if not o.use_ass then
return ""
return b and ass_start or ass_stop
local function no_ASS(t)
return set_ASS(false) .. t .. set_ASS(true)
local function b(t)
return o.b1 .. t .. o.b0
local function it(t)
return o.it1 .. t .. o.it0
local function text_style()
if not o.use_ass then
return ""
if o.custom_header and o.custom_header ~= "" then
return set_ASS(true) .. o.custom_header
return format("%s{\\r}{\\an7}{\\fs%d}{\\fn%s}{\\bord%f}{\\3c&H%s&}{\\1c&H%s&}{\\alpha&H%s&}{\\xshad%f}{\\yshad%f}{\\4c&H%s&}",
set_ASS(true), o.font_size, o.font, o.border_size,
o.border_color, o.font_color, o.alpha, o.shadow_x_offset,
o.shadow_y_offset, o.shadow_color)
local function has_vo_window()
return mp.get_property("vo-configured") == "yes"
local function has_video()
local r = mp.get_property("video")
return r and r ~= "no" and r ~= ""
local function has_audio()
local r = mp.get_property("audio")
return r and r ~= "no" and r ~= ""
local function has_ansi()
local is_windows = type(package) == 'table' and type(package.config) == 'string' and package.config:sub(1,1) == '\\'
if is_windows then
return os.getenv("ANSICON")
return true
-- Generate a graph from the given values.
-- Returns an ASS formatted vector drawing as string.
-- values: Array/table of numbers representing the data. Used like a ring buffer
-- it will get iterated backwards `len` times starting at position `i`.
-- i : Index of the latest data value in `values`.
-- len : The length/amount of numbers in `values`.
-- v_max : The maximum number in `values`. It is used to scale all data
-- values to a range of 0 to `v_max`.
-- v_avg : The average number in `values`. It is used to try and center graphs
-- if possible. May be left as nil
-- scale : A value that will be multiplied with all data values.
-- x_tics: Horizontal width multiplier for the steps
local function generate_graph(values, i, len, v_max, v_avg, scale, x_tics)
-- Check if at least one value exists
if not values[i] then
return ""
local x_max = (len - 1) * x_tics
local y_offset = o.border_size
local y_max = o.font_size * 0.66
local x = 0
-- try and center the graph if possible, but avoid going above `scale`
if v_avg then
scale = min(scale, v_max / (2 * v_avg))
local s = {format("m 0 0 n %f %f l ", x, y_max - (y_max * values[i] / v_max * scale))}
i = ((i - 2) % len) + 1
for p = 1, len - 1 do
if values[i] then
x = x - x_tics
s[#s+1] = format("%f %f ", x, y_max - (y_max * values[i] / v_max * scale))
i = ((i - 2) % len) + 1
s[#s+1] = format("%f %f %f %f", x, y_max, 0, y_max)
local bg_box = format("{\\bord0.5}{\\3c&H%s&}{\\1c&H%s&}m 0 %f l %f %f %f 0 0 0",
o.plot_bg_border_color, o.plot_bg_color, y_max, x_max, y_max, x_max)
return format("%s{\\r}{\\pbo%f}{\\shad0}{\\alpha&H00}{\\p1}%s{\\p0}{\\bord0}{\\1c&H%s}{\\p1}%s{\\p0}%s",
o.prefix_sep, y_offset, bg_box, o.plot_color, table.concat(s), text_style())
-- Format and append a property.
-- A property whose value is either `nil` or empty (hereafter called "invalid")
-- is skipped and not appended.
-- Returns `false` in case nothing was appended, otherwise `true`.
-- s : Table containing strings.
-- prop : The property to query and format (based on its OSD representation).
-- attr : Optional table to overwrite certain (formatting) attributes for
-- this property.
-- exclude: Optional table containing keys which are considered invalid values
-- for this property. Specifying this will replace empty string as
-- default invalid value (nil is always invalid).
local function append_property(s, prop, attr, excluded)
excluded = excluded or {[""] = true}
local ret = mp.get_property_osd(prop)
if not ret or excluded[ret] then
if o.debug then
print("No value for property: " .. prop)
return false
attr.prefix_sep = attr.prefix_sep or o.prefix_sep
attr.indent = attr.indent or o.indent = or
attr.suffix = attr.suffix or ""
attr.prefix = attr.prefix or ""
attr.no_prefix_markup = attr.no_prefix_markup or false
attr.prefix = attr.no_prefix_markup and attr.prefix or b(attr.prefix)
ret = attr.no_value and "" or ret
s[#s+1] = format("%s%s%s%s%s%s",, attr.indent,
attr.prefix, attr.prefix_sep, no_ASS(ret), attr.suffix)
return true
local function append_perfdata(s, dedicated_page)
local vo_p = mp.get_property_native("vo-passes")
if not vo_p then
local ds = mp.get_property_bool("display-sync-active", false)
local target_fps = ds and mp.get_property_number("display-fps", 0)
or mp.get_property_number(compat("container-fps"), 0)
if target_fps > 0 then target_fps = 1 / target_fps * 1e9 end
-- Sums of all last/avg/peak values
local last_s, avg_s, peak_s = {}, {}, {}
for frame, data in pairs(vo_p) do
last_s[frame], avg_s[frame], peak_s[frame] = 0, 0, 0
for _, pass in ipairs(data) do
last_s[frame] = last_s[frame] + pass["last"]
avg_s[frame] = avg_s[frame] + pass["avg"]
peak_s[frame] = peak_s[frame] + pass["peak"]
-- Pretty print measured time
local function pp(i)
-- rescale to microseconds for a saner display
return format("%05d", i / 1000)
-- Format n/m with a font weight based on the ratio
local function p(n, m)
local i = 0
if m > 0 then
i = tonumber(n) / m
-- Calculate font weight. 100 is minimum, 400 is normal, 700 bold, 900 is max
local w = (700 * math.sqrt(i)) + 200
return format("{\\b%d}%02d%%{\\b0}", w, i * 100)
s[#s+1] = format("%s%s%s%s{\\fs%s}%s{\\fs%s}", dedicated_page and "" or, dedicated_page and "" or o.indent,
b("Frame Timings:"), o.prefix_sep, o.font_size * 0.66,
"(last/average/peak μs)", o.font_size)
for frame, data in pairs(vo_p) do
local f = "%s%s%s{\\fn%s}%s / %s / %s %s%s{\\fn%s}%s%s%s"
if dedicated_page then
s[#s+1] = format("%s%s%s:",, o.indent,
b(frame:gsub("^%l", string.upper)))
for _, pass in ipairs(data) do
s[#s+1] = format(f,, o.indent, o.indent,
o.font_mono, pp(pass["last"]),
pp(pass["avg"]), pp(pass["peak"]),
o.prefix_sep .. o.prefix_sep, p(pass["last"], last_s[frame]),
o.font, o.prefix_sep, o.prefix_sep, pass["desc"])
if o.plot_perfdata and o.use_ass then
s[#s+1] = generate_graph(pass["samples"], pass["count"],
pass["count"], pass["peak"],
pass["avg"], 0.9, 0.25)
-- Print sum of timing values as "Total"
s[#s+1] = format(f,, o.indent, o.indent,
o.font_mono, pp(last_s[frame]),
pp(avg_s[frame]), pp(peak_s[frame]), "", "", o.font,
o.prefix_sep, o.prefix_sep, b("Total"))
-- for the simplified view, we just print the sum of each pass
s[#s+1] = format(f,, o.indent, o.indent, o.font_mono,
pp(last_s[frame]), pp(avg_s[frame]), pp(peak_s[frame]),
"", "", o.font, o.prefix_sep, o.prefix_sep,
frame:gsub("^%l", string.upper))
local function append_display_sync(s)
if not mp.get_property_bool("display-sync-active", false) then
local vspeed = append_property(s, "video-speed-correction", {prefix="DS:"})
if vspeed then
append_property(s, "audio-speed-correction",
{prefix="/", nl="", indent=" ", prefix_sep=" ", no_prefix_markup=true})
append_property(s, "audio-speed-correction",
{prefix="DS:" .. o.prefix_sep .. " - / ", prefix_sep=""})
append_property(s, "mistimed-frame-count", {prefix="Mistimed:", nl=""})
append_property(s, "vo-delayed-frame-count", {prefix="Delayed:", nl=""})
-- As we need to plot some graphs we print jitter and ratio on their own lines
if toggle_timer:is_enabled() and (o.plot_vsync_ratio or o.plot_vsync_jitter) and o.use_ass then
local ratio_graph = ""
local jitter_graph = ""
if o.plot_vsync_ratio then
ratio_graph = generate_graph(vsratio_buf, vsratio_buf.pos, vsratio_buf.len, vsratio_buf.max, nil, 0.8, 1)
if o.plot_vsync_jitter then
jitter_graph = generate_graph(vsjitter_buf, vsjitter_buf.pos, vsjitter_buf.len, vsjitter_buf.max, nil, 0.8, 1)
append_property(s, "vsync-ratio", {prefix="VSync Ratio:", suffix=o.prefix_sep .. ratio_graph})
append_property(s, "vsync-jitter", {prefix="VSync Jitter:", suffix=o.prefix_sep .. jitter_graph})
-- Since no graph is needed we can print ratio/jitter on the same line and save some space
local vratio = append_property(s, "vsync-ratio", {prefix="VSync Ratio:"})
append_property(s, "vsync-jitter", {prefix="VSync Jitter:", nl="" or})
local function append_filters(s, prop, prefix)
local length = 0
local filters = {}
for _,f in ipairs(mp.get_property_native(prop, {})) do
local n =
if f.enabled ~= nil and not f.enabled then
n = n .. " (disabled)"
local p = {}
for key,value in pairs(f.params) do
p[#p+1] = key .. "=" .. value
if #p > 0 then
p = " [" .. table.concat(p, " ") .. "]"
p = ""
length = length + n:len() + p:len()
filters[#filters+1] = no_ASS(n) .. it(no_ASS(p))
if #filters > 0 then
local ret
if length < o.filter_params_max_length then
ret = table.concat(filters, ", ")
local sep = .. o.indent .. o.indent
ret = sep .. table.concat(filters, sep)
s[#s+1] = .. o.indent .. b(prefix) .. o.prefix_sep .. ret
local function add_header(s)
s[#s+1] = text_style()
local function add_file(s)
append_property(s, "filename", {prefix="File:", nl="", indent=""})
if not (mp.get_property_osd("filename") == mp.get_property_osd("media-title")) then
append_property(s, "media-title", {prefix="Title:"})
local ch_index = mp.get_property_number("chapter")
if ch_index and ch_index >= 0 then
append_property(s, "chapter-list/" .. tostring(ch_index) .. "/title", {prefix="Chapter:"})
append_property(s, "chapter-list/count",
{prefix="(" .. tostring(ch_index + 1) .. "/", suffix=")", nl="",
indent=" ", prefix_sep=" ", no_prefix_markup=true})
if append_property(s, "cache-used", {prefix="Cache:"}) then
append_property(s, "demuxer-cache-duration",
{prefix="+", suffix=" sec", nl="", indent=o.prefix_sep,
prefix_sep="", no_prefix_markup=true})
append_property(s, "cache-speed",
{prefix="", suffix="", nl="", indent=o.prefix_sep,
prefix_sep="", no_prefix_markup=true})
local function add_video(s)
if not has_video() then
if append_property(s, "video-codec", { .. .. "Video:", nl="", indent=""}) then
append_property(s, "hwdec-current",
{prefix="(hwdec:", nl="", indent=" ",
no_prefix_markup=true, suffix=")"},
{no=true, [""]=true})
append_property(s, "avsync", {prefix="A-V:"})
if append_property(s, compat("decoder-frame-drop-count"), {prefix="Dropped Frames:", suffix=" (decoder)"}) then
append_property(s, compat("frame-drop-count"), {suffix=" (output)", nl="", indent=""})
if append_property(s, "display-fps", {prefix="Display FPS:", suffix=" (specified)"}) then
append_property(s, "estimated-display-fps",
{suffix=" (estimated)", nl="", indent=""})
append_property(s, "estimated-display-fps",
{prefix="Display FPS:", suffix=" (estimated)"})
if append_property(s, compat("container-fps"), {prefix="FPS:", suffix=" (specified)"}) then
append_property(s, "estimated-vf-fps",
{suffix=" (estimated)", nl="", indent=""})
append_property(s, "estimated-vf-fps",
{prefix="FPS:", suffix=" (estimated)"})
append_perfdata(s, o.print_perfdata_passes)
if append_property(s, "video-params/w", {prefix="Native Resolution:"}) then
append_property(s, "video-params/h",
{prefix="x", nl="", indent=" ", prefix_sep=" ", no_prefix_markup=true})
append_property(s, "window-scale", {prefix="Window Scale:"})
append_property(s, "video-params/aspect", {prefix="Aspect Ratio:"})
append_property(s, "video-params/pixelformat", {prefix="Pixel Format:"})
-- Group these together to save vertical space
local prim = append_property(s, "video-params/primaries", {prefix="Primaries:"})
local cmat = append_property(s, "video-params/colormatrix",
{prefix="Colormatrix:", nl=prim and "" or})
append_property(s, "video-params/colorlevels", {prefix="Levels:", nl=cmat and "" or})
-- Append HDR metadata conditionally (only when present and interesting)
local hdrpeak = mp.get_property_number("video-params/sig-peak", 0)
local hdrinfo = ""
if hdrpeak > 1 then
hdrinfo = " (HDR peak: " .. hdrpeak .. ")"
append_property(s, "video-params/gamma", {prefix="Gamma:", suffix=hdrinfo})
append_property(s, "packet-video-bitrate", {prefix="Bitrate:", suffix=" kbps"})
append_filters(s, "vf", "Filters:")
local function add_audio(s)
if not has_audio() then
append_property(s, "audio-codec", { .. .. "Audio:", nl="", indent=""})
append_property(s, "audio-params/samplerate", {prefix="Sample Rate:", suffix=" Hz"})
append_property(s, "audio-params/channel-count", {prefix="Channels:"})
append_property(s, "packet-audio-bitrate", {prefix="Bitrate:", suffix=" kbps"})
append_filters(s, "af", "Filters:")
-- Determine whether ASS formatting shall/can be used
local function eval_ass_formatting()
o.use_ass = o.ass_formatting and has_vo_window()
if o.use_ass then = o.ass_nl
o.indent = o.ass_indent
o.prefix_sep = o.ass_prefix_sep
o.b1 = o.ass_b1
o.b0 = o.ass_b0
o.it1 = o.ass_it1
o.it0 = o.ass_it0
else = o.no_ass_nl
o.indent = o.no_ass_indent
o.prefix_sep = o.no_ass_prefix_sep
if not has_ansi() then
o.b1 = ""
o.b0 = ""
o.it1 = ""
o.it0 = ""
o.b1 = o.no_ass_b1
o.b0 = o.no_ass_b0
o.it1 = o.no_ass_it1
o.it0 = o.no_ass_it0
-- Returns an ASS string with "normal" stats
local function default_stats()
local stats = {}
return table.concat(stats)
-- Returns an ASS string with extended VO stats
local function vo_stats()
local stats = {}
append_perfdata(stats, true)
return table.concat(stats)
-- Returns an ASS string with stats about filters/profiles/shaders
local function filter_stats()
return "coming soon"
-- Call the function for `page` and print it to OSD
local function print_page(page, duration)
mp.osd_message(pages[page].f(), duration or o.duration)
-- Add keybindings for every page
local function add_page_bindings()
local function a(k)
return function()
-- In single invocation case we need to reset the timer because
-- stats are printed again for o.duration
if not toggle_timer:is_enabled() then
curr_page = k
print_page(k, toggle_timer:is_enabled() and o.redraw_delay + 1 or nil)
for k, _ in pairs(pages) do
mp.add_forced_key_binding(k, k, a(k), {repeatable=true})
local function remove_page_bindings()
for k, _ in pairs(pages) do
-- Returns a function to record vsratio/jitter with the specified `skip` value
local function record_data(skip)
skip = max(skip, 0)
local i = skip
return function()
if i < skip then
i = i + 1
i = 0
if o.plot_vsync_jitter then
local r = mp.get_property_number("vsync-jitter", nil)
if r then
vsjitter_buf.pos = (vsjitter_buf.pos % vsjitter_buf.len) + 1
vsjitter_buf[vsjitter_buf.pos] = r
vsjitter_buf.max = max(vsjitter_buf.max, r)
if o.plot_vsync_ratio then
local r = mp.get_property_number("vsync-ratio", nil)
if r then
vsratio_buf.pos = (vsratio_buf.pos % vsratio_buf.len) + 1
vsratio_buf[vsratio_buf.pos] = r
vsratio_buf.max = max(vsratio_buf.max, r)
local function toggle_stats()
-- Disable
if toggle_timer:is_enabled() then
if recorder then
recorder = nil
mp.osd_message("", 0) -- clear the screen
-- Enable
if o.plot_vsync_jitter or o.plot_vsync_ratio then
recorder = record_data(o.skip_frames)
mp.register_event("tick", recorder)
print_page(curr_page, o.redraw_delay + 1)
local function oneshot_stats(page)
-- Ignore single invocations while stats are toggled
if toggle_timer:is_enabled() then
print_page(page or curr_page)
-- Current page and <page key>:<page function> mapping
curr_page = o.key_page_1
pages = {
[o.key_page_1] = { f = default_stats, desc = "Default" },
[o.key_page_2] = { f = vo_stats, desc = "Extended Frame Timings" },
[o.key_page_3] = { f = filter_stats, desc = "Dummy" },
-- Create timer used for toggling, pause it immediately
toggle_timer = mp.add_periodic_timer(o.redraw_delay, function() print_page(curr_page, o.redraw_delay + 1) end)
-- Create timer used to remove forced key bindings, only in the "single invocation" case
binding_timer = mp.add_periodic_timer(o.duration,
if not toggle_timer:is_enabled() then
binding_timer.oneshot = true
-- Single invocation key binding
mp.add_key_binding(o.key_oneshot, "display-stats", oneshot_stats, {repeatable=true})
-- Single invocation bindings without key, can be used in input.conf to create
-- bindings for a specific page: "e script-binding stats/display-page-2"
for k, _ in pairs(pages) do
mp.add_key_binding(nil, "display-page-" .. k, function() oneshot_stats(k) end, {repeatable=true})
-- Toggling key binding
mp.add_key_binding(o.key_toggle, "display-stats-toggle", toggle_stats, {repeatable=false})
-- Reprint stats immediately when VO was reconfigured, only when toggled
if toggle_timer:is_enabled() then
print_page(curr_page, o.redraw_delay + 1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
terminal = alacritty
gui_if_available = False

.config/ranger/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
# This is a sample You can add your own commands here.
# Please refer to for all the default commands and a complete
# documentation. Do NOT add them all here, or you may end up with defunct
# commands when upgrading ranger.
# You always need to import ranger.api.commands here to get the Command class:
from ranger.api.commands import *
# A simple command for demonstration purposes follows.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You can import any python module as needed.
import os
# Any class that is a subclass of "Command" will be integrated into ranger as a
# command. Try typing ":my_edit<ENTER>" in ranger!
class my_edit(Command):
# The so-called doc-string of the class will be visible in the built-in
# help that is accessible by typing "?c" inside ranger.
""":my_edit <filename>
A sample command for demonstration purposes that opens a file in an editor.
# The execute method is called when you run this command in ranger.
def execute(self):
# self.arg(1) is the first (space-separated) argument to the function.
# This way you can write ":my_edit somefilename<ENTER>".
if self.arg(1):
# contains self.arg(1) and everything that follows
target_filename =
# is a ranger.core.filemanager.FileManager object and gives
# you access to internals of ranger.
# is a ranger.container.file.File object and is a
# reference to the currently selected file.
target_filename =
# This is a generic function to print text in ranger."Let's edit the file " + target_filename + "!")
# Using bad=True in fm.notify allows you to print error messages:
if not os.path.exists(target_filename):"The given file does not exist!", bad=True)
# This executes a function from ranger.core.acitons, a module with a
# variety of subroutines that can help you construct commands.
# Check out the source, or run "pydoc ranger.core.actions" for a list.
# The tab method is called when you press tab, and should return a list of
# suggestions that the user will tab through.
# tabnum is 1 for <TAB> and -1 for <S-TAB> by default
def tab(self, tabnum):
# This is a generic tab-completion function that iterates through the
# content of the current directory.
return self._tab_directory_content()
class mkcd(Command):
:mkcd <dirname>
Creates a directory with the name <dirname> and enters it.
def execute(self):
from os.path import join, expanduser, lexists
from os import makedirs
import re
dirname = join(, expanduser(
if not lexists(dirname):
match ='^/|^~[^/]*/', dirname)
if match:
dirname = dirname[match.end(0):]
for m in re.finditer('[^/]+', dirname):
s =
if s == '..' or (s.startswith('.') and not['show_hidden']):
## We force ranger to load content before calling `scout`.'scout -ae ^{}$'.format(s))
else:"file/directory exists!", bad=True)
def get_id3tag_cmd(path, key, val):
from ranger.ext.shell_escape import shell_quote
return 'id3tag --%s=%s %s' % (key, shell_quote(val), shell_quote(path))
class id3tag_song(Command):
:id3tag_song <title>
Set current file id3 song tag to <title>
def execute(self):, 'song',
class id3tag_artist(Command):
:id3tag_artist <artist>
Set current file id3 artist tag to <artist>
def execute(self):, 'artist',
class fzf_select(Command):
Find a file using fzf.
With a prefix argument select only directories.
def execute(self):
import subprocess
if self.quantifier:
# match only directories
command="find -L . \( -path '*/\.*' -o -fstype 'dev' -o -fstype 'proc' \) -prune \
-o -type d -print 2> /dev/null | sed 1d | cut -b3- | fzf +m"
# match files and directories
command="find -L . \( -path '*/\.*' -o -fstype 'dev' -o -fstype 'proc' \) -prune \
-o -print 2> /dev/null | sed 1d | cut -b3- | fzf +m"
fzf =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = fzf.communicate()
if fzf.returncode == 0:
fzf_file = os.path.abspath(stdout.decode('utf-8').rstrip('\n'))
if os.path.isdir(fzf_file):
class fzf_locate(Command):
Find a file using fzf
def execute(self):
import subprocess
if self.quantifier:
command="locate home media | fzf -e -i"
command="locate home media | fzf -e -i"
fzf =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = fzf.communicate()
if fzf.returncode == 0:
fzf_file = os.path.abspath(stdout.decode('utf-8').rstrip('\n'))
if os.path.isdir(fzf_file):

.config/ranger/rc.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
# ===================================================================
# This file contains the default startup commands for ranger.
# To change them, it is recommended to create the file
# ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf and add your custom commands there.
# If you copy this whole file there, you may want to set the environment
# variable RANGER_LOAD_DEFAULT_RC to FALSE to avoid loading it twice.
# The purpose of this file is mainly to define keybindings and settings.
# For running more complex python code, please create a plugin in "plugins/" or
# a command in "".
# Each line is a command that will be run before the user interface
# is initialized. As a result, you can not use commands which rely
# on the UI such as :delete or :mark.
# ===================================================================
# ===================================================================
# == Options
# ===================================================================
# Which viewmode should be used? Possible values are:
# miller: Use miller columns which show multiple levels of the hierarchy
# multipane: Midnight-commander like multipane view showing all tabs next
# to each other
set viewmode miller
#set viewmode multipane
# How many columns are there, and what are their relative widths?
set column_ratios 1,3,3
# Which files should be hidden? (regular expression)
set hidden_filter ^\.|\.(?:pyc|pyo|bak|swp)$|^lost\+found$|^__(py)?cache__$
# Show hidden files? You can toggle this by typing 'zh'
set show_hidden false
# Ask for a confirmation when running the "delete" command?
# Valid values are "always", "never", "multiple" (default)
# With "multiple", ranger will ask only if you delete multiple files at once.
set confirm_on_delete always
# Which script is used to generate file previews?
# ranger ships with, a script that calls external programs (see
# for dependencies) to preview images, archives, etc.
set preview_script ~/.config/ranger/
# Use the external preview script or display simple plain text or image previews?
set use_preview_script true
# Automatically count files in the directory, even before entering them?
set automatically_count_files false
# Open all images in this directory when running certain image viewers
# like feh or sxiv? You can still open selected files by marking them.
set open_all_images true
# Be aware of version control systems and display information.
set vcs_aware true
# State of the three backends git, hg, bzr. The possible states are
# disabled, local (only show local info), enabled (show local and remote
# information).
set vcs_backend_git enabled
set vcs_backend_hg disabled
set vcs_backend_bzr disabled
# Use one of the supported image preview protocols
set preview_images true
# Set the preview image method. Supported methods:
# * w3m (default):
# Preview images in full color with the external command "w3mimgpreview"?
# This requires the console web browser "w3m" and a supported terminal.
# It has been successfully tested with "xterm" and "urxvt" without tmux.
# * iterm2:
# Preview images in full color using iTerm2 image previews
# ( This requires using iTerm2 compiled
# with image preview support.
# * urxvt:
# Preview images in full color using urxvt image backgrounds. This
# requires using urxvt compiled with pixbuf support.
# * urxvt-full:
# The same as urxvt but utilizing not only the preview pane but the
# whole terminal window.
set preview_images_method w3m
# Use a unicode "..." character to mark cut-off filenames?
set unicode_ellipsis false
# Show dotfiles in the bookmark preview box?
set show_hidden_bookmarks true
# Which colorscheme to use? These colorschemes are available by default:
# default, jungle, snow, solarized
set colorscheme default
# Preview files on the rightmost column?
# And collapse (shrink) the last column if there is nothing to preview?
set preview_files true
set preview_directories true
set collapse_preview true
# Save the console history on exit?
set save_console_history false
# Draw the status bar on top of the browser window (default: bottom)
set status_bar_on_top true
# Draw a progress bar in the status bar which displays the average state of all
# currently running tasks which support progress bars?
set draw_progress_bar_in_status_bar true
# Draw borders around columns?
set draw_borders true
# Display the directory name in tabs?
set dirname_in_tabs false
# Enable the mouse support?
set mouse_enabled true
# Display the file size in the main column or status bar?
set display_size_in_main_column false
set display_size_in_status_bar true
# Display files tags in all columns or only in main column?
set display_tags_in_all_columns true
# Set a title for the window?
set update_title true
# Set the title to "ranger" in the tmux program?
set update_tmux_title true
# Shorten the title if it gets long? The number defines how many
# directories are displayed at once, 0 turns off this feature.
set shorten_title 3
# Abbreviate $HOME with ~ in the titlebar (first line) of ranger?
set tilde_in_titlebar true
# How many directory-changes or console-commands should be kept in history?
set max_history_size 20
set max_console_history_size 50
# Try to keep so much space between the top/bottom border when scrolling:
set scroll_offset 8
# Flush the input after each key hit? (Noticeable when ranger lags)
set flushinput true
# Padding on the right when there's no preview?
# This allows you to click into the space to run the file.
set padding_right true
# Save bookmarks (used with mX and `X) instantly?
# This helps to synchronize bookmarks between multiple ranger
# instances but leads to *slight* performance loss.
# When false, bookmarks are saved when ranger is exited.
set autosave_bookmarks true
# You can display the "real" cumulative size of directories by using the
# command :get_cumulative_size or typing "dc". The size is expensive to
# calculate and will not be updated automatically. You can choose
# to update it automatically though by turning on this option:
set autoupdate_cumulative_size false
# Turning this on makes sense for screen readers:
set show_cursor false
# One of: size, natural, basename, atime, ctime, mtime, type, random
set sort natural
# Additional sorting options
set sort_reverse false
set sort_case_insensitive false
set sort_directories_first true
set sort_unicode false
# Enable this if key combinations with the Alt Key don't work for you.
# (Especially on xterm)
set xterm_alt_key false
# Whether to include bookmarks in cd command
set cd_bookmarks true
# Avoid previewing files larger than this size, in bytes. Use a value of 0 to
# disable this feature.
set preview_max_size 0
# Add the highlighted file to the path in the titlebar
set show_selection_in_titlebar true
# The delay that ranger idly waits for user input, in milliseconds, with a
# resolution of 100ms. Lower delay reduces lag between directory updates but
# increases CPU load.
set idle_delay 2000
# When the metadata manager module looks for metadata, should it only look for
# a ".metadata.json" file in the current directory, or do a deep search and
# check all directories above the current one as well?
set metadata_deep_search false
# Clear all existing filters when leaving a directory
set clear_filters_on_dir_change false
# Disable displaying line numbers in main column
set line_numbers false
# ===================================================================
# == Local Options
# ===================================================================
# You can set local options that only affect a single directory.
# Examples:
# setlocal path=~/downloads sort mtime
# ===================================================================
# == Command Aliases in the Console
# ===================================================================
alias e edit
alias q quit
alias q! quitall
alias qa quitall
alias qall quitall
alias setl setlocal
alias filter scout -prt
alias find scout -aeit
alias mark scout -mr
alias unmark scout -Mr
alias search scout -rs
alias search_inc scout -rts
alias travel scout -aefiklst
# ===================================================================
# == Define keys for the browser
# ===================================================================
# Basic
map Q quit!
map q quit
copymap q ZZ ZQ
map R reload_cwd
map <C-r> reset
map <C-l> redraw_window
map <C-c> abort
map <esc> change_mode normal
map ~ set viewmode!
map i display_file
map ? help
map W display_log
map w taskview_open
map S shell $SHELL
map : console
map ; console
map ! console shell%space
map @ console -p6 shell %%s
map # console shell -p%space
map s console shell%space
map r chain draw_possible_programs; console open_with%%space
map f console find%space
map cd console cd%space
# Change the line mode
map Mf linemode filename
map Mi linemode fileinfo
map Mm linemode mtime
map Mp linemode permissions
map Ms linemode sizemtime
map Mt linemode metatitle
# Tagging / Marking
map t tag_toggle
map ut tag_remove
map "<any> tag_toggle tag=%any
map <Space> mark_files toggle=True
map v mark_files all=True toggle=True
map uv mark_files all=True val=False
map V toggle_visual_mode
map uV toggle_visual_mode reverse=True
# For the nostalgics: Midnight Commander bindings
map <F1> help
map <F3> display_file
map <F4> edit
map <F5> copy
map <F6> cut
map <F7> console mkdir%space
map <F8> console delete
map <F10> exit
# In case you work on a keyboard with dvorak layout
map <UP> move up=1
map <DOWN> move down=1
map <LEFT> move left=1
map <RIGHT> move right=1
map <HOME> move to=0
map <END> move to=-1
map <PAGEDOWN> move down=1 pages=True
map <PAGEUP> move up=1 pages=True
map <CR> move right=1
#map <DELETE> console delete
map <INSERT> console touch%space
# VIM-like
copymap <UP> k
copymap <DOWN> j
copymap <LEFT> h
copymap <RIGHT> l
copymap <HOME> gg
copymap <END> G
copymap <PAGEDOWN> <C-F>
copymap <PAGEUP> <C-B>
map J move down=0.5 pages=True
map K move up=0.5 pages=True
copymap J <C-D>
copymap K <C-U>
# Jumping around
map H history_go -1
map L history_go 1
map ] move_parent 1
map [ move_parent -1
map } traverse
map gh cd ~
map ge cd /etc
map gu cd /usr
map gd cd /dev
map gl cd -r .
map gL cd -r %f
map go cd /opt
map gv cd /var
map gm cd /media
map gM cd /mnt
map gs cd /srv
map gr cd /
map gR eval
map g/ cd /
map g? cd /usr/share/doc/ranger
# External Programs
map E edit
map du shell -p du --max-depth=1 -h --apparent-size
map dU shell -p du --max-depth=1 -h --apparent-size | sort -rh
map yp shell -f echo -n %d/%f | xsel -i; xsel -o | xsel -i -b
map yd shell -f echo -n %d | xsel -i; xsel -o | xsel -i -b
map yn shell -f echo -n %f | xsel -i; xsel -o | xsel -i -b
# Filesystem Operations
map = chmod
map cw console rename%space
map a rename_append
map A eval fm.open_console('rename ' + fm.thisfile.relative_path.replace("%", "%%"))
map I eval fm.open_console('rename ' + fm.thisfile.relative_path.replace("%", "%%"), position=7)
map pp paste
map po paste overwrite=True
map pP paste append=True
map pO paste overwrite=True append=True
map pl paste_symlink relative=False
map pL paste_symlink relative=True
map phl paste_hardlink
map pht paste_hardlinked_subtree
map dD console delete
map dd cut
map ud uncut
map da cut mode=add
map dr cut mode=remove
map dt cut mode=toggle
map yy copy
map uy uncut
map ya copy mode=add
map yr copy mode=remove
map yt copy mode=toggle
# Temporary workarounds
map dgg eval fm.cut(dirarg=dict(to=0), narg=quantifier)
map dG eval fm.cut(dirarg=dict(to=-1), narg=quantifier)
map dj eval fm.cut(dirarg=dict(down=1), narg=quantifier)
map dk eval fm.cut(dirarg=dict(up=1), narg=quantifier)
map ygg eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(to=0), narg=quantifier)
map yG eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(to=-1), narg=quantifier)
map yj eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(down=1), narg=quantifier)
map yk eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(up=1), narg=quantifier)
# Searching
map / console search%space
map n search_next
map N search_next forward=False
map ct search_next order=tag
map cs search_next order=size
map ci search_next order=mimetype
map cc search_next order=ctime
map cm search_next order=mtime
map ca search_next order=atime
# Tabs
map <C-n> tab_new ~
map <C-w> tab_close
map <TAB> tab_move 1
map <S-TAB> tab_move -1
map <A-Right> tab_move 1
map <A-Left> tab_move -1
map gt tab_move 1
map gT tab_move -1
map gn tab_new ~
map gc tab_close
map uq tab_restore
map <a-1> tab_open 1
map <a-2> tab_open 2
map <a-3> tab_open 3
map <a-4> tab_open 4
map <a-5> tab_open 5
map <a-6> tab_open 6
map <a-7> tab_open 7
map <a-8> tab_open 8
map <a-9> tab_open 9
# Sorting
map or set sort_reverse!
map oz set sort=random
map os chain set sort=size; set sort_reverse=False
map ob chain set sort=basename; set sort_reverse=False
map on chain set sort=natural; set sort_reverse=False
map om chain set sort=mtime; set sort_reverse=False
map oc chain set sort=ctime; set sort_reverse=False
map oa chain set sort=atime; set sort_reverse=False
map ot chain set sort=type; set sort_reverse=False
map oe chain set sort=extension; set sort_reverse=False
map oS chain set sort=size; set sort_reverse=True
map oB chain set sort=basename; set sort_reverse=True
map oN chain set sort=natural; set sort_reverse=True
map oM chain set sort=mtime; set sort_reverse=True
map oC chain set sort=ctime; set sort_reverse=True
map oA chain set sort=atime; set sort_reverse=True
map oT chain set sort=type; set sort_reverse=True
map oE chain set sort=extension; set sort_reverse=True
map dc get_cumulative_size
# Settings
map zc set collapse_preview!
map zd set sort_directories_first!
map zh set show_hidden!
map <C-h> set show_hidden!
map zI set flushinput!
map zi set preview_images!
map zm set mouse_enabled!
map zp set preview_files!
map zP set preview_directories!
map zs set sort_case_insensitive!
map zu set autoupdate_cumulative_size!
map zv set use_preview_script!
map zf console filter%space
# Bookmarks
map `<any> enter_bookmark %any
map '<any> enter_bookmark %any
map m<any> set_bookmark %any
map um<any> unset_bookmark %any
map m<bg> draw_bookmarks
copymap m<bg> um<bg> `<bg> '<bg>
# Generate all the chmod bindings with some python help:
eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +u{0} shell -f chmod u+{0} %s".format(arg))
eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +g{0} shell -f chmod g+{0} %s".format(arg))
eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +o{0} shell -f chmod o+{0} %s".format(arg))
eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +a{0} shell -f chmod a+{0} %s".format(arg))
eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +{0} shell -f chmod u+{0} %s".format(arg))
eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -u{0} shell -f chmod u-{0} %s".format(arg))
eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -g{0} shell -f chmod g-{0} %s".format(arg))
eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -o{0} shell -f chmod o-{0} %s".format(arg))
eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -a{0} shell -f chmod a-{0} %s".format(arg))
eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -{0} shell -f chmod u-{0} %s".format(arg))
# ===================================================================
# == Define keys for the console
# ===================================================================
# Note: Unmapped keys are passed directly to the console.
# Basic
cmap <tab> eval
cmap <s-tab> eval
cmap <ESC> eval fm.ui.console.close()
cmap <CR> eval fm.ui.console.execute()
cmap <C-l> redraw_window
copycmap <ESC> <C-c>
copycmap <CR> <C-j>
# Move around
cmap <up> eval fm.ui.console.history_move(-1)
cmap <down> eval fm.ui.console.history_move(1)
cmap <left> eval fm.ui.console.move(left=1)
cmap <right> eval fm.ui.console.move(right=1)
cmap <home> eval fm.ui.console.move(right=0, absolute=True)
cmap <end> eval fm.ui.console.move(right=-1, absolute=True)
cmap <a-left> eval fm.ui.console.move_word(left=1)
cmap <a-right> eval fm.ui.console.move_word(right=1)
# Line Editing
cmap <backspace> eval fm.ui.console.delete(-1)
cmap <delete> eval fm.ui.console.delete(0)
cmap <C-w> eval fm.ui.console.delete_word()
cmap <A-d> eval fm.ui.console.delete_word(backward=False)
cmap <C-k> eval fm.ui.console.delete_rest(1)
cmap <C-u> eval fm.ui.console.delete_rest(-1)
cmap <C-y> eval fm.ui.console.paste()
# And of course the emacs way
copycmap <up> <C-p>
copycmap <down> <C-n>
copycmap <left> <C-b>
copycmap <right> <C-f>
copycmap <home> <C-a>
copycmap <end> <C-e>
copycmap <delete> <C-d>
copycmap <backspace> <C-h>
# Note: There are multiple ways to express backspaces. <backspace> (code 263)
# and <backspace2> (code 127). To be sure, use both.
copycmap <backspace> <backspace2>
# This special expression allows typing in numerals:
cmap <allow_quantifiers> false
# ===================================================================
# == Pager Keybindings
# ===================================================================
# Movement
pmap <down> pager_move down=1
pmap <up> pager_move up=1
pmap <left> pager_move left=4
pmap <right> pager_move right=4
pmap <home> pager_move to=0
pmap <end> pager_move to=-1
pmap <pagedown> pager_move down=1.0 pages=True
pmap <pageup> pager_move up=1.0 pages=True
pmap <C-d> pager_move down=0.5 pages=True
pmap <C-u> pager_move up=0.5 pages=True
copypmap <UP> k <C-p>
copypmap <DOWN> j <C-n> <CR>
copypmap <LEFT> h
copypmap <RIGHT> l
copypmap <HOME> g
copypmap <END> G
copypmap <C-d> d
copypmap <C-u> u
copypmap <PAGEDOWN> n f <C-F> <Space>
copypmap <PAGEUP> p b <C-B>
# Basic
pmap <C-l> redraw_window
pmap <ESC> pager_close
copypmap <ESC> q Q i <F3>
pmap E edit_file
# ===================================================================
# == Taskview Keybindings
# ===================================================================
# Movement
tmap <up> taskview_move up=1
tmap <down> taskview_move down=1
tmap <home> taskview_move to=0
tmap <end> taskview_move to=-1
tmap <pagedown> taskview_move down=1.0 pages=True
tmap <pageup> taskview_move up=1.0 pages=True
tmap <C-d> taskview_move down=0.5 pages=True
tmap <C-u> taskview_move up=0.5 pages=True
copytmap <UP> k <C-p>
copytmap <DOWN> j <C-n> <CR>
copytmap <HOME> g
copytmap <END> G
copytmap <C-u> u
copytmap <PAGEDOWN> n f <C-F> <Space>
copytmap <PAGEUP> p b <C-B>
# Changing priority and deleting tasks
tmap J eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_move(-1)
tmap K eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_move(0)
tmap dd eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_remove()
tmap <pagedown> eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_move(-1)
tmap <pageup> eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_move(0)
tmap <delete> eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_remove()
# Basic
tmap <C-l> redraw_window
tmap <ESC> taskview_close
copytmap <ESC> q Q w <C-c>
# a plugin that adds file glyphs / icon support to Ranger:
default_linemode devicons
map <C-f> fzf_select
map <C-g> fzf_locate
# i3tag
map Is console id3tag_song%space
map Ia console id3tag_artist%space

.config/ranger/rifle.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
# vim: ft=cfg
# This is the configuration file of "rifle", ranger's file executor/opener.
# Each line consists of conditions and a command. For each line the conditions
# are checked and if they are met, the respective command is run.
# Syntax:
# <condition1> , <condition2> , ... = command
# The command can contain these environment variables:
# $1-$9 | The n-th selected file
# $@ | All selected files
# If you use the special command "ask", rifle will ask you what program to run.
# Prefixing a condition with "!" will negate its result.
# These conditions are currently supported:
# match <regexp> | The regexp matches $1
# ext <regexp> | The regexp matches the extension of $1
# mime <regexp> | The regexp matches the mime type of $1
# name <regexp> | The regexp matches the basename of $1
# path <regexp> | The regexp matches the absolute path of $1
# has <program> | The program is installed (i.e. located in $PATH)
# env <variable> | The environment variable "variable" is non-empty
# file | $1 is a file
# directory | $1 is a directory
# number <n> | change the number of this command to n
# terminal | stdin, stderr and stdout are connected to a terminal
# X | $DISPLAY is not empty (i.e. Xorg runs)
# There are also pseudo-conditions which have a "side effect":
# flag <flags> | Change how the program is run. See below.
# label <label> | Assign a label or name to the command so it can
# | be started with :open_with <label> in ranger
# | or `rifle -p <label>` in the standalone executable.
# else | Always true.
# Flags are single characters which slightly transform the command:
# f | Fork the program, make it run in the background.
# | New command = setsid $command >& /dev/null &
# r | Execute the command with root permissions
# | New command = sudo $command
# t | Run the program in a new terminal. If $TERMCMD is not defined,
# | rifle will attempt to extract it from $TERM.
# | New command = $TERMCMD -e $command
# Note: The "New command" serves only as an illustration, the exact
# implementation may differ.
# Note: When using rifle in ranger, there is an additional flag "c" for
# only running the current file even if you have marked multiple files.
# Websites
# Rarely installed browsers get higher priority; It is assumed that if you
# install a rare browser, you probably use it. Firefox/konqueror/w3m on the
# other hand are often only installed as fallback browsers.
ext x?html?, has surf, X, flag f = surf -- file://"$1"
ext x?html?, has vimprobable, X, flag f = vimprobable -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has vimprobable2, X, flag f = vimprobable2 -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has qutebrowser, X, flag f = qutebrowser -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has dwb, X, flag f = dwb -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has jumanji, X, flag f = jumanji -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has luakit, X, flag f = luakit -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has uzbl, X, flag f = uzbl -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has uzbl-tabbed, X, flag f = uzbl-tabbed -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has uzbl-browser, X, flag f = uzbl-browser -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has uzbl-core, X, flag f = uzbl-core -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has midori, X, flag f = midori -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has chromium, X, flag f = chromium -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has opera, X, flag f = opera -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has firefox, X, flag f = firefox -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has seamonkey, X, flag f = seamonkey -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has iceweasel, X, flag f = iceweasel -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has epiphany, X, flag f = epiphany -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has konqueror, X, flag f = konqueror -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has elinks, terminal = elinks "$@"
ext x?html?, has links2, terminal = links2 "$@"
ext x?html?, has links, terminal = links "$@"
ext x?html?, has lynx, terminal = lynx -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has w3m, terminal = w3m "$@"
# Misc
# Define the "editor" for text files as first action
mime ^text, label editor = $EDITOR -- "$@"
mime ^text, label pager = "$PAGER" -- "$@"
!mime ^text, label editor, ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = $EDITOR -- "$@"
!mime ^text, label pager, ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = "$PAGER" -- "$@"
ext 1 = man "$1"
ext s[wmf]c, has zsnes, X = zsnes "$1"
ext s[wmf]c, has snes9x-gtk,X = snes9x-gtk "$1"
ext nes, has fceux, X = fceux "$1"
ext exe = wine "$1"
name ^[mM]akefile$ = make
# Code
ext py = python -- "$1"
ext pl = perl -- "$1"
ext rb = ruby -- "$1"
ext js = node -- "$1"
ext sh = sh -- "$1"
ext php = php -- "$1"
# Java
ext jar, has java, flag f = java "$@"
mine ^audio|video, has mpv, flag f = mpv -- "$@" > /dev/null &
# Audio without X
mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mpv = mpv -- "$@" > /dev/null &
mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mplayer2 = mplayer2 -- "$@"
mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mplayer = mplayer -- "$@"
ext midi?, terminal, has wildmidi = wildmidi -- "$@"
# Video/Audio with a GUI
mime ^video|audio, has gmplayer, X, flag f = gmplayer -- "$@"
mime ^video|audio, has smplayer, X, flag f = smplayer "$@"
mime ^video, has mpv, X, flag f = mpv -- "$@" > /dev/null &
mime ^video, has mpv, X, flag f = mpv --fs -- "$@" > /dev/null &
mime ^video, has mplayer2, X, flag f = mplayer2 -- "$@"
mime ^video, has mplayer2, X, flag f = mplayer2 -fs -- "$@"
mime ^video, has mplayer, X, flag f = mplayer -- "$@"
mime ^video, has mplayer, X, flag f = mplayer -fs -- "$@"
mime ^video|audio, has vlc, X, flag f = vlc -- "$@"
mime ^video|audio, has totem, X, flag f = totem -- "$@"
mime ^video|audio, has totem, X, flag f = totem --fullscreen -- "$@"
# Video without X:
mime ^video, terminal, !X, has mpv = mpv -- "$@" > /dev/null &
mime ^video, terminal, !X, has mplayer2 = mplayer2 -- "$@"
mime ^video, terminal, !X, has mplayer = mplayer -- "$@"
# Documents
ext pdf, has llpp, X, flag f = llpp "$@"
ext pdf, has zathura, X, flag f = zathura -- "$@"
ext pdf, has mupdf, X, flag f = mupdf "$@"
ext pdf, has mupdf-x11,X, flag f = mupdf-x11 "$@"
ext pdf, has apvlv, X, flag f = apvlv -- "$@"
ext pdf, has xpdf, X, flag f = xpdf -- "$@"
ext pdf, has evince, X, flag f = evince -- "$@"
ext pdf, has atril, X, flag f = atril -- "$@"
ext pdf, has okular, X, flag f = okular -- "$@"
ext pdf, has epdfview, X, flag f = epdfview -- "$@"
ext pdf, has qpdfview, X, flag f = qpdfview "$@"
ext docx?, has catdoc, terminal = catdoc -- "$@" | "$PAGER"
ext sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has gnumeric, X, flag f = gnumeric -- "$@"
ext sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has kspread, X, flag f = kspread -- "$@"
ext pptx?|od[dfgpst]|docx?|sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has libreoffice, X, flag f = libreoffice "$@"
ext pptx?|od[dfgpst]|docx?|sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has soffice, X, flag f = soffice "$@"
ext pptx?|od[dfgpst]|docx?|sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has ooffice, X, flag f = ooffice "$@"
ext djvu, has zathura,X, flag f = zathura -- "$@"
ext djvu, has evince, X, flag f = evince -- "$@"
ext djvu, has atril, X, flag f = atril -- "$@"
# Image Viewing:
mime ^image/svg, has inkscape, X, flag f = inkscape -- "$@"
mime ^image/svg, has display, X, flag f = display -- "$@"
mime ^image, has pqiv, X, flag f = pqiv -- "$@"
mime ^image, has sxiv, X, flag f = sxiv -- "$@"
mime ^image, has feh, X, flag f = feh -. -- "$@"
mime ^image, has mirage, X, flag f = mirage -- "$@"
mime ^image, has ristretto, X, flag f = ristretto "$@"
mime ^image, has eog, X, flag f = eog -- "$@"
mime ^image, has eom, X, flag f = eom -- "$@"
mime ^image, has gimp, X, flag f = gimp -- "$@"
ext xcf, X, flag f = gimp -- "$@"
# Archives
# avoid password prompt by providing empty password
ext 7z, has 7z = 7z -p l "$@" | "$PAGER"
# This requires atool
ext ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz, has als = als -- "$@" | "$PAGER"
ext iso|jar|msi|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has als = als -- "$@" | "$PAGER"
ext 7z|ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz, has aunpack = aunpack -- "$@"
ext iso|jar|msi|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has aunpack = aunpack -- "$@"
# Fallback:
ext tar|gz, has tar = tar vvtf "$@" | "$PAGER"
ext tar|gz, has tar = tar vvxf "$@"
# Misc
label wallpaper, number 11, mime ^image, has feh, X = feh --bg-scale "$1"
label wallpaper, number 12, mime ^image, has feh, X = feh --bg-tile "$1"
label wallpaper, number 13, mime ^image, has feh, X = feh --bg-center "$1"
label wallpaper, number 14, mime ^image, has feh, X = feh --bg-fill "$1"
# Define the editor for non-text files + pager as last action
!mime ^text, !ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = ask
label editor, !mime ^text, !ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = $EDITOR -- "$@"
label pager, !mime ^text, !ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = "$PAGER" -- "$@"
# The very last action, so that it's never triggered accidentally, is to execute a program:
mime application/x-executable = "$1"

.config/ranger/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# ranger supports enhanced previews. If the option "use_preview_script"
# is set to True and this file exists, this script will be called and its
# output is displayed in ranger. ANSI color codes are supported.
# NOTES: This script is considered a configuration file. If you upgrade
# ranger, it will be left untouched. (You must update it yourself.)
# Also, ranger disables STDIN here, so interactive scripts won't work properly
# Meanings of exit codes:
# code | meaning | action of ranger
# -----+------------+-------------------------------------------
# 0 | success | success. display stdout as preview
# 1 | no preview | failure. display no preview at all
# 2 | plain text | display the plain content of the file
# 3 | fix width | success. Don't reload when width changes
# 4 | fix height | success. Don't reload when height changes
# 5 | fix both | success. Don't ever reload
# 6 | image | success. display the image $cached points to as an image preview
# 7 | image | success. display the file directly as an image
# Meaningful aliases for arguments:
path="$1" # Full path of the selected file
width="$2" # Width of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
height="$3" # Height of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
cached="$4" # Path that should be used to cache image previews
preview_images="$5" # "True" if image previews are enabled, "False" otherwise.
maxln=200 # Stop after $maxln lines. Can be used like ls | head -n $maxln
# Find out something about the file:
mimetype=$(file --mime-type -Lb "$path")
extension=$(/bin/echo "${path##*.}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
# Functions:
# runs a command and saves its output into $output. Useful if you need
# the return value AND want to use the output in a pipe
try() { output=$(eval '"$@"'); }
# writes the output of the previously used "try" command
dump() { /bin/echo "$output"; }
# a common post-processing function used after most commands
trim() { head -n "$maxln"; }
# wraps highlight to treat exit code 141 (killed by SIGPIPE) as success
safepipe() { "$@"; test $? = 0 -o $? = 141; }
# Image previews, if enabled in ranger.
if [ "$preview_images" = "True" ]; then
case "$mimetype" in
# Image previews for SVG files, disabled by default.
### convert "$path" "$cached" && exit 6 || exit 1;;
# Image previews for image files. w3mimgdisplay will be called for all
# image files (unless overriden as above), but might fail for
# unsupported types.
exit 7;;
# Image preview for video, disabled by default.:
### ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$path" -o "$cached" -s 0 && exit 6 || exit 1;;
case "$extension" in
# Archive extensions:
try als "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; }
try acat "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 3; }
try bsdtar -lf "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; }
exit 1;;
# avoid password prompt by providing empty password
try unrar -p- lt "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; } || exit 1;;
# avoid password prompt by providing empty password
try 7z -p l "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; } || exit 1;;
# PDF documents:
try pdftotext -l 10 -nopgbrk -q "$path" - && \
{ dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 0; } || exit 1;;
# BitTorrent Files
try transmission-show "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; } || exit 1;;
# ODT Files
try odt2txt "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; } || exit 1;;
# HTML Pages:
try w3m -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }
try lynx -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }
try elinks -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }
;; # fall back to highlight/cat if the text browsers fail
try java -jar "$path";;
case "$mimetype" in
# Syntax highlight for text files:
text/* | */xml | */json)
if [ "$(tput colors)" -ge 256 ]; then
try safepipe highlight --out-format=${highlight_format} "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; }
try safepipe pygmentize -f ${pygmentize_format} "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; }
exit 2;;
# Ascii-previews of images:
img2txt --gamma=0.6 --width="$width" "$path" && exit 4 || exit 1;;
# Display information about media files:
video/* | audio/*)
exiftool "$path" && exit 5
# Use sed to remove spaces so the output fits into the narrow window
try mediainfo "$path" && { dump | trim | sed 's/ \+:/: /;'; exit 5; } || exit 1;;
exit 1

.config/rofi/config Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
rofi.theme: ~/.config/rofi/my_theme.rasi

.config/rofi/my_theme.rasi Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
* ROFI Color theme
* User: Rasi
* Copyright: Rasmus Steinke
* {
selected-normal-foreground: rgba ( 255, 255, 255, 100 % );
foreground: rgba ( 193, 193, 193, 100 % );
normal-foreground: @foreground;
alternate-normal-background: rgba ( 39, 50, 56, 100 % );
red: rgba ( 220, 50, 47, 100 % );
selected-urgent-foreground: rgba ( 255, 24, 68, 100 % );
blue: rgba ( 38, 139, 210, 100 % );
urgent-foreground: rgba ( 255, 24, 68, 100 % );
alternate-urgent-background: rgba ( 39, 50, 56, 100 % );
active-foreground: rgba ( 128, 203, 196, 100 % );
lightbg: rgba ( 238, 232, 213, 100 % );
selected-active-foreground: rgba ( 128, 203, 196, 100 % );
alternate-active-background: rgba ( 39, 50, 56, 100 % );
background: rgba ( 39, 50, 56, 100 % );
bordercolor: rgba ( 39, 50, 56, 100 % );
alternate-normal-foreground: @foreground;
normal-background: rgba ( 39, 50, 56, 100 % );
lightfg: rgba ( 88, 104, 117, 100 % );
selected-normal-background: rgba ( 57, 66, 73, 100 % );
border-color: @foreground;
spacing: 2;
separatorcolor: rgba ( 30, 37, 41, 100 % );
urgent-background: rgba ( 39, 50, 56, 100 % );
selected-urgent-background: rgba ( 57, 66, 73, 100 % );
alternate-urgent-foreground: @urgent-foreground;
background-color: rgba ( 0, 0, 0, 0 % );
alternate-active-foreground: @active-foreground;
active-background: rgba ( 39, 50, 56, 100 % );
selected-active-background: rgba ( 57, 66, 73, 100 % );
#window {
background-color: @background;
border: 0;
padding: 5;
#mainbox {
border: 0;
padding: 0;
#message {
border: 1px dash 0px 0px ;
border-color: @separatorcolor;
padding: 1px ;
#textbox {
text-color: @foreground;
#listview {
fixed-height: 0;
border: 2px dash 0px 0px ;
border-color: @separatorcolor;
spacing: 2px ;
scrollbar: true;
padding: 2px 0px 0px ;
#element {
border: 0;
padding: 1px ;
#element.normal.normal {
background-color: @normal-background;
text-color: @normal-foreground;
#element.normal.urgent {
background-color: @urgent-background;
text-color: @urgent-foreground;
} {
background-color: @active-background;
text-color: @active-foreground;
#element.selected.normal {
background-color: @selected-normal-background;
text-color: @selected-normal-foreground;
#element.selected.urgent {
background-color: @selected-urgent-background;
text-color: @selected-urgent-foreground;
} {
background-color: @selected-active-background;
text-color: @selected-active-foreground;
#element.alternate.normal {
background-color: @alternate-normal-background;
text-color: @alternate-normal-foreground;
#element.alternate.urgent {
background-color: @alternate-urgent-background;
text-color: @alternate-urgent-foreground;
} {
background-color: @alternate-active-background;
text-color: @alternate-active-foreground;
#scrollbar {
width: 4px ;
border: 0;
handle-width: 8px ;
padding: 0;
#sidebar {
border: 2px dash 0px 0px ;
border-color: @separatorcolor;
#button.selected {
background-color: @selected-normal-background;
text-color: @selected-normal-foreground;
#inputbar {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @normal-foreground;
padding: 1px ;
#case-indicator {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @normal-foreground;
#entry {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @normal-foreground;
#prompt {
spacing: 0;
text-color: @normal-foreground;
#inputbar {
children: [ prompt,textbox-prompt-colon,entry,case-indicator ];
#textbox-prompt-colon {
expand: false;
str: ":";
margin: 0px 0.3em 0em 0em ;
text-color: @normal-foreground;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# trizen configuration file
our $CONFIG = {
ask_for_retry => 1, # bool -- When `makepkg` fails to build a package, offer the option for trying again.
aur_results_last_modified => 1, # bool -- Show the date when the packages were last updated in AUR results.
aur_results_popularity => 1, # bool -- Show the popularity score in AUR results.
aur_results_show_installed => 0, # bool -- Show when a package is installed in AUR results.
aur_results_sort_by => "popularity", # str -- Sort the AUR results by "name", "votes", "popularity" or "date".
aur_results_sort_order => "descending", # str -- Sort the AUR results in "ascending" or "descending" order.
aur_results_votes => 0, # bool -- Show the number of votes in AUR results.
clone_dir => "/tmp/trizen-sheychen", # str -- Absolute path to the directory where to clone and build packages.
color_code_dependencies => 0, # bool -- Display the dependencies of a package in specific colors (green = installed; cyan = in repo; purple = in AUR).
debug => 0, # bool -- Verbose mode.
flip_indices => 0, # bool -- In search+install mode, show the indices of packages in reverse order.
flip_results => 0, # bool -- Show the search results in reverse order.
forcecolors => 0, # bool -- Force output colors even when not writing to STDOUT.
git_clone_depth => 0, # int -- Pass the `--depth int` flag to `git clone`. (0 means no limit)
lwp_env_proxy => 1, # bool -- Use proxy settings defined in `env` (if any).
lwp_show_progress => 0, # bool -- Show the HTTPS requests made by LWP::UserAgent to the AUR servers.
lwp_timeout => 60, # int -- Seconds after which an HTTPS connection is aborted.
makepkg_command => "/usr/bin/makepkg --syncdeps --force --clean", # str -- The `makepkg` command that is used internally in building a package.
movepkg => 0, # bool -- Move built packages in the directory `movepkg_dir`.
movepkg_dir => "/var/cache/pacman/pkg", # str -- Absolute path to the directory where to move built packages (with `movepkg`).
nocolors => 0, # bool -- Disable output colors for `trizen`.
noedit => 0, # bool -- Do not prompt to edit files when installing an AUR package.
noinfo => 0, # bool -- Do not display package information when installing an AUR package.
noinstall => 0, # bool -- Do not install built packages -- builds only.
nopull => 0, # bool -- Do not `git pull` new changes from the AUR git server.
packages_in_stats => 5, # int -- The number of packages to display in `--stats`
pacman_command => "/usr/bin/pacman", # str -- The `pacman` command that is used internally for pacman operations.
pacman_local_dir => "/var/lib/pacman/local", # str -- Absolute path to the pacman's local directory.
pager_mode => 0, # bool -- Show the build files in pager mode using pager.
recompute_deps => 1, # bool -- Recompute the dependencies of a package (after its build files are inspected / edited).
show_build_files_content => 0, # bool -- Show the content of the build files of a package before building it.
show_comments => 0, # int -- Show the `n` most recent AUR comments for a package before building it. (max: 10)
show_diff_only => 0, # bool -- When the build files of a package already exist locally, show the diff only.
show_inexistent => 1, # bool -- Warn about packages that do not exist in AUR, during -Su.
show_ood => 0, # bool -- Warn about out-of-date marked packages, during -Su.
show_unmaintained => 1, # bool -- Warn about unmaintained packages, during -Su.
skipinteg => 0, # bool -- Pass the `--skipinteg` argument to `makepkg`.
split_packages => 1, # bool -- Ask about installing the other parts of a split package.
ssl_verify_hostname => 0, # bool -- Ensure LWP::UserAgent connects to servers that have a valid certificate.
su_command => "/usr/bin/su -c", # str -- Command used when special permissions are required and `use_sudo` is set to 0.
sudo_autorepeat => 0, # bool -- Automatically repeat `sudo -v` in the background after a `sudo` command was first executed.
sudo_autorepeat_at_runtime => 0, # bool -- Execute `sudo -v` when `trizen` is first executed and apply the behavior of `sudo_autorepeat`.
sudo_autorepeat_interval => 180, # int -- Interval, in seconds, after which `sudo -v` is executed in background (with `sudo_autorepeat`).
sudo_command => "/usr/bin/sudo", # str -- Command used when special permissions are required and `use_sudo` is set to 1.
sudo_remove_timestamp => 1, # bool -- Remove the cached sudo credentials before `makepkg` is executed (`sudo --remove-timestamp`).
syntax_highlighting => 1, # bool -- Syntax hightling of the build files, using the `highlight` tool from [community].
syntax_highlighting_cmd => "/usr/bin/highlight -O ansi", # str -- The `highlight` command used in highlighting the syntax of the build files (with `syntax_highlighting`).
use_github_api => 1, # bool -- Check GitHub sources for updates using GitHub's API. (during `--devel --needed`)
use_gitlab_api => 1, # bool -- Check GitLab sources for updates using GitLab's API. (during `--devel --needed`)
use_sudo => 1, # bool -- Use the `sudo` command when special permissions are required.

.tmux.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# Support de la souris
set -g mouse on
# Support vim
unbind C-b
set -g prefix C-a
bind C-a send-prefix
# Status bar all
set -g status-fg colour236
set -g status-bg colour102
# Left
#set -g status-left-fg black
set -g status-left '#I:#W'
# Right
#set -g status-right-fg black
set -g status-right '%a %b %d, %Y %H:%M'
# Display
set -g status off
bind b set -g status off
bind B set -g status on
# Window options color
#set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg black
# R, recharge la configuration
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf
# Window split
bind / split-window -h
bind * split-window -v
unbind '"'
unbind %
# move
bind -n M-Left select-pane -L
bind -n M-Right select-pane -R
bind -n M-Up select-pane -U
bind -n M-Down select-pane -D
# Zoom
bind + \
new-window -d -n tmux-zoom 'clear && echo TMUX ZOOM && read' \;\
swap-pane -s tmux-zoom.0 \;\
select-window -t tmux-zoom
bind - \
last-window \;\
swap-pane -s tmux-zoom.0 \;\
kill-window -t tmux-zoom
# Mouse switch
bind m set -g mouse off
bind M set -g mouse on
# Copy
unbind c
bind v paste-buffer

.vimrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
let iCanHazVundle=1
let vundle_readme=expand('~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/')
if !filereadable(vundle_readme)
echo "Installing Vundle.."
echo ""
silent !mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle
silent !git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
let iCanHazVundle=0
set nocompatible
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/
call vundle#begin()
" let Vundle manage Vundle, required
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
" Plugins
" Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plugin 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plugin 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin'
Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plugin 'majutsushi/tagbar'
Plugin 'scrooloose/syntastic'
" Plugin 'SirVer/ultisnips'
" Plugin 'honza/vim-snippets'
" Plugin 'aperezdc/vim-template'
Plugin 'lilydjwg/colorizer'
" Plugin 'valloric/youcompleteme'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
if iCanHazVundle == 0
echo "Installing Vundles, please ignore key map error messages"
echo ""
call vundle#end()
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
set listchars=eol:$,tab:>-,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:<
map <C-h> :set list!<CR>
map <C-n> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
let g:airline_skip_empty_sections = 1
let g:airline_theme = 'minimalist'

.zshrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
# ~/.zshrc
typeset -a ANTIGEN_CHECK_FILES=($HOME/.zshrc)
source ~/.antigen.zsh
antigen use oh-my-zsh
antigen bundle mkcd
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-completions
antigen apply
autoload -Uz compinit; compinit
hostname_color() {
case $(hostname) in
echo "%{\e[01;34m%}"
echo "%{\e[01;32m%}"
echo "%{\e[01;35m%}"
echo "%{\e[01;31m%}"
echo "%{\e[01;37m%}"
parse_git_branch() {
if git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null | grep -q 'true' ; then
echo -ne " "
RES=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null)
if [[ $(git status --short | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then
RES+="+"$(git status --short | wc -l)
echo $RES
status_color() {
if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
echo "%{\e[01;31m%}"
if [[ $(whoami) == "sheychen" ]] ; then
if [[ $(sudo -n uptime 2>&1|grep "load"|wc -l) -gt 0 ]] ; then
echo "%{\e[01;33m%}"
echo "%{\e[01;32m%}"
echo "%{\e[01;35m%}"
parse_user() {
if [[ ${EUID} != 0 ]] ; then
case "$(whoami)" in
"sheychen") echo "@" ;;
"shu") ;;
*) echo "$(whoami)@" ;;
function spwd {
echo $PWD | sed "s:${HOME}:~:" | sed "s:/\(.\)[^/]*:/\1:g" | sed "s:/[^/]*$:/$(basename "$PWD"):"
setopt promptsubst
PROMPT=$'$(status_color)[$(parse_user)$(hostname_color)%M%{\e[01;37m%} $(spwd)$(parse_git_branch)$(status_color)]%{\e[0m%} '
cl() {
local dir="$1"
local dir="${dir:=$HOME}"
if [[ -d "$dir" ]]; then
cd "$dir" >/dev/null; ls
echo "cl: $dir: Directory not found"
ssh-load() {
local key="$HOME/.ssh/keys/${1}_ed25519"
if [ -f $key ]; then
ssh-add -k $key
echo "$key not found"
mkcd () {
case "$1" in
*/..|*/../) cd -- "$1";; # that doesn't make any sense unless the directory already exists
/*/../*) (cd "${1%/../*}/.." && mkdir -p "./${1##*/../}") && cd -- "$1";;
/*) mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1";;
*/../*) (cd "./${1%/../*}/.." && mkdir -p "./${1##*/../}") && cd "./$1";;
../*) (cd .. && mkdir -p "${1#.}") && cd "$1";;
*) mkdir -p "./$1" && cd "./$1";;
[[ -f ~/.shrc ]] && source ~/.shrc

redshift.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
; Global settings for redshift
; Set the day and night screen temperatures
; Enable/Disable a smooth transition between day and night
; 0 will cause a direct change from day to night screen temperature.
; 1 will gradually increase or decrease the screen temperature.
; Set the screen brightness. Default is 1.0.
; It is also possible to use different settings for day and night
; since version 1.8.
; Set the screen gamma (for all colors, or each color channel
; individually)
; This can also be set individually for day and night since
; version 1.10.
; Set the location-provider: 'geoclue', 'geoclue2', 'manual'
; type 'redshift -l list' to see possible values.
; The location provider settings are in a different section.
; Set the adjustment-method: 'randr', 'vidmode'
; type 'redshift -m list' to see all possible values.
; 'randr' is the preferred method, 'vidmode' is an older API.
; but works in some cases when 'randr' does not.
; The adjustment method settings are in a different section.
; Configuration of the location-provider:
; type 'redshift -l PROVIDER:help' to see the settings.
; ex: 'redshift -l manual:help'
; Keep in mind that longitudes west of Greenwich (e.g. the Americas)
; are negative numbers.
; Configuration of the adjustment-method
; type 'redshift -m METHOD:help' to see the settings.
; ex: 'redshift -m randr:help'
; In this example, randr is configured to adjust screen 1.
; Note that the numbering starts from 0, so this is actually the
; second screen. If this option is not specified, Redshift will try
; to adjust _all_ screens.

screenkey.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"opacity": 0.5, "mods_only": false, "font_desc": "BitstreamVeraSansMono Nerd Font Mono 12", "compr_cnt": 2, "screen": 0, "no_systray": false, "bg_color": "black", "vis_space": true, "position": "bottom", "key_mode": "composed", "vis_shift": false, "mods_mode": "normal", "ignore": [], "font_size": "small", "recent_thr": 0.1, "bak_mode": "normal", "geometry": null, "multiline": false, "timeout": 2.0, "persist": false, "font_color": "white"}